385th Auction
24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (4696) Apply Main catalogue filter
- Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection (Teil II) (301) Apply Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection (Teil II) filter
- Schleswig Holstein - Letter Mail between the Duchies and the GAPU (108) Apply Schleswig Holstein - Letter Mail between the Duchies and the GAPU filter
- German Reichspost - Shield issues 1872-1875 - The "Baghira" Collection (part I) (218) Apply German Reichspost - Shield issues 1872-1875 - The "Baghira" Collection (part I) filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues - The Dr. Dietmar Kipping Collection (part II) (39) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues - The Dr. Dietmar Kipping Collection (part II) filter
- German foreign Post Offices and Colonies - The "Calibra" Collection (part I) (381) Apply German foreign Post Offices and Colonies - The "Calibra" Collection (part I) filter
- The Postal History of Gdansk, from pre-philately to the end of March 1945 - the Ton Hulkenberg collection (379) Apply The Postal History of Gdansk, from pre-philately to the end of March 1945 - the Ton Hulkenberg collection filter
- Federal Republic of Germany - Frankings and se-tenants (104) Apply Federal Republic of Germany - Frankings and se-tenants filter
- Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia – The "P.G." Collection (final part) (1302) Apply Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia – The "P.G." Collection (final part) filter
- Turkey from 1863 – stamps and postal history – The "Primavera" Collection (123) Apply Turkey from 1863 – stamps and postal history – The "Primavera" Collection filter
- All-World-Postal Stationery - The Dankward Ufer Collection (143) Apply All-World-Postal Stationery - The Dankward Ufer Collection filter
- Airmail (93) Apply Airmail filter
- All World (58) Apply All World filter
- Autographs (40) Apply Autographs filter
- British Commonwealth (233) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Europe (1144) Apply Europe filter
- German Colonies and offices abroad (669) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (886) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (537) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (905) Apply German States filter
- Germany (97) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (449) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (1577) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (777) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (336) Apply Overseas filter
- Thematics (88) Apply Thematics filter
- German States (1) Apply German States filter
- German Empire (1) Apply German Empire filter
- German Post in Turkey (1) Apply German Post in Turkey filter
- German East Africa (1) Apply German East Africa filter
- German South-West Africa (1) Apply German South-West Africa filter
- Mariana Islands (2) Apply Mariana Islands filter
- Samoa (1) Apply Samoa filter
- Germany (1) Apply Germany filter
- Austria (6) Apply Austria filter
- Belgium (2) Apply Belgium filter
- Denmark (7) Apply Denmark filter
- Estonia (2) Apply Estonia filter
- Finland (5) Apply Finland filter
- France (28) Apply France filter
- Great Britain (3) Apply Great Britain filter
- Jersey (2) Apply Jersey filter
- Hungary (3) Apply Hungary filter
- Kingdom and Republic (7) Apply Kingdom and Republic filter
- Lithuania (2) Apply Lithuania filter
- Liechtenstein (2) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Netherlands (5) Apply Netherlands filter
- Dutch East Indies (7) Apply Dutch East Indies filter
- Norway (11) Apply Norway filter
- Poland (5) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (3) Apply Portugal filter
- Romania (3) Apply Romania filter
- Russia (3) Apply Russia filter
- Spain (5) Apply Spain filter
- Sweden (7) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (14) Apply Switzerland filter
- Turkey (3) Apply Turkey filter
- Argentina (2) Apply Argentina filter
- Brazil (5) Apply Brazil filter
- Chile (2) Apply Chile filter
- China Empire and Republic (9) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
- Colombia (2) Apply Colombia filter
- Hawaii (3) Apply Hawaii filter
- Iran (2) Apply Iran filter
- Japan (4) Apply Japan filter
- Mexico (2) Apply Mexico filter
- United States of America (9) Apply United States of America filter
- Commonwealth of Australia (3) Apply Commonwealth of Australia filter
- Canada (3) Apply Canada filter
- Hong Kong (4) Apply Hong Kong filter
- India (2) Apply India filter
- Singapore (2) Apply Singapore filter
1840/2000 (ca.), enormous mint never hinged/unused and used stock, with many complete and good sets and souvenir sheets, neatly housed in hundreds of big stockcards, with a good part Canada with e.g. Mi.-.Nr. 24a-c (all signed Richter), 38-47 used, further Belgium beginning with Mi.-Nr. 1-3 (multiple), etc., over China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, America, Golf States, Emirates, Germany incl. some covers starting with German States, etc., mostly good condition, in three cartons

