382nd Auction
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (3750) Apply Main catalogue filter
- German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction (342) Apply German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction filter
- Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) (70) Apply Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) filter
- Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection (78) Apply Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection filter
- Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) (191) Apply Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) (372) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) filter
- Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) (728) Apply Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) filter
- The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) (212) Apply The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) filter
- Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection (135) Apply Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection filter
- Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) (269) Apply Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) filter
- Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection (80) Apply Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection filter
- Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 (54) Apply Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 filter
- Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 (114) Apply Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 filter
- Chile – The Colon Issues (48) Apply Chile – The Colon Issues filter
- UPU Postal Stationery Archives (51) Apply UPU Postal Stationery Archives filter
- Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection (329) Apply Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection (179) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection filter
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- German Colonies and offices abroad (903) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (1319) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (251) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (1684) Apply German States filter
- Germany (66) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (685) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (469) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (125) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (347) Apply Overseas filter
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- Transvaal (3) Apply Transvaal filter
1898/1919, mint never hinged lot of seven stamps: 1898 Wilhelmina 1gld., 2 1/2gld. and 5gld. each with selvedge; 1919 Surcharges both values as marginal pairs. Each with certificate Dr.Albert Louis AIEP. NVPH 77/79, 102/103.

1899/1981, a decent mint collection in two Lindner albums, predominantly even never hinged, complete according to Michel main cat.numbers, plus some extras like definitives coils; good quality throughout.

1869/1895 (ca.), comprehensive collection of apprx. 934 stamps and 55 covers, showing numeral postmarks (apprx. 513 stamps) from 1/Alkmar to 138/Moerdijk-Antwerpen, c.d.s. (apprx. 294 stamps) from Aalten to Zwolle and straight line (apprx. 127 stamps), slightly mixed condition as to be expected, overall fine.
0 1 3Catalogue no.

1918/90, mint never hinged, unused and used stock with better issues in 7 stockbooks.

1920/2019, mainly mint collection in two binders with main value in 1982/2019 apparently complete MNH.
1928/57, unmounted mint/unused selection of souvenir sheets and sheetlet (6), fine to very fine
1950, "GROSZY" overprints, unmounted mint collection, without souvenir sheets, but with stamps from culture souvenir sheet and postage due, better values signed Falkowski

1860/1939, exquisite collection of over 70 covers, neatly housed in one album, many notable items like Mi.-Nr. 1 tied by both concentric circles "1" VARSAW and red cds. "VARSAW 29-1" to folded entire to St Petersburg (certificate Mikulski), 21 and 25I + Austro-Hungarian Field Post 54A on registered cover from Slawkow Polski to Bedzin (sign. Wiatrowski and certificate Berbeka), better cancellations like "STATION OZORKOV", etc.; mostly very fine, an appealing specialist assembly
1904/1939 (ca.), interesting group of over 35 covers and cards, ecclectic range of frankings and types of mail, incl. 1916 Austro-Hungarian Fieldpost incoming mail to Warsaw, fine to very fine
6 (6)Catalogue no.
1925/1936 Postal history accummulation of over ninety covers, includes inflation period in 1920, an original correspondence, many interesting frankings and postmarks, in good to fine order.
FIELD POST OFFICES: 1919/21, 15 cards and covers, good range of cancels like red framed "Autokolumna polowa N°27.", noted FPO 23, 26, 27, 37 and VII; mostly fine, a most unusual specialist group
FIELD POST OFFICE "POCZTA POLOWA N°23": 1921/22, 14 registered cards, mostly with adjacent cds. "FRONTOWA POCZTA POLOWA"; mostly fine, a scarce group
1918, unused and used collection in one stockbook, complete in the main Michel cat. numbers, highly specialized with types, shades, multiples, better items like Mi.-Nr. 4 F (sign. Petriuk), together with some reference forgeries, mostly very fine and fresh, an unusual specialist assembly, many sign. Petriuk, Korszen, Mikulski

1853/1944 used stamp collection, presented in an Schaubek sprung back album, good early run with many complete, missing Michel 294, 296 and 400, includes parcel stamps, red cross except for Michel 1xB, some Civilian Rifle clubs, Michel 19-20, catalogue approximately €25k, condition predominately fine, a decent collection.
1853/1953 100 Years of the Portugese Postal Stamp book, containing very fine and fresh Stamp Reprint of D. Maria II, 1853 5 r., 25 r., 50 r. and 100 r., on embossed page, beautifully preserved, the book does have some outer toning/aging and the spine is separated in part, comes with a compliment slip from the General Administration of Posts and Telegraphs Portugal, with red cachet from International Philatelic Exhibition Lisbon 1953.

