382nd Auction
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (3750) Apply Main catalogue filter
- German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction (342) Apply German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction filter
- Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) (70) Apply Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) filter
- Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection (78) Apply Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection filter
- Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) (191) Apply Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) (372) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) filter
- Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) (728) Apply Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) filter
- The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) (212) Apply The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) filter
- Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection (135) Apply Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection filter
- Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) (269) Apply Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) filter
- Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection (80) Apply Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection filter
- Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 (54) Apply Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 filter
- Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 (114) Apply Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 filter
- Chile – The Colon Issues (48) Apply Chile – The Colon Issues filter
- UPU Postal Stationery Archives (51) Apply UPU Postal Stationery Archives filter
- Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection (329) Apply Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection (179) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection filter
- Airmail (63) Apply Airmail filter
- All World (46) Apply All World filter
- British Commonwealth (392) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Europe (1092) Apply Europe filter
- German Colonies and offices abroad (903) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (1319) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (251) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (1684) Apply German States filter
- Germany (66) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (685) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (469) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (125) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (347) Apply Overseas filter
- Thematics (379) Apply Thematics filter
- Brunswick (1) Apply Brunswick filter
- Oldenburg (1) Apply Oldenburg filter
- Saxony (1) Apply Saxony filter
- Germany (1) Apply Germany filter
- Lombardy Venetia (1) Apply Lombardy Venetia filter
- Belgium (3) Apply Belgium filter
- Estonia (1) Apply Estonia filter
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- Jersey (1) Apply Jersey filter
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- China Empire and Republic (1) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
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- Guatemala (1) Apply Guatemala filter
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- Tibet (1) Apply Tibet filter
- United States of America (1) Apply United States of America filter
- New South Wales (1) Apply New South Wales filter
- Victoria (1) Apply Victoria filter
- Bermuda (1) Apply Bermuda filter
- Crown Colony of Canada (1) Apply Crown Colony of Canada filter
- India (1) Apply India filter
- Malta (1) Apply Malta filter
- Transvaal (3) Apply Transvaal filter

1871/1976, unused and used collection containing some better values starting at classics, mostly good condition
0Catalogue no.
1948/72, mint never hinged group with better issues, sheets and parts of sheets (Mi. according to the consignor approx. 3.100,--).
0 1 3Catalogue no.

1925/69, mint never hinged, unused and used stock with a.o. Mi.-No. 490-92A(2) in stockbook
1946/80 (ca.) unused/mint never hinged and used stock of over a thousand stamps, most loose in boxes and bags as well as an album, occasional covers, various condition.
1 2 4Catalogue no.
1946/57, unused group of twelve complete sheets and five part sheets, most original printings except for two sheet reprints, incl. Soviet Occupation, some in complete sets like 5th Anniversary of Liberation of the Country, some occasional faults as to be expected, still mostly fine. A scarce and interesting specialist assembly.

1856/1994, extensive used and unused collection in 8 albums, incl. maritime, special delivery and official stamps, strength in the early issues with shades, paper and overprint types, interesting postmarks and sub-offices marks like Mazatlan and Durango, some better items like Mi.-Nr. 24III unused (signed Pfenninger), Mi.-Nr. 284 Die Proofs on thin paper (2), also some large multiples, overall fine to very fine, an attractive specialist´s assembly

1856/1900 accumulation of used and mint, assembled in two stock books, eight stock card boxes and a number of stock cards, hundreds of examples much duplication, additionally a quantity of early covers and postal stationery, contained within five small folder albums and a numerous loose wallets, condition is mixed throughout with better and finer examples, sufficiently comprehensive in coverage from Mi. 1 onwards, with many Hidalgo imperf. and rouletted issues, selection of Maximilian on and off cover, similarly a range of laters issues, due to volume a variety of overprints, includes pairs, multiples and blocks, large sheet on 1896 large format cover, diverse array of postmarks, also a mint collection of 1884/1904 postal stationery mounted on album pages, nice range of destinations with some combination examples, including overseas, small study on Porte De Mar with notes on forgeries, a very useful lot.

1891/1977, unmounted mint/unused and used collection in two albums and one official booklet, from 1956 complete in the main Michel numbers, some duplicates and blocks of four, together with some perfins, Tanger, Scherif Post with one cover, etc., condition varies from poor to very fine

1903/49, mostly unused and unmounted mint stock of Spanish and French Post and Tanger in stockbook,including better sets and multiples
1 2 3Catalogue no.

1878/1960 Mostly unused collection of stamps, contained in a stock book, includes mounted mint and a small selction of used examples, some flaws, although many very fine, a valuable and useful accumulation.

