382nd Auction
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (3750) Apply Main catalogue filter
- German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction (342) Apply German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction filter
- Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) (70) Apply Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) filter
- Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection (78) Apply Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection filter
- Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) (191) Apply Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) (372) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) filter
- Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) (728) Apply Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) filter
- The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) (212) Apply The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) filter
- Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection (135) Apply Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection filter
- Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) (269) Apply Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) filter
- Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection (80) Apply Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection filter
- Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 (54) Apply Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 filter
- Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 (114) Apply Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 filter
- Chile – The Colon Issues (48) Apply Chile – The Colon Issues filter
- UPU Postal Stationery Archives (51) Apply UPU Postal Stationery Archives filter
- Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection (329) Apply Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection (179) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection filter
- Airmail (63) Apply Airmail filter
- All World (46) Apply All World filter
- British Commonwealth (392) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Europe (1092) Apply Europe filter
- German Colonies and offices abroad (903) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (1319) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (251) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (1684) Apply German States filter
- Germany (66) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (685) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (469) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (125) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (347) Apply Overseas filter
- Thematics (379) Apply Thematics filter
- Brunswick (1) Apply Brunswick filter
- Oldenburg (1) Apply Oldenburg filter
- Saxony (1) Apply Saxony filter
- Germany (1) Apply Germany filter
- Lombardy Venetia (1) Apply Lombardy Venetia filter
- Belgium (3) Apply Belgium filter
- Estonia (1) Apply Estonia filter
- Great Britain (1) Apply Great Britain filter
- Jersey (1) Apply Jersey filter
- Italy (2) Apply Italy filter
- Lithuania (1) Apply Lithuania filter
- Monaco (1) Apply Monaco filter
- Dutch East Indies (1) Apply Dutch East Indies filter
- Norway (9) Apply Norway filter
- Poland (1) Apply Poland filter
- Azores (1) Apply Azores filter
- Romania (2) Apply Romania filter
- Spain (5) Apply Spain filter
- Sweden (1) Apply Sweden filter
- Turkey (1) Apply Turkey filter
- Brazil (1) Apply Brazil filter
- China Empire and Republic (1) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
- Egypt (2) Apply Egypt filter
- Guatemala (1) Apply Guatemala filter
- Haiti (1) Apply Haiti filter
- Mexico (3) Apply Mexico filter
- Peru (2) Apply Peru filter
- Tibet (1) Apply Tibet filter
- United States of America (1) Apply United States of America filter
- New South Wales (1) Apply New South Wales filter
- Victoria (1) Apply Victoria filter
- Bermuda (1) Apply Bermuda filter
- Crown Colony of Canada (1) Apply Crown Colony of Canada filter
- India (1) Apply India filter
- Malta (1) Apply Malta filter
- Transvaal (3) Apply Transvaal filter

1849/1880 Selection of covers, contained within a large album, comprising Cérès, Napolean and Sage issues, includes four margin Cérès 20 c. black tied to a cover by a grill cancel in black with Bourgoin datestamp alongside 20th January 1849, within the first month of issue, also a four margin 25 c. blue tied by grill cancel in black with Jouarre cancel dated 20th July 1850, within first month of issue, also a scarce four margin 5 c. green single franking tied to a cover to Paris, an attractive 1863 printed illustrated Pharmacist wrapper band with Napolean 1 c olive tied by light strike of a circular datestamp, 1874 Registered cover from Le Havre to Paris franked wit perforated Cérès 10 c. and 80 c., many superb examples tied to clean covers, with numerous stunning cancels, also a very scarce combination cover dated 1872 with two 5 c. pale green, Yvert 35, and 10 c. bistre, Yvert 36, tied neatly by "2145" lozenge to Orléans, a number of insufficiently franked marks, many two and three colour combination covers, a most attractive collection, some faults but in mostly fine to very fine condition, a valuable and rare collection.

1849/1912 extensive classic cover collection neatly written-up upon album pages, Ceres and Napolean imperforate and perforated issues, as well Sage frankings, organised chronologically, with an excellent range of frankings, postmarks, instructionals, the odd registered cover and postage due marks and stamps, destinations predominately inland or continental, although noted 1856 cover to Ozan, Algeria franked with a Napolean 20 c. blue and an 1872 wrapper to Constantinople which has a maritime mark, also a very attractive and complete printed Religious Newsletter from La Rochelle and Saintes franked and tied with a very dark Napoleon 1c perforated oliver-green on greenish paper, the rare Toulouse/Central datestamp applied to an 1888 cover to Saliers du salat, a number of stampless cover, four which have the double-lined "25" tax mark in black dated 1850/1853 and one example of the "30", additionally a quantity of postal stationery, colour illustrated 30 c. Telegram cards, a number of rare datestamps one from Villmorin-Andrieux applied to the front of an 1894 printed invoice sent from Paris to Carcassonne, an unused 1870 Ballon Monte printed postcard with propaganda slogan in French and German, many other scarce and interesting examples, in mostly fine condition, a nice collection.

