382nd Auction
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (3750) Apply Main catalogue filter
- German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction (342) Apply German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction filter
- Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) (70) Apply Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) filter
- Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection (78) Apply Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection filter
- Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) (191) Apply Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) (372) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) filter
- Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) (728) Apply Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) filter
- The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) (212) Apply The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) filter
- Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection (135) Apply Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection filter
- Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) (269) Apply Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) filter
- Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection (80) Apply Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection filter
- Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 (54) Apply Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 filter
- Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 (114) Apply Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 filter
- Chile – The Colon Issues (48) Apply Chile – The Colon Issues filter
- UPU Postal Stationery Archives (51) Apply UPU Postal Stationery Archives filter
- Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection (329) Apply Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection (179) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection filter
- Airmail (63) Apply Airmail filter
- All World (46) Apply All World filter
- British Commonwealth (392) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Europe (1092) Apply Europe filter
- German Colonies and offices abroad (903) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (1319) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (251) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (1684) Apply German States filter
- Germany (66) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (685) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (469) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (125) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (347) Apply Overseas filter
- Thematics (379) Apply Thematics filter
- Brunswick (1) Apply Brunswick filter
- Oldenburg (1) Apply Oldenburg filter
- Saxony (1) Apply Saxony filter
- Germany (1) Apply Germany filter
- Lombardy Venetia (1) Apply Lombardy Venetia filter
- Belgium (3) Apply Belgium filter
- Estonia (1) Apply Estonia filter
- Great Britain (1) Apply Great Britain filter
- Jersey (1) Apply Jersey filter
- Italy (2) Apply Italy filter
- Lithuania (1) Apply Lithuania filter
- Monaco (1) Apply Monaco filter
- Dutch East Indies (1) Apply Dutch East Indies filter
- Norway (9) Apply Norway filter
- Poland (1) Apply Poland filter
- Azores (1) Apply Azores filter
- Romania (2) Apply Romania filter
- Spain (5) Apply Spain filter
- Sweden (1) Apply Sweden filter
- Turkey (1) Apply Turkey filter
- Brazil (1) Apply Brazil filter
- China Empire and Republic (1) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
- Egypt (2) Apply Egypt filter
- Guatemala (1) Apply Guatemala filter
- Haiti (1) Apply Haiti filter
- Mexico (3) Apply Mexico filter
- Peru (2) Apply Peru filter
- Tibet (1) Apply Tibet filter
- United States of America (1) Apply United States of America filter
- New South Wales (1) Apply New South Wales filter
- Victoria (1) Apply Victoria filter
- Bermuda (1) Apply Bermuda filter
- Crown Colony of Canada (1) Apply Crown Colony of Canada filter
- India (1) Apply India filter
- Malta (1) Apply Malta filter
- Transvaal (3) Apply Transvaal filter

LATIN AND CENTRAL AMERICA: 1859/1970(ca), unused and used collection with some better values, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay and Venezuela, plus some Dutch colonies and Cuba and Puerto Rico, mostly good condition
1844/1970 accumulation of mint and used stamps, contained within two black leather bound vintage albums covering South America and a modern album covering North America, gaps throughout especially for early periods, mixed although includes mint never hinged, respectable quantities of Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico where there is a selection of Olympic material, USA reasonable for the lower values, there are also some covers in two of the albums, overall mixed, a useful lot.
1 2 3 6 (6) 5 6MCatalogue no.
1843/1940 (ca.), old collection in 10 volumes, including many interesting covers and cards, multiples, some specimen, etc., part of stamps unfortunately with oily hinge marks, still a lot of nice material, including interesting Columbia, Brasil, etc.
1920/1980 (ca.), interesting assembly of over 200 covers and cards, mainly multiple frankings and registered mail, including Jammu and Kasmir, Japanese Ocupation of Mengjiang, Malaysian States, Indian, China with Provinces, Tibet, Labuan, Tannu Tuva, etc., condition varies, overall fine to very fine
1908/47, interesting group of cards and covers (25) from Japan and China, incl. single, multiple, three-colour and registered frankings, strength up to the 1910s; condition varies, still mostly fine
0 1 3Catalogue no.

0 1 3 4Catalogue no.
1924/68 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation, incl. Syria, Libanon, United Arab Republic and Yemen, with duplicates and multiples, many complete sets, souvenir sheets, etc.; mostly very fine
6 5Catalogue no.
1795/1916 World forgeries, group of doubtful material, comprising seven covers and one piece, contested outright forgeries, an interesting group.

