382nd Auction

18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10015
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1901/27 (ca.), unused group of over 20 postal stationery and parcel cards, incl. reply cards (2) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", together with some wrappers (4); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10016
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1900/35 (ca.), unused group of over 19 postal stationery cards and reply cards (2) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN", also some parcel cards; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10017
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for150 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1902 (ca.), unused group of 4 postal stationery cards, incl. reply cards (3), with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies; some toning and mixed condition

Lot no.10018
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.300 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1903/28 (ca.), unused group of 45 postal stationery and parcel cards, incl. reply cards (6) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", together with some meters (2); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10019
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1937 (ca.), unused group of over 10 meters and one parcel card with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies "COLONIAS" and "SPECIMEN"; some toning, otherwise fine

Lot no.10020
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening260 €
Sold for280 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1907/29 (ca.), unused group of 9 postal stationery cards, incl. reply cards (4) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS" and "ESPECIMEN", together with some meters (2); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce specialist group

Lot no.10021
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1886/1927 (ca.), unused group of 10 postal stationery cards, incl. reply cards (4) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", together with some meters (2); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10022
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1890/36 (ca.), unused group of over 50 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", with Curaçao, Dutch Indies and Surinam, together with meter cards, some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10023
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1919/33 (ca.), unused group of over 20 postal stationery and parcel cards, incl. reply cards (3) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", with good sections of Poland, Soviet Union and Estonia, together with some meters (7); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10024
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for240 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1896/1960 (ca.), unused group of over 10 postal stationery cards and envelopes, incl. reply cards (4) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS" and "SPECIMEN", together with some meter card (1) and wrappers (9); some toning, a very scarce group

Lot no.10025
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening450 €
Sold for520 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1900/12 (ca.), unused group of over 15 postal stationery cards and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. Portuguese India, Timor and Macau, some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10026
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for1.450 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1902/26 (ca.), unused group of over 65 postal stationery cards and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS" and "ESPECIMEN", together with a similar section of Azores, some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group


Lot no.10027
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for320 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1903/28 (ca.), unused group of 14 postal stationery cards and money orders, incl. one reply card with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", together with one meter card (1); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10028
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening700 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1907/29 (ca.), unused group of 24 postal stationery cards, incl. reply cards (3) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN"; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10029
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1901/12 (ca.), unused group of over 35 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", together with some wrappers (11); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce specialist group

Lot no.10030
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1890/1920 (ca.), unused group of over 20 postal stationery cards, incl. reply cards (13) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "MUESTRAS", together with airmail card (1); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10031
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening900 €
Sold for1.250 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1901/37 (ca.), unused group of over 30 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", together with some meter cards (3); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10032
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.200 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1900/60 (ca.), Ceylon, Aden, Gibraltar/ Gibraltar Morocco, Grenada, unused group of over 20 postal stationery cards and envelopes with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "ESPECIMEN" and "SPECIMEN", many interesting areas with Sarawak, Mauritius, Hong Kong, Canada, etc., together with some meters (9) and wrappers (17); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10033
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.200 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1888/1920 (ca.), unused and used group of over 20 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS" and "SPECIMEN", many interesting areas with New South Wales, Tasmania, etc., also Fiji and New Zealand, together with wrappers (18); some occasional strong toning and very mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10034
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening2.500 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1897/1928 (ca.), Lagos, Somaliland, Uganda and Gambia, unused group of over 45 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS" and "SPECIMEN", strong section of Zanzibar, also East Africa, Nyasaland, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, etc., together with some wrappers (15); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10035
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening900 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1898/1938 (ca.), unused group of over 15 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "ESPECIMEN" and "SPECIMEN", with Natal, Cape of Good Hope, Transvaal, Bechuanaland, Swaziland and Tanganyika, together with some wrappers (6); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10036
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.800 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1890/39 (ca.), Uruguay, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Columbia, Bolivia, Venezuela, El Salvador, unused group of over 60 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS" and "ESPECIMEN", some interesting items from Danish West Indies, Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Chile and Brazil, together with some meters and wrappers; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce specialist group

Lot no.10037
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.200 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1902/59 (ca.), Bahamas, St. Lucia, Cayman Island, British Honduras, Montserrat, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, unused group of over 20 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply card with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS" and "SPECIMEN", many interesting areas with St Kitts, St Vincent, Dominica, Grenada, Leeward islands, etc., together with some meters (1) and wrappers (27); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce specialist group

