385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10456
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening320 €

1900/84 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used group, some better sets and values like Mi.-Nr. 34-35, 41, etc., together with some souvenir sheets, overall very fine, neatly housed in one stockbook

Lot no.10458


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Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €

1923/61, mostly unmounted mint and unused collection incl. official stamps and duplicate, some better and complete sets, with Mi-Nr. 1-15 unused, twice Mi.-Nr. 16-37 unused, Mi.-Nr. 39-51 unmounted mint, Mi.-Nr. 51 in vertical gutter pair and official stamps Mi.-Nr. 15-25 unused, also some modern issues incl. some imperforated stamps and two booklets with ATM

Lot no.10459


0 1 2 3 6 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1856/1996 (ca.), interesting mint never hinged/unused and used collection, including Postage Dues, Officials and Special Delivery, strength before the 1950s with a fine selection of the early imperforate issues with many duplicates, some better items throughout, mixed condition, an attractive assembly in eight albums/stockbooks

Lot no.10460


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Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1890/1907 (ca.), unused and used small lot with a tete beche, 3 proof blocks, etc.

Lot no.10462


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Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1858/1967, mostly used collection, including Officials and Postage Dues, some better sets and values throughout, starting with a group of classic issues, some occasional faults as to be expected, overall in good condition, in one album

Lot no.10463


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1858/1987, mint never hinged/unused and mostly used collection, including Chilean Occupation, Postage Dues, Officials and Telegraphs, strength before the 1950s, starting with a fine selection of the classical issues with some duplicates up to the semi-classics, some occasional faults, overall in good condition, in one album and one stockbook

Lot no.10464



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1980/2009, five-frame gold medal-winning exhibit collection “The Death of a Postal System - Zimbabwean Inflation 1980-2009”, neatly mounted on exhibition pages, documenting all the individual postage periods, including many interesting and better letters from some very short postage periods, rare single frankings, registered mail, air mail, censorship etc.

Lot no.10465
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 1 2 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1888/1960 (ca.). mint never hinged/unused and used group with one cover, cpl. sets and duplicates, some better items with Taiwan Mi.-Nr. 155A-160A, Booklet Mi.-Nr. MH184B-187B, Bl.3, 5-6, etc., mostly in fine and fresh condition, a fine lot in one stockbook

Lot no.10466


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1955/66, mint never hinged group of 1955 Mi. Bl. 2 souvenir sheet with tab (folded), unused without gum, as issued and two MNH sets of Mi. 591-94, good condition

Lot no.10467
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €

1947/2009, mostly mint never hinged collection, some better sets like Mi.-Nr. 264-273 (twice the 20 Bath), 358-374, etc., together with many souvenir sheets, overall in excellent condition, neatly housed in three stockbook/albums

Lot no.10469


0 1 2 3 6 (6) 4

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1918/23, Armenia bis Transcaucasia, mint never hinged/unused and used collection, plenty of material with duplicates, many multiples including blocks and large part sheets, some Yessayan series including reprints, “Occupation Azirbayedjan” overprints, a fine selection of the Batum issues and Armenian Monograms, some better items like Batum Mi.-Nr. 44b unused, Azerbaidjan Mi.-Nr. 42 block of six and horizontal pairs (2, one adhesive with variety double overprint), all tied by cds. “BAKU 19 6 22” and paying a 500,000 rubles tariff to registered envelope to Berlin, etc., many forgeries, reprints and dubious items, overall in good condition, an interesting assembly in one album

Lot no.10471
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 3 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1968/72 (ca.), mint never hinged and used accumulation with souvenir sheets, many duplicates and sets both perforated and imperforated, neatly housed in two stockbooks

Lot no.10473


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1902/74 (ca.), Arabic United Republic group of about 450 FDCs, together with a selection of Egyptian covers and postcards with some airmail, mostly very fine, in six albums

Lot no.10474


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Catalogue no.