1796/1990 (ca), unmounted mint/unused and used balance of a large exhibition collection on Columbus, with many covers, strength in Spain and Latin America, many specialist items with die, vignette and trial colour proofs, maritime and forwarded transatlantic stampless mail, Zeppelin and airmail, large multiples, sheets and printing varieties, incl. Queensland Chalons 1 d. and 2 d. on 1874 cover to England via Torres Straight; some occasional faults and repairs especially in the early issues, otherwise fine to very fine condition. An eclectic and attractive assembly spanning from early colonial mail to modern connoisseur items.

1840/2018 (approx.), mint never hinged, unused and used collection German States, German Reich, German Colonies, China, Commonwealth and Mauritius with better and complete issues, including Bavaria Mi.1Ia on piece with cds. "NÜRNBERG" (cert. Sem BPP), Saxony Mi.1a plate II with pen cancel, repaired, signed Bühler, Mauritius 2d blue Post Paid intermediate impression (Mi.4) with small tear, 2d blue on laid paper with cert. BPA (SG43a), some better covers, etc.
1840/1990(ca), unused / mint and used doublet stock, including some interesting issues, two old selection books with better, some modern yearbooks, FDCs, etc.
1841/1910 (ca.), all world unused and used collection in an Arthur Maury "Album Universel“, over 940 pages starting from Great Britain imperforated Penny Reds, some better items like French Congo Parcel Stamp Yvert 1 used, Switzerland Mi 43 used, some good postmarks like Western Australia Mi 54A with "PEAK HILL JA 13 6 WA“, etc., mixed condition especially in the early issues, an interesting lot

1843/1960, high-quality collection "mourning letters" with emphasis on the covers from and to Austria until about 1880, including Austria Mi. No. 1Y, 3Y and 5 Y on cover to France (FA Steiner VÖB) and postal stationary issue 1861 15 Kr. on cover (FA DR. Ferchenbauer VÖB) and R-cover with German R-certificate "From abroad". In addition some loose stamps with i.a. Austria 10 S. Dollfuß used, together over 65 covers and cards in mostly good condition
1850/2010 (ca.), comprehensive used and mint balance in 40 albums with various European and overseas states, comprising e.g. nice sections Switzerland and Soviet Union, etc.
1850/1940 (ca), old time unused / mint never hinged and used holding, including Great Britain and British colonies, and better values from USA, Cape of Good Hope, New Zealand and British Guyana, very different condition, in two plug-in albums

1851/1945 (approx.), plug-in book with Doubles with among other things much USA, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Old Germany from Baden with better and German Reich, including again and again old covers and GSK
1852/1936, used, unused and covers in one Lighthouse album, better items like Cap of Good Hope crowned postmark "CAPETOWN POST OFFICE" (Goldblatt ULS 4), 1871 folded entire from Hull to Norway with ship cancel "ADENDAL-F-R.HAHN 20 7 1871", better destinations like Netherlands to St Helena, Austrian PO in Bulgaria "FILIPPOPEL" (Plovdiv) superb strike on postal stationery card, etc.; mixed condition

1855/1955 (ca.), small lot with Bavaria Mi. 20 in unused marginal pair, BRD Mi. 214P, stockbook Germania, and some ‘All World’ material
1859/1990 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used world collection, housed in 20 albums, incl. some sheets and blocks, generally fresh condition, some occasional faults, mostly fine
1860/1995 (approx.), comprehensive holding in 12 large boxes, besides, very much mint overseas material with among other things much French colonies with better issues, British colonies, many motives like birds, butterflies, etc., etc., often in stockbooks.
1860/1945 (ca.), mint, unused and used interesting group, mostly better issues or multiples, partly with certificate

1866/1945, mostly unused and used holding including some covers and postal stationary, including Prussia, German Reich with breastplate issues, Gdansk, Europe with including Switzerland and overseas with including much USA, all clean on Hawid stock cards

1866/1961, small unused and used collection with Belgian Congo with better, a nice collection Egypt, some Iran and Thailand, mostly good condition
1870/1990 large accumulation of mint and used material, comprising five albums, two stock books, an array of album pages, stock cards and bags, condition is mixed in places although ample finer quality examples, includes early to modern Tunisia, Morroco, German States, Yugolslavia, an album of French Africa, some early Persia, selection of Saarland covers, small quanity of modern German covers, some choice items throughout, noted Nepal 1949 Landscape mint set to 24 p., Soviet Union Mi. 682lC and Mi. 684lVC in mint never hinged corner blocks, also several fine early Bavaria from Mi. 3 onwards, in the main countries are incomplete with the odd set or run, a useful and abundant lot.