1849/1901 selection of seventy five covers, presented in a stock book, comprising mostly franked mail, noted an 1871 wrapper endorsed `Par Ballon Monté franked with Yvert 29B, an unfranked outer wrapper with a Réunion island backstamp and an envelope addressed to an Officer of the 6th Dragoons with letter sent from a hospital with interesting content, also a number of printed advertising envelopes, numerous Cérès and Napoleon head imperforate and perforated issues tied by an array of lozenge, star and grill cancellations, includes vertical and horizontal pair frankings and a combination of values, a good mix of destinations, condition mixed in places although many fine items, a scarce assembly.

1877/1902 selection of sixty covers, stationery cards and five fronts franked with the Sage issue, contained within a stock book, comprising many attractive combinations and postmarks, noted Yvert 54 used with Yvert 66 on 1877 cover from Saint-Dizier to Paris, as well as a Yvert 55 and 65 originating from the same town sent to Wassy, a Carte Postale card franked with a vertical pair of 5 c. green tied by multiple strikes of a black undated single small circle "OR", although faulty a rare rural example, several blue datestamps including superb Paris, a number of registered mailings and charge marks, a mixed condition lot with many rare covers.
NORWAY INCOMING MAIL: 1862/1906, group of seven covers and cards from France to Norway, nice range of frankings with Napoleon, Sage and Sower, incl. Mi.-Nr. 13 block of six on 1862 entire letter to Frederickshald with arrival on reverse; mixed condition
PARIS POSTAL PARCEL STAMPS: 1878/1926 (ca.), specialized group with better items like 1878 25c. and 50c. "Transport Parisien par Omnibus" used, mostly a fresh, fine and very scarce assembly for the specialist (ex Maury Nr. 1-116)

1887/1950 accumulation of mint and used stamps, contained within an impressive black leather bound vintage album, includes Indochina, China, Reunion, Guadeloupe, Martinque, New Caldonia, India, Wallis and Futuna Islands, quite patchy in the early periods and a little mixed, some sets for later issues, includes the odd mint never hinged stamp, although in the main used or hinged, respectable coverage for Reunion Island, hundreds of stamps, overall mixed with some very fine, a useful lot.

1887/1960 French Colonies Africa and Arab countries, accumulation of mint and used stamps, contained within two impressive black leather bound albums, early has gaps and generally used and a little mixed, some sets for later issues, noted mint never hinged although much used and mounted, country representation for both regions is fair, the odd better item, respectable quantity for Tunsia, Morocco, Syria and Senegal and others, many hundreds of stamps, patchy in parts, overall mixed with some very fine, a useful lot.

1892/1906, unused and used collection Grande Comore, Moheli and Mayotte, with many better like Grand Comore Mi.-Nr. 1-13 and 14-19 and Moheli Mi.-Nr. 1-16, in addition some varities, gutter pairs etc., good condition
1859/1908, very nice, mainly unused collection with many better items including Postage Due, some signed Brun/Calves etc., good condition

1915/42, mainly unused and never hinge collection with many better items like Mi.-Nr. 10-13, 16-21, 23-29, 211-214 and 220-21, some signed Brun/Calves etc
6Catalogue no.
6Catalogue no.
1891/1936 (ca.), group of 29 covers and cards, incl. Airmail and Registered, with Soldier´s Mail several types of cds. "CORPS EXPÉDITIONNAIRE DU TONKIN", also mail from "TAMKY", "BAC-NINH", etc., mixed condition

1840/1900(ca), extensive used collection with over 60 covers, from Mi.-No. 1 (7), also Mi.-No. 2 as strip of 5, Mi.-No. 4 two strips of 5 and three strips of six and a strip of three with parts of the marginal inscription, plus other better values up to 1£, various cancellations, etc., strongly varying condition

1840/2011, collection in a binder from some QV (mixed quality) incl. Penny Black, Embossed 1s. green, 1867 5s. rose postmarked "C" (Constantinople), 1891 1 Pound green, main value in modern MNH issues form 1960 onwards.

1840/1962 selection of used material mounted on loose album pages, begins with SG1, which has four margins, gaps particulary early on, very mixed, small quanity of line engraved, noted three margin SG8 with blue "530" 1844 numeral, a run of Victoria surface printed, no high values, more complete through King George V and QEII rein, noted Seahorses and better quality Castles, in addition there are three stampless cover 1832/1836, some duplication, a useful lot.

