380th Auction

16-17 & 20-25 March 2023 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1736



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

"Franqueado en Santa Ana" clear boxed cancel on folded letter to San Salvador, fine

Lot no.1737



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

"METAPAN" clear strike on cover front to San Vincente, fine

Lot no.1738



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

"S. SALVADOR" boxed cancel with adjacent red "2" (reales) on folded lettersheet to Guatemala, fine

Lot no.1739



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for70 €

"S. Salvador" black straight-line on cover front to St. Vincente, fine

Lot no.1740



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for480 €

"SAN SALVADOR" crowned framed cancel, struck twice on folded letter to Guatemala, very fine and scarce

Lot no.1741



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1851, "MINIST. GRAL. DEL Gobierno Supmo. ESTADA DEL SALV" large oval cachet on folded lettersheet with adjacent "SAN SALVADOR NOVBRE. 29 DE 1851" datestamp and boxed "FRANQUEADO" to Leon, fine

Lot no.1742



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1866, folded letter dated "San Salvador 5 Febr. 1866" with blue "LA LIBERTAD SALVADOR 6 FEBRERO 1866" and red boxed "FRANCO" alongside to New York, charged with "10" upon arrival, cancels partly painted in, otherwise fine

Lot no.1743



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1869, folded letter written in Sonsonate with cds. "ACAJUTLA SALVADOR 21 JULIO 1862" to New York with red boxed "FRANCO" alongside, upon arrival "STEAMSHIP 20" struck, fine

Provenance: 229th Heinrich Köhler-Auction (1980)

Lot no.1744



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

"SAN MIGUEL" crown framed cancel on small hand made envelope to Sonsonate, fine

Lot no.1745



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €

1862, folded letter from "SAN MIGUEL SALVADOR 28 OCTUBRE 1862" with adjacent boxed "FRANCO" to New York, upon arrival black "STEAMSHIP 20" struck, fine

Lot no.1746



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

"SANTA ANA" crown framed cancel on small hand made envelope to Guatemala, fine

Lot no.1747



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

"VINCENTE" black straight-line on small hand-made envelope to Sonsonate, fine

Lot no.1748



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €

WALKER UPRISING: 1856, folded letter written by Francisco Dueñas to Tomas Medina with fancy "ESTADO DEL SALVADOR. MINIST. DE HAY. Y GOBA DEL SUPREMO GOBERNO" with further black "COJUTEOEQUE" and red framed "FRANQUEADO" alongside to Santa Ana. The letter advises that Nicaragua will discharge the entire foreign force and that the Salvadorean army is on the march (complete translation into english enclosed),  small tear at upper left, otherwise fine

Lot no.1749



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €

1877, envelope with dry seal and closure vignette "EL PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA DEL SALVADOR" to Paris, with black three-line "PANAMA 15 FE 1877 TRANSIT" and blue due handstamp "T1-70" alongside, upon arrival charged with "29" decimes, fine and scarce entire

Lot no.1750



Catalogue no.Proofs

Opening300 €
Sold for1.700 €

1867, Vulcano ½-4r. and unissued ¼r. value, American Banknote Co. imperforated Die proofs with top margin showing emended ABN file numbers, fresh and fine, an extremely rare group

Lot no.1751



Catalogue no.2

Opening500 €
Sold for1.600 €

1867, Coat of arms 1r. red, horizontal pair, tied by circular grid to envelope with adjacent cds. "SAN SALVADOR SALVADOR 23 SETIEMBRE 1872" to Paris, black "PANAMA-TRANSIT OC 3 72" and accountancy mark "GB 1F 90c" alongside, minor ageing, a splendid and rare entire, certificate PF (1997)

Provenance: Joseph Hahn (Christie's, Robson Lowe, April 1979)

Lot no.1752



Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for800 €

1867, Coat of arms 1r. red with by dotted diamonds on entire folded letter to Santa Ana, fine, certificate BPA (1987)

