373. Auktion
23.-27. Juni 2020 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (4578) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos (137) Apply From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos filter
- Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg (219) Apply Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg filter
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- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (751) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (146) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
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- Deutschland Nach 1945 (804) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
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- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (3) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
1906, essay for Imperial reply letter card 10k+10k blue (separated), contains two attached letter cards, size of each 174x106mm, one copy of such essay was presented to each participant of the UPU Conference of 1906 in Rome
1906, essay for Imperial reply letter card without value in blue, contains two attached letter cards, size of each 174x106mm, one copy of such essay was presented to each participant of the UPU Conference of 1906 in Rome
1906, Issue 1896 essay for Imperial reply letter card 10 k. +10 k. blue, contains two attached letter cards, size of each 174x106mm, appropriately folded, sample presented to the UPU Conference in Rome, perfect condition, scarce,
1900, complete undivided sheet of six stamped papers for curreny transactions, spectacular watermarks make this ideal for lightbox framing and display, few folds, otherwise fine
ST. PETERSBURG: 1889. Issue for Women 1r. 8k. blue, 2nd class, used, small thin otherwise a very fine and clean copy with well above average perforations
1906, Coat of arms 3k. tied by oval "BLAGOVESCHENSK-STRETINK PAROKHOD 16 7 06" to picture postcard, showing river steam boat, sent to Rig, scarce, fine
1908, Coat of arms 1 and 3k. tied by oval "PAROKHOD OBSCH. R.V.A. 15 6 08" to picture postcard posted "au milieu de la mer du Japon" with Tsuruga transit mark to Strasburg, there re-addressed, some surface faults, scarce
KHARKOV: 1922, cover back with 5k. perforated stamps overprinted "0250" using an enumerator, the franking at 4500rbl. is correct, as can be seen also fromi the comparison cover using onoverprinted 5k. stamps. This overprint is illustrated in Joseph Geyfmans Handbook on page 379 and classed as "doubtful", interesting item
MINSK: 1921, 250r. on 2k. green as block of six with clear cds. "MINSK 10 2 22", few perfs slightly seperated, fine
1920, 25r. on 3k. red, horizontal strip of four tied by cds. "GELENDZHIK 25 9 20" to money transfer for 5000rbl. to Moscow with arrival mark, showing on front red "OPLACHEN" cachet to remove any ambiguity caused by the use of "Trophy" stamps, fine
Provenance: Robert Taylor Collection
"CHIFU 2.9.13", small cds., clear strike on 1913, Romanow 2 k. green on piece; very scarce on the Romanow issue
RUSSIA USED IN SIN-KIANG: "KASHGAR KIT. VLAD. be 17 5. 18", good strikes on 1917, 1 r. imperforated with chalk lines, used on large piece, minor creasing; extremely rare on the 1 r. value
1851, cyrillic cds. "KONSTANTINOPEL 1851 MAY 14" on reverse of long entire letter written in Italian, sent from Constantinople to Odessa showing many disinfection slits, scarce, fine
Kadnikovsksk: 1879, 3 k. green with pen stroke on cover, vertical folds and tiny spots (Gurevich 6)
Irbit Dnepr: 1888, 2 kr. tied by pen stroke to reverse to cover with sender cachet, cover slight toned, otherwise fine
1927 SOLOVKI. A group of 7 unused picture postcards and 3 unuse ones, all produced by ISLON in the Solovki Prison Camp which Alexander Solzhenitsyn called "the mother of the Gulag". The used cards with long messages have cancels of KEM and MURMANSK-LENINGRAD. This is believed to be the only significant holding of Solovki prisoner mail outside Russian archives and is accompanied by a copy of A.Gullotta, "Intellectual Life and Literature at Solovki 1923-1930"
SPERATI: 1865, Isabella II. 1r. Sperati forgery, single print in black on normal paper (34x111mm). Front with many production notes, reverse with inscription "Jean de Sperati Essay", a very interesting piece probably from the estate of Jean de Sperati
1872, 1d. red tied by barred "C61" to printed matter to Copenhagen with cds. "PORTO-RICO PAID" and "PD" alongside, reverse with arrival mark, a beautiful and very rare entire especially sent to Denmark, certificate BPA (2007)
1906, Essay reply envelope 20 ö. with overprint “Specimen”, text and stamps on both sides printed in black, sample presented on the UPU Conference in Rome, fine and rare
1911, Sultan's Journey to Macedonia, the complete set of 124 values, all cto; a fine and rare set (ISFILA 310-433)