1841/1975 (ca.), unused and used collection neatly mounted in one album, starting with Penny Reds incl. a selection of various plates, mostly very fine
1910/2000, large holding, mostly postal subscriptions deliveries, with much mint never hinged material, but also FDC, yearbooks and some older stamps, mostly good condition

1953/1973 extensive QEII mint collection, comprising one large volume, exclusively never hinged, complete including phosphor issues, noted first printing De La Rue Castle sets; SG536a/539a and SG595/598 with certificates, also contains 1954/1994 Wildings with a superb side marginal SG605a watermark error, additionally 1958/2012 Regional issues and a number of the commemorative self adhesives, a substantial assembly, significant catalogue value, in prestine condition.
1967/2016 large accumulation of mint material, comprising a specialised Machin collection housed in a large volume, together with an array of other material including, mini Smiler sheets, Post and Go, minisheets and high value postage, some duplication, many hundreds of items, in mint never hinged condition.
1971/2017 extensive accumulation of booklet stamps, comprising three volumes and a wooden box, complete run of issues, many hundreds, including scarcer examples, some duplication, mint never hinged, prestine condition, a substantial collection.

1971/c2016 se-tenant mint collection, including three examples of the misprinted missing "£" De La Rue £2, one a bottom corner marginal block of six, exclusively never hinged, a substantial assembly.
1972/2019 extensive collection of Prestige books, including two examples of the scarce "Story of Wedgwood", duplication making a substantial assembly, in mint never hinge condition, an excellent lot.

2000/2019 large accumulation of mint collector Smiler sheets, contained within two albums, includes 2001 Consignia printing of the Christmas Robins, as well as the 2000 LS2 and LS3, additionally a small number in their presentation package, an excellent lot.
1840/98, interessante Partie von 18 Briefen(teilen) und Karten, dabei dabei Penny Black of Brief, 3 Briefe von London nach Pernau, Estland, Eingeschriebener Brief mit Transit-R-Zettel "Verviers-Cöln", Trauerbriefe, Postkarte nach Prag mit Portomarken, 1sh. Embossed auf großem Briefteil mit Zufrankatur, etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung
1856/1893 Selection of GB Used Abroad covers and other overseas mail sent via the British post, comprising eight covers and one front, including an 1875 envelope sent from Callao, Peru, to Birmingham, England, franked with a Queen Victoria pair and single 6 d. grey tied by the "C38" cancellation and comes with a B.P.A. certificate (2006), an 1868 entire franked with a Queen Victoria 4 d. vermilion tied by the "C61" of Porto Rico sent to St Thomas, also wrapper sent from St Thomas, Danish West Indies, franked with two single Queen Victoria 4 d. vermilion, one damaged, tied by the "C51" duplex, sent via Curacao, also a stampless front, mounted on card, sent from New Zealand to France sent via Australia and the Suez Canal, and an 1861 envelope from Tobago to Edinburgh, Scotland, charged 6d and paid in London, some faults and mixed condition, however a rare and decent lot.
6Catalogue no.
1902/19, elegant group of five British Patriotic covers neatly mounted on exhibition leaves, incl. with colourfull labels (3) like "In quietness & confidence under the flag", Union Jack (2) one with musical stave "Britons never shall be slaves" and gunners, also a 1939 Trans-Jordan censored envelope to England; very fine and scarce assembly
1970/82 /ca.), unmounted mint group in one stockbook with Jersey and Isle of Man, some booklets and postage dues, many duplicates, also a small group of modern booklets from Malta, very fine
1865/85, interessante Partie mit 20 losen Marken und 9 Briefen bzw. Karten, dabei 6d. lila mit "B02" auf Brief nach Edinburgh, 4d. orange im Paar auf Brief ab "A25 MALTA AU 22 65" nach Messina, 1sh. grün, zwei waagerechte Paare als Viererstreifen mit "B01" ALEXANDRIA, einige lose Werte 1sh. grün mit "B32" BUENOS AIRES und "C35" PANAMA, etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung

1854/1973, Aden to Zululand, very attractive and comprehensive, unused and used collection, including a variety of better values, in addition a good section of Great Britain Officials, all neatly mounted, mostly good condition
1866/1960 accumulation of mint and used stamps, contained within six albums, one which is an old time black leather bound Schaubek, four devoted to British Commonwealth covering Arab countries, Caribbean, Africa and Australia, two albums are Asia and Persia which do not contain British issues, early periods are very mixed and much incomplete, better coverage for later issues, better condition here and there and especially on the modern, hundreds of stamps and also some covers and postal stationery, a useful lot.
6Catalogue no.
1891/1943, group of 14 covers and cards, incl. French and German liners, transit and outbound mail, WWI censored covers, etc., mostly fine

1852/1983, used collection with some better items including a good section of States New South Wales, Queensland, South-Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia, somewhat mixed condition
1850/55, small lot with two pairs Sydney view 1d., Laureate pair 1d., 2d. in strip of four and single and pair on covers
0Catalogue no.
1937, Wallaroo ½ d. orange, perf. 15:14, in thirteen sheets, mint never hinged, a few separated in half, very fine (SG-Nr. 179)