Lot no.1753



Catalogue no.3

Opening400 €
Sold for1.150 €

1867, Coat of arms 2r. green tied by dotted diamonds to buff envelope with adjacent cds. "SAN SALVADOR 15 DICIEMBRE 1872" to Paris, black "PANAMA TRANSIT 31 DE 1872" and accountancy mark "FB 1F90c" alongside, upon arrival charged with "30" decimes, a very fine, rare and attractive entire, certificate Scheller (2008)

Lot no.1754



Catalogue no.3

Opening300 €
Sold for950 €

1867, Coat of arms 2r. green tied by dotted diamonds to entire folded letter dated "S Miguel Abr. 4 1871" to the Italian Consul in Guatemala, few perfs added, but an extraordinarily scarce, correctly rated, first issue franking

Lot no.1755



Catalogue no.5

Opening100 €
Sold for1.500 €

1874, Coat of arms with overprint "CONTRA SELLO" ½r. blue, block of four, with black boxed "FRANCO" on cover with adjacent blue "CORREOS del SALVADOR PAQUETES. NOV 24 1875" to Bordeaux, black "PANAMA-TRANSIT DE 4 75" and accountancy mark "GB 1F 90c" alongside, upon arrival charged with "15" decimes, adhesives afficed slighlty over edge, some faults, cover some rebacked opening faults at base, a scarce and atrractive entire


Lot no.1756



Catalogue no.5,7

Opening400 €
Sold for2.000 €

1874, Coat of arms with overprint "CONTRA SELLO" ½r. blue and 2r. green with blue boxed "FRANCO" on linen cover with adjacent "ADMINISTRACION GENERAL DE CORREOS SALVADOR 1 SETb 1877" to New York, upon arrvial "US. CHARGE TO COLLECTION" and "40 Cents" handstamp struck, reverse with arrival mark, some usual transportation wear, a very scarce and attractive cover, certificate Scheller (2008)



1r. red tied by "ADMINISTRACION de CORREOS LA UNION ENE 24 1879" to small envelope to Bordeaux with black "PANAMA JA 30 79" and red cds. "PANAMA PAQ FR. A No 3 1 FEVR 79" (Salles 1413) alongside, upon arrival charged with "15" decimes, cover some ageing and small faults including tear at top, a very rare and attractive cover, certificate Scheller (2008)

Lot no.1757



Catalogue no.6

Opening400 €
Sold for500 €

1874, Coat of arms with overprint "CONTRA SELLO" 1r. red tied by "ADMINISTRACION de CORREOS LA UNION ENE 24 1879" to small envelope to Bordeaux with black "PANAMA JA 30 79" and red cds. "PANAMA PAQ FR. A No 3 1 FEVR 79" (Salles 1413) alongside, upon arrival charged with "15" decimes, cover some ageing and small faults including tear at top, a very rare and attractive cover, certificate Scheller (2008)

Lot no.1758



Catalogue no.7

Opening400 €
Sold for650 €

1874, Coat of arms with overprint "CONTRA SELLO" 2r. green tied by blue framed "FRANCO" to envelope to Cincinnati with blue "Administracion de Correos / Salvador 6 ABRIL 1877" cachet alongside, endorsed "via Panama", upon arrival in New York "NEW-YORK DUE 10 CTS APR 26" struck, reverse with Cincinatti receiver, a fine and rare cover

Lot no.1759



Catalogue no.7

Opening200 €
Sold for440 €

1874, Coat of arms with overprint "CONTRA SELLO" 2r. green, tied by mute cancel to envelope with adjacent cds. "SAN SALVADOR 29 DICIEMBRE 1874" endorsed "per Royal Mail" to Liverpool with black "PANAMA TRANSIT 12 JA 1875" and arrival alongside, upon arrival charged with "1/6", some minor aging some usual opening faults, a fine and scarce entire

Lot no.1760



Catalogue no.7

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.400 €

1874, Coat of arms with overprint "CONTRA SELLO" 2r. green, horizontal pair tied by lozenge of dots to cover to Bordeaux with black "ADMINISTRACION LA UNION CORRESO FEB 24 1878" despatch mark alongside, British "PANAMA MR 5 78" transit thence via London with further blue "T" marking and taxed upon arrival with "34" decimes, deleted as double-rate and charged with "22" decimes, some light ageing, an very attractive and rare usage of this issue