1856/1950, unused and mint never hinged and used holding, including Mi. No. 96-108, 109-123, 138-145, 154-167, block 1 (2), sheet 2 (2), 3, 4 (2), 5 (2), 6 (2), 7 (3), 8 (3), 9 (2), 10 (2), 11 (3), 12 (2), 13 (7), 14 (3), etc., some issues with new gum, mostly clean in two albums
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1940 Small assembly of miniture sheets, comprising seven examples, mostly unmounted mint, one cancelled, includes a Spainish Certvantes, presented upon five double face pages, in good to very fine condition, scarce lot.
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Portuguese and Spanish Colonies: 1870/1940 (ca.), unused and used old stock in stock book, hundreds of stamps with many better single sets and sets
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0Catalogue no.
1917/19, interesting group of covers, incl. several with scarce violet cachet "CAMP LOURENÇO MARQUES" and hexagonal "LOURENCO MARQUES CENTRAL", also a postcard from Bern to Transvaal, mixed condition

1862/1926 early mint and used stamp collection, comprising twenty album pages and a stock card, includes Michel 1 ii, 9 l/ll, 10 1/11, 9 llxKb, 10 llxKb, middle values Prince Charles I partially defective, also Michel 197/207, good to fine condition with several betters, a useful lot.
1936/71, unmounted mint/unused selection, with some blocks of four and souvenir sheets, mostly very fine and fresh assembly

1919 mainly mint collection of the overprints on Hungray stamps, in both types, predominately never hinged, small values probably all signed by Bobor, with units up to 50, in fine condition, a nice assembly.
1825/56 (ca.), group of 9 covers, mounted on album pages, incl. 2 Polish stampless folded entires, with some official letters and interesting handstamps "ODESSA 4/3" and framed "AV", mostly fine

1858/1918 mostly used stamp collection, comprising one album, begins with three examples of Michel 1, one which is tied to small frangment and comes with a Mikulski certificate, another has four margins and cancelled by a manuscript cross, also Michel 8 tied to piece by St. Petersburg red datestamp also comes with a Mikulski certificate and is Ex. Fabergé, very fine Michel 2 tied to piece with good perforations, Michel 5 to 11 and 8 to 28, with eight y values, noted Michel 38 and 39y used, two covers with Michel 139/48A, at the back of the album some nice Russia Levante and occupation of China, comes with Ebnet Russia 1857/1917 book and a 2005 Michel, very high catalogue value, an excellent collection.

1868/1917, over 130 covers and postal stationeries, housed in one album, many registered, incl. Mute Cancel and illustrated envelope, mixed condition

1880/1923 complication with duplication of mint and used stamps, comprising one ring binder, includes Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Wenden, civil war areas, the main value in the Ukraine with many significant values, numerous fresh and fine singles, a good collection.
2002/19, small lot with eight scarce booklets and some sheets of self-adhesives (Mi. ca. 5400,-)
1810/1917, over 20 covers mostly from or to current Estonia, neatly mounted on album pages, incl. registered, stampless and official mail, with superb strike of the handstamp "PERNOV" on folded entire dated 1810, etc., mostly fine
1853 – 84, 11 unfranked and franked letters and postcard, except one all to abroad, including nice railway letter

1872/1914 (ca.), accumulation of over 100 covers and cards from Lithuania under the Russian Empire in one album, incl. some official and registered mail, wide range of postmarks, together with some incoming mail, in mixed condition
1891/1916, interesting group of 27 postal used documents, mostly used in Moscow, many different preprints and postmarks, mostly good condition
1897/1900, four used newslettter wrappers, all sent to Riga and with censorship stamp, including newslettter wrappers from Ceylon "The times of Ceylon", mostly good condition

1900/18 (ca.), small group of over 90 covers, 20 of them as registered mail, including Finland, Poland, TPO, railroad mail, etc., in two albums
1856/1917, unused and used postal stationery collection, neatly mounted on album pages, some with additional frankings to foreign destinations, underfranked mail to France taxed upon arrival, etc., together with one prephilatelic folded entire and a scarce telegram from Moscow dated 1872; mostly fine, an interesting group