1927/93, unmounted mint/unused and used collection, almost entirely from the 1937/1936 period, incl. some large blocks and a few duplicates, together with three covers; mostly very fine
6Catalogue no.
1888/1977, unmounted mint/unused and used collection in three albums, many complete sets, incl. Mi.-Nr. 1-8 both unused and used, some duplicates and blocks of four, together with some postage dues, souvenir sheets and a few covers, mostly very fine
1856/62, unused and used collection, starting with Mi.-No. 1 and 3(2) as well as Mi.-No. 5-7 without gum, including many forgeries, some signed and a certificate Holcombe, strongly varied condition

1851/1988, unused and used collection, in 9 stockbooks and albums, incl. postage dues, strength up to the 1930s with duplicates (mostly used), some in large numbers like Mi.-Nr. 19 without grill used (16), Mi.-Nr. 20 with grill used (10), some better items like Mi.-Nr. 19 with grill used, Postage Due Mi.-Nr. 14 unused, etc., together with some booklets and souvenir sheets, mixed condition in the early issues, otherwise fine to very fine

1851/1970(ca), mainly used collection starting with a good section of classics, including better values with Grill, Pictorial issue to 30C., Zeppelin 1930 65C. on Zeppelin card, plus officials, etc., plus modern collection part, mostly good condition

1851/1983, mostly used collection, neatly mounted in three albums, from 1934 complete in the main numbers, incl. some special delivery, official and postage due stamps, also some sheets and souvenir sheets mint never hinged; some occasional faults in the early issues, otherwise mostly very fine

1861/65, interesting collection "Patrotic Covers" with nearly 40 letters, besides, many different preprints and motives with a.o. "Flags", "Soldiers and Troops", "Eagle" and "Liberty and Union" with better once, neatly on album sheets
1861/1980 (ca.), mostly unused group in one stockbook, strength in the early issues, incl. Columbus complete set (high values with faults), mixed condition
0 1 2Catalogue no.
1893/1994, unused and unmounted mint collection with Columbian issue up to 5$, booklets, miniature sheets, some hunting stamps, etc., in 8 volumes
1893, Columbus group of unused stamps, incl. 5 c. "SPECIMEN" and 2 c. horizontal block of ten top right sheet corner with plate 164 imprint, some values regummed, thinned or reperforated, otherwise fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 73-88)
6Catalogue no.
1924/1993 (ca.), huge accumulation of U.S Penalty covers in three boxes, both stampless and franked envelopes, with strength in the 1935/50 period, incl. pre-printed mail from the Navy, War, Post Office, Treasury and Agriculture Departments, fine to mostly very fine, an excellent group for the researcher
1929/93, very nice and extensive 3 volume collection in unmounted mint condition, including also 2 copies of 1926 exhibition souvenir sheet (one with PF cert.), nice part of pre-cancels and joint line pairs including rare Scott 1816a PRESORTED FIRST CLASS joint line pair (cert. PSAG), airmail C26c, booklet panes, etc., etc.

1940/2010 extensive mint booklet collection, comprising two volumes, over 700 examples, many better including BK114, BKC12, BKC13, BKC18, two of each, also BKC17 accompanied by certificate, various variants, exclusively never hinged, a treasure trove.
1954/1980 pre cancel Bureau issue mint collection, corner plate blocks of four, contained within one stock book, never hinged, superb selection of locations, many rare items, additionally noted 1973 ZIP Code Air Mail issue pre cancelled Washington DC, a rare collection.

1954/2017 mint blocks of four collection, comprising two stock albums, organised as a continuous series, including air mail issues in plate blocks, additionally ZIP Code blocks, exclusively never hinge, high catalogue.

1964/1992 substantial mint ZIP Code collection of blocks of four or more, comprising seven stock books, hundreds of examples, exclusively never hinged, significantly complete, including scarcer, a number of plate number blocks accompanying, an excellent assembly,

1966/2016 assembly of mint ZIP Code blocks of four, comprising one stock book, significant part of the continuous series, never hinged condition, additionally a selection of newer blocks of four, noted variety of imperf. blocks of four on three of the birds series Scott 4991-4995, a superb lot.

1974/1981 large selection of mint plate blocks, contained within two thick stock albums, comprising only the special issues, many larger blocks, some duplication, exclusively never hinged, significant catalogue value.
197672006 substantial mint commemorative accumulation, comprising a box of material, including a large volume of minisheets with four examples of the "Bugs Bunny" unpunhched, as well as three examples of Bill Pickett Legends of the West, various duplicate booklets, exclusively never hinged, additionally two yearbooks and an unused postal stationery collection in a small album, significant catalogue value.

1980/2016 complete mint collection of Coil issues, presented within a large Lindner green leather bound volume, never hinged, many scarcer, including Scott 1891 with plate numbers 1, 3 and 6 in strips of five, extremely rare assembly.

1990/2016 substantial booklet pane collection, comprising three large Lindner albums, many variants, including better pairs, exclusively never hinged, extensive assembly.
1992/2017 substantial mint collection of minisheets, housed in seven large volumes, many better items, some duplication, mint never hinged, significant face value.
1994/2016 extensive mint self adhesive collection, comprising four Leuchtturm black albums, presented on the pre-printed album pages, includes corner marginals, blocks, minisheets, strips, many scarcer, mint never hinged, vast array of extremely eye catching material.
1843/1907 (ca.), group of covers in one Lighthouse album, incl. Transatlantic Mail, single and multiple frankings both domestic and foreign, also a selection of used singles, together with two postal stationeries with left imprint in green "EXPRESS WELLS FARGO REPUBLICANA MEXICANA 10 cts.", some occasional faults, overall a very fine and attractive lot
1862/64, group of eleven folded lettersheets from New York to Aix La Chapelle (Aachen), most franked at the double rate with Benjamin Franklin 30 c. orange, other with 20 cents or 21 cents frankings, various endorsements "per Australasian", "P. Africa", etc., diverse cancellations incl. negative Four-Point Star or Barred Circle, all with arrival handstamps; mixed condition, scarce group