Lot no.1761



Catalogue no.9,10

Opening250 €
Sold for360 €

1874, UPU 1c. green and 2c. carmine tied by mute star cancel to printed matter envelope with adhacent cds. "SAN SALVADOR 17 JUNIO 84" via. "LONDON JY 27 84" to Modena, Italy with arrival mark, some light aging around adhesives, a very rare and attractive usage with only very few printed matters known

Lot no.1762



Catalogue no.9,10

Opening150 €
Sold for360 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and vertical pair 2c. carmine tied by blue mute cancel with adjacent cds. "CORREOS de SAN SALVADOR -2 NOVI. 85" to slightly shortened cover to Guatemala, only few known paying the 5c. rate to neighboring countries, a fine and rare entire

Lot no.1763



Catalogue no.9,11

Opening150 €
Sold for400 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and horizontal pair 5c. blue tied by mute cancel to cover with adjacent cds. "SAN SALVADOR 15 JUNIO 86" via New York to Halifax with transit and arrival mark, minor aging few short perfs, a fine and attractive entire

Lot no.1764



Catalogue no.9,11

Opening150 €
Sold for480 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and horizontal pair with upper sheet margin 5c. blue tied by "PANAMA-UNION PAQ F. AN. No. 2 3 MARS 86" (Salles 1415) to cover via "SAINT-PIERRE MARTINIQUE 10 MARS 88" and "NEW YORK MAR 29" to Boston with arrival mark, some light aging, horizontal fold not affecting adhesives, a very attractive nd scarce entire

Lot no.1765



Catalogue no.9,11

Opening200 €
Sold for280 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and horizontal pair 5c. blue  with blue mute cancel and adjacent cds. "CORREOS LA UNION 25 XI 86" to cover to New York, reverse with arrival "NEW YORK DEC 9 PAID ALL", vertical fold, a fine, delightful and scarce cover

Lot no.1766



Catalogue no.9,12

Opening200 €
Sold for440 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and 10c. black tied by wonderfully contrasting red grid of diamonds to mourning cover endorsed "via Panama" to Roma with red cds. "ADMINISTRACION de SUCHITOTO. ABR 16 1882" alongside, a small, completely irrelevant tear at the bottom of 1c. adhesive does not disturb the excellent appearance of this scarce entire

Provenance: Joseph Hahn (Christie's, Robson Lowe, April 1979)
                    Dr. Giorgio Magnani (368. Heinrich Köhler-Auction, 2019)

Lot no.1767



Catalogue no.9,12

Opening150 €
Sold for260 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and 10c. black, the latter from the upper right corner, tied by grid of diamonds to imprinted cover from President Zaldivar (President 1876-1885) to Paris with adjacent cds. "ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS LA LIBERTAD MZO 1 1882" and arrival mark, small part of cover at lower left missing, otherwise fine and attractive usage

Lot no.1768



Catalogue no.9,12

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and 10c. black tied by mute cancel to small envelope from San Miguel via Forwarder "Encaminada por VICENTE y Ca. La Union" to New York with "NEW YORK OCT 14 PAID ALL" on reverse, fine and scarce

Lot no.1769



Catalogue no.9,12

Opening150 €
Sold for200 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and 10c. black with mute violet cancel on cover with adjacent cds. "ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS SANTA TECLA JUN 15 1883" to Philadelphia, reverse with New York transit and Philadelphia receiver, some aging and small tear at top of cover, otherwise fine and scarce usage

Lot no.1770



Catalogue no.9,12

Opening150 €
Sold for320 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and 10c. black, 1c. with "inverted V for A in UNIVERSAL", tied by mute cancel to cover to Hannover, Germany with arrival mark, minor aging, otherwise fine and scarce

Lot no.1771



Catalogue no.9,12

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €

1879, UPU 1c. green and 10c. black, 1c. tied by mute star cancel to cover with adjacent red "CORREOS de SAN SALVADOR 29 SETI. 83" to Naples, reverse with London transit and arrival mark, adhesives affixed slightly over edge, thus some minor faults, still scarce and attractive

