380th Auction
16-17 & 20-25 March 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (4143) Apply Main catalogue filter
- American Trans Atlantic Mail Carriers 1800–1870 – The Graham Booth Collection (248) Apply American Trans Atlantic Mail Carriers 1800–1870 – The Graham Booth Collection filter
- Bavaria from 1849 – The Eliahu Weber Collection (part IV) (120) Apply Bavaria from 1849 – The Eliahu Weber Collection (part IV) filter
- El Salvador – The Michael Peter Collection (101) Apply El Salvador – The Michael Peter Collection filter
- Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part I) (60) Apply Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part I) filter
- German Private Posts – The Peter Rogers Collections (part II) (195) Apply German Private Posts – The Peter Rogers Collections (part II) filter
- German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 9th Auktion (307) Apply German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 9th Auktion filter
- Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part I) (933) Apply Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part I) filter
- Registered letters of the German Foreign Post Offices and Colonies (part I) (277) Apply Registered letters of the German Foreign Post Offices and Colonies (part I) filter
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- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (487) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
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- Germany (69) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (407) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (101) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (165) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
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2 reales on green, tied by straight line "COCULA" to letter sheet to Guadalajara. The entire somewhat damaged on reverse, still fine and very rare. The only recorded letter with this cancellation. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
2 reales on green with good margins, tied by Infinity handstamp to entire letter from Ciudad Guzman 3.2.1867 to Guadalajara very fine. Certificate MEPSI (2021)
2 reales on green, overprinted "C.GUZMAN", fresh colour and large margins, tied by 'Infinity handstamp' to letter sheet to Guadalajara. Outer margin of the stamp affected by light cover crease, still fine and most attractive. An extremely rare entire. Certificate MEPSI (2021)
1867, Wove paper, 4 reales on rose, good margins, lightly cancelled with oval "FRANQUEADO GUADALAJARA", very fine. Certificate MEPSI (2018)
4 reales on rose, tied by oval "CORREOS GUADALAJARA JUN 11" to entire letter with frontside sender's cachet from Colima to Zamora, forwarded by "G.H. SATTLER GUADALAJARA" with cachets of June 10th and 12th, 1867, on reverse. A fine and rare forwarded letter with a very scarce single franking. Certificate MEPSI (1997)
4 reales on white, good margins, tied by wreath cancel with adjacent "CORREOS GUADALAJARA ENERO 24" (1867) to letter sheet with frontside sender's cachet from Colima to Mexico City, forwarded by "THEODORO KUNHARDT/GUADALAJARA" and "KUNHARDT Y ESQUEDA/LEON" (not listed at Rowe). A very fine and extremely rare forwarded letter and one of only 2 recorded single frankings of this stamp. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
Provenance: Dr. Gene Scott
4 reales on white and 2 reales on green, quadrillé paper, each bisected horizontally and arranged to a complete design, tied by double circle "FRANCO EN C.GUZMAN" to letter sheet to Guadalajara, paying the correct 3 reales rate. Bisects of the 4 reales on white are extremely rare, in this combination a unique letter. Certificates MEPSI (1972 and 1996)
2nd printing: Quadrille paper, 2 reales on green, vivid colour and large to enormous margins, used with scarce fancy "FRANCO AUTLAN", an outstanding copy, certificate MEPSI (1996)
2nd printing: Quadrille paper serrated, 2 reales on green, lightly cancelled, very fine, certificate MEPSI (2018)
2nd printing: Laid paper, 2 reales on green with variety '1 in 1867 missing', unused with original gum, very fine and scarce, certificate MEPSI (2021)
Third printing, wove paper, 2 reales on rose, fresh colour and large to enormous margins, tied by "FRANQUEADO GUADALAJARA" two cover front with one backflap to Guayaquil, Ecuador. Very rare and attractive item; just one further entire with Guadalajara stamps to a destination abroad has been reported. Certificate MEPSI (2008)
Third printing, wove paper, 4 reales on blue, good margins and fresh colour, unused with original gum. Very fine and rare, just 3 further unused copies recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2003)
4. reales on blue, tied by Infinity handstamp to double rate entire letter to Colima, dated 12. April 1868. Very fine and extremely rare, just 4 used copies of this stamp have been recorded, including 3 on entires. Certificate MEPSI (2009)
Provenance: John Bash, Omar Rodriguez