1966, CEPT 130k. with error of color light-brown/red, block of 40 with 10 vertical gutter pairs and sheet margin, mint never hinged, very scarce, fine
AUSTRIAN DDSG: Folded envelope from Iskenderun (Alexandrette) to Aleppo tied by all Arabic “L+A An Canib-i Posta Haleb Nemce 1855” (AP No.2, RRR), usual file folds, very fresh; Iskenderun did not have a Lloyd office, so the entire was sealed on arrival; only few covers are recorded, certificate TFDF 1996
1918, 50sch. red as strip of three with additional franking (Katerynoslav overprint) tied by railway cancel "KREMENCHUG VOKSAL 19 12" to reverse of roughly opened registered cover to Rostov on Don, at this perdiod all railway cancels are very scarce, almost unknown
1918, 15k. with Poltava type 1 trident with additional franking tied by cds. "ROMNI" to reverse of cover to Konotop with arrival mark, fine
1918, 1rbl. as strip of three and 7 rbl. single, all with Poltava tridents, tied by cds. "KOROL 17 1 19" to somewhat cut-down receipt for post-office box registration, attractive and very scarce
1919, 1rbl. block of four with cds. "OPOCHKA 2 1 20" on reverse of registered cover addressed wo what looks like a suppy commissariat for the XIth rifles in Luga, no receiver cds. but paper adhering to front that may be related to delivery, only sent one month after or so after the defeat of the North West Army approaching Petrograd through Pskov guberniya, fine
1920, Parcel card endorsed at top in Mss "Krasn . Arm ." [ Red Army ] from POLEVAYAR POCHT STAN LIT 3 , 14 / 16 11 20 to KOSTROMA 10 1 21, charged 105 roubles and originally correctly franked as follows : verso , 10x10 rouble Imperial Arms perforate , used at face value [ one has since fallen off ] and , recto , 5 x 1 kopeck Arms imperforates overprinted Podillia VIIId [ Bulat 1677 ] revalued x 100 and representing a Trophy Use of Ukrainian stamps . These stamps were applied in a crumpled state and then smoothed - hence the misalignment of one of the cancels . In addition, four stamps were added to the franking in Kostroma and pen cancelled; according to Alexander Epstein , they represent the fee for parcel storage from the arrival date until collection on 2 2 21 . An exceptional item, the Trident sub - type on the 1 kopeck is normally only found mint or CTO, in addition a mint block of 25
1918, 1rbl. with Odessa type Vd tridents, pair and horizontal strip of four tied by cds. "DZIGOVKA 21 1 19" to front and reverse of money transfer to Shargorod with arrival mark, fine
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf80 €
Zuschlag80 €
1920, Definitive 20g. blue tied by cds. "RANGOON SORTING 22 MY 35" to small cover with adjacent straight-line "Paquebot", unusual, fine
KHARKOV: 10rbl. as horizontal pair and 7rbl yellow/black, both with Kharkov type 2 overprint, the latter with inverted overprint, used at "KABANE KHARK", some imperfections, scarce
Provenance: ex Schmidt collection (who worked in Kharkiv as an engineer in the 1930s)
KHARVKIV: 1r. perforated and imperforated and 3,50r. imperforated, overprint types 2 and 3 on se-tenant strips of seven, mostly mint never hinged, 1r. imperforated with light horizontal bend, otherwise fine, ex Ron Zelonka (Bulat Nr. 739f, 754d, 1r. perforated not listed)
KYIV: 5 rbl. imperforated with other adhesives on reverse of a Cash on Delivery letter from KIEV 7 11 18 to VINNITSA ZABUSHE 9 11 18. Two correctly used labels on front together with indication of the amount of 225 rubels to be collected . At this period, Cash on Delivery items are very rare and provide one of the few ways in which a high value stamp , like the 5 rub , could be used on a letter rather than a formular card, roughly opened, otherwise fine
KYIV: 4k. red, 20 stamps with scarce overprint type 2ee tied by cds. to front and reverse of money order, another clipped money order with mixed franking also, the first one with punch holes, fine
KYIV: 1918, 7r. black/yellow, four singles with Kyviv 1 overprint, one with typical neat KIEV CTO , the other appears postally used, the other with unlisted variety, inverted overprint, this one showing on reverse handstamp "Aufdruck FALSCH" but cancelled through in pencil with initials of Dr Seichter and regular Dr Seichter guarantee bottom right of reverse, part KIEV cancel, and another stamp with unlisted combination with additional Kyiv 2 Trident ( probably 2b ) , cancel is probably Kiev, signed UPV
KYIV: 3k. imperforated, unused and used block of 25 showing the scarce 5-cliché multiple, each struck five times in blue-violet, fine, signed Pateman in the corner of each block
OVRUCH: 50k. with local trident and additional franking tied by cds. "OVRUCH 7 12 18" to money transfer to Iskorost, delayed but eventually signed for in March 1919, some abrahsion on 50k. and some adhesion to left of card, otherwise fine, scarce
Provenance: Ustinovsky collection