Opening80 €

1951/88, Vienna, New York and Geneva, comprehensive mint never hinged collection in 5 albums, together with some sheetlets, a few used and a few covers, overall condition very fine

Lot no.10475


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Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer

1962/93 (ca.), mint never hinged and used collection, also some covers, mostly very fine, in two albums and one stockbook

Lot no.10476


0 1 2 3 6 (6) 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €

1847/2000, mint never hinged/unused and used collection with some covers, incl. Officials, Revenues, American areas with Hawai, Porto Rico and Canal Zone, some better items with Scott-Nr. 1(2), 17, 77/91/98(8), 119(3) all used, 241 unused with sheet margin, 630 cpl. pane unused(2) incl. the plate flaw “dot over S”, 2870 Bill Picket Recalled pane of 20, etc., a large selection of pre-cancels, some booklets, a selection of Revenues with some high values, some specialities with a 1870 split grill, Blood´s dispatch 1 c. bronze/black on 1853 lettersheet, 1864 15 cents franking tied by Cork cancel on envelope from New York to  Braunschweig, etc., together wih a few duplicates, mixed condition, in eight albums and some stockcards

Lot no.10477


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Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1847/2020, in the beginning mostly used collection, since ca. 1995 often mnh. Classic very mixed condition with some better items like Columbus 1$ unused and 2$ used, Omaha 2S unused, etc.

Lot no.10478


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Catalogue no.

Opening700 €

1847/1932 (ca), mint never hinged/unused and used collection, with many better and interesting throughout, good section of the 1869 pictorial issue, some better items like Scott-Nr. R80c with R30c used on 1870 receipt, also some Postage Fractional currency, Private Die and Beer stamps, also some Philippines, usual slightly mixed condition

Lot no.10480


0 1 3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €

1851/2016 (ca.), massive mint never hinged, unused and used collection, strength in the modern area with some huge facial postal value, many duplicates, multiples and complete sheets, some better items like Recalled Scott-Nr. 2870(3), together with a good selection of modern booklets, some occasional faults in the early issues, overall in very good and fresh condition, neatly housed in 56 albums and stockbooks

Lot no.10482


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Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1855/2020, mixed collection incl. a good part valid postage, booklets, souvenir and miniature sheets, etc., in 19 hingeless albums

Lot no.10483


0 1 3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1860/1996 (ca.), large mostly used accumulation, incl. Fiscals, many duplicates, together with some souvenir sheets and a few covers, mixed condition, in 21 stockbooks and 3 albums

Lot no.10484


0 1 2 3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1861/1979, mint never hinged/unused and used stock with approx. 2–3000 stamps, in the beginning mostly used stamps and later MNH blocks of four, sheets and part sheets, further some European miniature sheets

Lot no.10485


0 1 2 3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1870/2022, in the beginning mostly used and later from 1976-2022 in the main catalogue numbers apparently complete collections featuring complete sets, early and modern souvenir sheets, booklets and booklet panes, etc., a good part valid postage, in the beginning strongly mixed, later in good condition, in four hingeless albums

Lot no.10486
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1870/90, small group of 22 plate proofs on India paper, mostly in good condition

Lot no.10487


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Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1969/1990, mint assortment of more than 40 varieties and specialities, comprising imperf. stamps mainly in pairs, missing colours/missing value/missing inscription etc., 

Lot no.10488


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Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1976/2014 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation with covers and FDCs, incl. UNO, mostly mint with a fair amount of facial postal value, many duplicates, booklets, souvenir sheets, etc., neatly housed in 10 albums

Lot no.10489


0 4

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1998/2012, in the main catalogue numbers apparently complete mint never hinged collection incl. many souvenir and miniature sheets, blocks of ten, booklets, etc., enormous part valid postage, good condition, in two large stockbooks

Lot no.10490



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1799/1940, interesting group with approx. 100 covers and some cards with good frankings

Lot no.10491



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