Thin quadrille paper, 2 reales on rose, cut to shape, tied by boxed "AMECA" to undated lettersheet (small faults) to Guadalajara. A fine and very rare letter, just one further recorded from this city franked with Guadalajara provisionals. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
Laid batonne paper, Un real on green, large margins, tied by oval "HOSTOTIPAQUILLO" to entire letter 22.8.1867 to Magdalena. A fine and very rare letter, just one further recorded from this city franked with Guadalajara provisionals. Certificate MEPSI (2011)
Laid batonné paper, '4 reales' on 'Un peso' lilac, nice fresh colour and good to large margins, unused with fresh original gum. The most outstanding rarity of the provisional issues of Guadalajara; no further copy of this stamp has been recorded and no further copy of any double denomination of this kind. Certificate MEPSI (2001)
Provenance: Dr. Gene Scott, Omar Rodriguez
Reference: Illustrated in Eladio A. Garcia Prada 'Las Emisiones Provisionales del siglo XIX'
Serrated: 4. reales on blue, lightly cancelled by infinity cancel, very fine. A very rare stamp, of which just 3 further used, but no unused examples have been recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2003)
Provenance: Omar Rodriguez
Serrated: 4. reales on white, lightly cancelled by small part of oval "COREOS GUADALAJARA", very fine. The only existing example of this stamp; no unused copies or covers have been recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2007)
Oblong quadillle paper serrated: Un real on blue, vivid colour, very lightly cancelled, very fine. A very rare stamp with just 5 copies off cover recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2008)
Oblong quadillle paper serrated: Un real on blue and 2nd printing 2 reales serrated, tied by infinity cancel two entire letter from Guadalajara July 22, 1867 to Mexico City, very fine. A very attractive and – on entire - unique combination; just 8 used copies of the 'Un real' have been recorded, including two entires. Certificate MEPSI (2011)
Provenance: John Bash, Omar Rodriguez
4th printing, wove paper, 2 reales on lilac, nice colour and good to large margins, tied by clear negative seal "CORREOS TEPIC" to lettersheet with adjacent "FRANQUEADO TEPIC" with manuscript date "Oct. 17/68" to Guadalajara. Very fine and scarce.
4th printing, wove paper, serrated, 2 reales on lilac, nice colour, small perforations faults, otherwise very fine and fresh, unused without gum. The only recorded unused example of this stamp (Scott not listed as unused). Certificate MEPSI (2018)
Laid batonne paper, un real on green, block of for, the lower right stamp with minor doubling, unused with original gum. A very fine and scarce multiple. Certificate MEPSI (2003)
4th printing: un real on laid batonne paper and on laid paper, used together on lettersheet to Guadalajara, tied by oval "FRANCO AMECA". A fine and rare entire, just 2 covers recorded with this cancellation on Guadalajara provisionals. Certificate MEPSI (1998)
4th printing: Laid batonne paper, 2 reales on lilac with variety "2 missing" and "1863", large margins, unused with original gum, very fine and fresh. A very rare variety. Certificate MEPSI (2021)
Laid paper: Un real, vertical pair, both copies with variety "nu instead of un", tied by wreath cancel to entire letter from Guadalajara 22 July 1868 to Colima. A fine and rare entire, just 2 covers recorded with this franking. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
2Catalogue no.20-23 var
Engalred photographic proof of the complete set of four accompanied with an original detailed double sided letter headlined "PRESS RELEASE / NOT TO BE PUBLISHED BEFORE JUNE 10, 1948" which talks, among other things "The Muslim nation which has now regained its independence...." and describing in detail the four stamps.
1961, Dammam Port souvenir sheets, 3p., 6p. and 8p., the 6p. small gum defect, otherwise very fine
1926, ¼p.-5p., complete set in blocks of four imperforate, sheet or corner margins, a few with tiny paper adhesion, minor gum toning or small cissor cut in margin only, imperforate, fine and rare (SG-Nr. 261/266)
1920, Scouts Fund overprint 2s. - 1b. unused with original gum, fine, signed A. Brun
MARABOE CRASH: 1935, King Prajadhipok 10 s. and 25 s. tied by cds. "BANGKOKG 13. 7. 35" to an airmail envelope to Sweden via the Batavia-Amsterdam air route, crashed on 17th July in transit on the take-off runway in Bushire, where only 23 kg of the badly damaged mail could be recovered and later embarked in the ´Rietvink`; with accompanaying forwarding envelope "Correspondance détériorée et retardée par suite catastrophe avion-transporteur ligne néerlandaise Amsterdam-Bandoeng", front cds. "GRAVENHAGE -2. VIII 5" and reverse arrival cds. "STOCKHOLM 3 8. 35"; exceptional Siamese origin for this very unusual crash flight (Nierinck 350717)
1999, 72nd Birthday King Bhumibol, imperforated souvenir sheet, ungummed as issued, very fine
2004, Queen Sirikit 72nd birthday 100b., imperforated souvenir sheet, ungummed as issued, fine