Lot no.10038
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.200 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1901/45 (ca.), unused group of over 40 postal stationery cards and envelopes with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", strong section of Turkey, also Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Irak and Persia, together with some meters and wrappers; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce specialist group

Lot no.10039
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1890/1922 (ca.), unused group of 14 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS"; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce specialist group

Lot no.10040
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1901, 4 c. red brown on buff, unused postal stationery card, with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies; some very light toning, fine and scarce

Lot no.10041
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for190 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1928 (ca.), unused group of 3 postal stationery cards, incl. one reply card with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. one "ESPECIMEN"; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10042
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1897/1933 (ca.), unused group of 20 postal stationery cards and envelopes with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", with Belgian Congo, Sudan, Marocco, Ethiopia and KUK, together with some meters and wrappers; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce specialist group

Lot no.10043
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold

The Receiving Authority Specimens are of great philatelic importance, as they provide proof of the UPU's distribution to its members. According to Marcus Samuel, author of the famous book "UPU Receiving Authority Specimen", the best known receiving authority specimen is the ULTRAMAR hand stamp applied to UPU distributions and sent to the Portuguese Ministry. The earliest issues (1895-1910) are hand stamped as ULTRAMAR, in 1925 as COLONIAS, and from 1927-1931 as ESPECIMEN. These were sent in very limited quantities to the Portuguese Archives. When the UPU was abolished, these archives were ordered to be destroyed and very few have survived.

"ULTRAMAR": 1926/36 (ca.), ungebrauchte Partie mit 14 Meter Mark Probedrucken, inkl. Freie Stadt Danzig, mit den Sicherheitsaufdrucken aus dem portugiesischen UPU-Postarchiv für die Kolonien, u.a. "COLONIAS", "ESPECIMEN" und "SPECIMEN", einige etwas fleckig, sonst in guter Erhaltung

Lot no.10044
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1900/34 (ca.), ungebrauchte Partie mit über 60 Karten und Postanweisungen, mit den Sicherheitsaufdrucken aus dem portugiesischen UPU-Postarchiv für die Kolonien, u.a. "COLONIAS" und "SPECIMEN", inkl. Württemberg, Bayern und Saargebiet, einige etwas fleckig, sonst in guter Erhaltung, ein interessantes Objekt für den Spezialisten

Lot no.10045
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1900/01, ungebrauchte Partie mit 5 Karten, inkl. Frage- u. Antworteilen, mit den Sicherheitsaufdrucken aus dem portugiesischen UPU-Postarchiv für die Kolonien, inkl. Kiautschou, Deutsch Neuguinea, Ostafrika und Südwestafrika, einige etwas leicht fleckig, sonst in guter Erhaltung

Lot no.10046
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1901/05, ungebrauchte Partie mit 5 Karten, inkl. Frage- u. Antworteilen, mit den Sicherheitsaufdrucken aus dem portugiesischen UPU-Postarchiv für die Kolonien, einige etwas leicht fleckig, sonst in sehr guter Erhaltung (ex Mi.-Nr. P10-16)

Lot no.10047
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for270 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1899/1905 (ca.), ungebrauchte Partie mit 9 Karten, inkl. Frage- u. Antworteilen, mit den Sicherheitsaufdrucken aus dem portugiesischen UPU-Postarchiv für die Kolonien, einige etwas sehr leicht fleckig, sonst in sehr guter Erhaltung (ex Mi.-Nr. P1-12)

Lot no.10048
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for180 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1899/1901, ungebrauchte Partie mit 5 Karten, inkl. Frage- u. Antworteilen, mit den Sicherheitsaufdrucken aus dem portugiesischen UPU-Postarchiv für die Kolonien, einige etwas leicht fleckig, sonst in sehr guter Erhaltung (ex Mi.-Nr. P1-8)

Lot no.10049
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for180 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1899/1900, ungebrauchte Partie mit 5 Karten, inkl. Frage- u. Antworteilen, mit den Sicherheitsaufdrucken aus dem portugiesischen UPU-Postarchiv für die Kolonien, einige etwas sehr leicht fleckig, sonst in sehr guter Erhaltung (ex Mi.-Nr. P1-10)

Lot no.10050
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for180 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1900/01, ungebrauchte Partie mit 4 Karten, inkl. Frage- u. Antworteilen, mit den Sicherheitsaufdrucken aus dem portugiesischen UPU-Postarchiv für die Kolonien, einige etwas leicht fleckig, sonst in guter Erhaltung (ex Mi.-Nr. P1-8)