1870/1970 (ca.), used and unused collection in 4 albums and some folders, wide range of issues with many in the classic and early 20th century periods, some duplicates, condition varies from poor to very fine, an interesting group
1878/2000, box with duplicates and modern part collections Austria, some Great Britain and German Empire, plus handbook "The Work of Jean de Sperati - Part II The Plates" (1955)
1880/1990 accumulation of mint and used stamps, comprising three albums, a stock book and eleven small books, semi organised into regions and countries, noted Scandinavia, Middle East, South America, Europe and USA, very mixed with a small quanity of early material, mostly used, includes a nice neatly presented thematic mint collection of Automobiles, set out in three albums arrange A to S, from Afghanistan to San Marino, also a selection of movie related stamps with small quantity of USA Star Wars and four stamp calendars from late 1970s to early 1980s, an interesting and useful lot.

1912/30 (ca.), used and unused collection in one album, from Açores to Lithuania, incl. a few charity stamps, condition varies from poor to very fine
1920/2002 (ca.), comprehensive mint and used balance/remainder in 14 albums, comprising e.g. Europa-Cept mint collection incl. forerunners and related, attractive thematics like Sports, United Nations, a nice range of Germany face value, etc., in addition some covers.
1929/2016 (ca.), enormously comprehensive collection holding in 15 large boxes, mainly mint collections from among others Vatican (without provisionals), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Austria (without Renner miniature sheets), UN, CEPT, European miniature sheets, GDR from the beginning, several volumes Olympic Games 1976, etc., besides yearbooks, annual compilations, stamp booklets and doublets
1930/2012(ca), extensive, mainly mint collection in 12 self designed albums, collected according to various thematic criteria, including much Great Britain and Commonwealth and Scandinavia, good condition
1970/2014, extensive lot of hundreds, mostly modern, covers and cards, including much Germany as well as Lithuania, plus some mint never hinged stamps
1975/2018 presentation album with Apollo Space mission mint never hinged material and commemorative covers, All World, also three stock books of modern Japan, almost exclusively mint never hinged, together with a commerative hardback folder celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Emperor, in addition a China 1999 Yearbook.

1788/1944 used assembly of world wide covers and unused stationery cards with a small selection of stamps, noted three Reunion Island covers, a pre-stamp 1788 cover from Corfu to Italy and a 1792 wrapper to Madeira, several from France with Ceres, Napoleon and Sage frankings, also Holland, Austria, Egypt, Italy, German East Africa including Sea Post, a 1904 card sent from Nyanga, Kamerun, an envelope originating from Bangangte, as well as a registered 1944 Bafia, Cameroun envelope, a small selection of Monaco unused cards and three 1989 French coin covers, mixed condition although plenty of finer examples, a scarce assortment.
6Catalogue no.

1797/1945 (ca.), nearly 150 covers, cards and postal stationery from pre-philately with i.a. "Disinfected"-letter 1832 from Riga via Memel to Holland, ship mail with better, private-GSK, German occupation II. WK with much Serbia, mail overseas, interesting frankings, etc.

1824/1999 World accumulation of covers, postal stationery and cards, comprising a selection of Mauritius postal history from 1831 to modern, noted 1855 cover with Maritime Packet Letter mark in red, sent via Ceylon, Suez and Marseille to Bordeaux, also a large quantity of mail into Switzerland as well as mail sent from Geneva and Zurich, including printed The News of Soldier envelope sent to Algeria, good range of Romania, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Russia, with a few Austria, France, French Colonies, Norway, India, Italy, Germany, noted stampless 1916 envelope with POW Shipment cachet in violet, datestamped Königsbrück sent to Algeria, a stampless 1824 entire from Odessa to Marseille, some field post, censor mail, air mail, undelivered, redirected and registered, very mixed, with some fine, a scarce assortment of covers.