1841/2000 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation with a large selection of covers and cards, noted Portugal and Colonies, British Empire with Indian states, France and Germany, including a fine selection of local stamps and fiscals, also some sheets, some interesting frankings, together with a few reprints and forgeries. An ecclectic and interesting group, mixed condition
1847/1958 (ca.), small lot with better items, mostly US and areas and Commonwealth, 12 certificates
0 1 2 3 6 5Catalogue no.
1847/1970 (ca.), interesting lot in 2 large boxes, partly on old sales cards, with better single values, collection France and territories, much Germany, etc.

1847/1960 (ca.), small lot with some better values and complete issues, partly with certificate/opinion
1850/1960 (ca.), lot in 3 banana boxes, with collections, duplicates, etc. Much Austria and territories, Russian territories, etc.

1850/1945, mostly used stamps before 1920 with Austria, Switzerland and overseas with e.g. Egypt, Chile and USA, plus some old postal stationery and covers
1850/1990 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and mostly used world accumulation, many duplicates, strength in the European countries, noted Germany, Scandinavia, Benelux, fine section of Portugal and colonies, etc., mixed condition, in 20 albums/stockbooks
1850/1980 (ca.), used and unused stock in two boxes with overseas incl. China, Belgium, better issues III.Reich and BRD, Switzerland with mnh and better covers, early maximum cards Bund/Berlin, etc
1850/2000 (ca.), used and unused balance in 25 albums plus some loose material, quality range from poor to fine, comprising e.g. some British colonies, Liechtenstein, Russia, Belgium, also registration labels, vignettes and cinderellas.
1851/2000, lot with unused and unsed stamps from Portugal and colonies, five small stockbooks with stamps from Bavaria with D. Reich, Europe and Japan, plus mint collection CEPT 1974-82, four Oelschläger covers 1972 with frankings Germany, Netherlands, France and Angola, and unmounted mint stamps Germany doublets1971-2000

1852/1950 (approx.), unusual collection with old German States and D. Reich with better stamps and cancellations incl. some covers and cards, among others USA with many old stamps and Europe, in stockbook

1852/1955, old ‘Esso’ collector's album with stamps from old German states, with many stamps before 1920 from overseas incl. USA and Europe
1852/1960, mostly used lot with many old stamps from Belgium, GB, Netherlands, Poland and Hungary, plus some postal stationery cards and covers
1853/1970 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation, with Egypt, Asia with Japan, China including People´s Republic from the 1950s, some small but interesting selection in the early issues with Brazil Dom Pedro, also some small groups of Mozambica, Acores, Dutch Indies, British Commonwealth, North Korea, etc., a wide-ranging and eclectic assortment of varying quality, in 14 albums/stockbooks

1854/1945 (ca.), ecclectic mint never hinged/unused and used selection with a few covers, spanning from Argentina to Turkey, noted Brazil, dabei u.a. Argentina Mi.-Nr. 2H on small piece (certificate Gugliano AIEP), Norway 1 used, etc., mixed condition, in one stockbook
1857/1930 (ca.), interesting group of facsimilés, forgeries and forged cancellations for reference, noted strong Soviet Union
1860/1980 (ca.), kleine Partie im Karton, dabei alte Auswahlhälfte und Sammlung Telefonkarten
1867/1990 (ca.), ecclectic all world accumulation, some duplicates included, noted Italy, Hungary, Croatia with souvenir sheets, British Guinea with a few semi-classics, some better items with Portugal Mi.-Nr. Bl 2-3, nice section of Pakistan, lovely Laos with Mi.-Nr. 40-42 and a selection of the early blocks, Laos Mi.-Nr. 49-53 imperforated set from the sheet corner (in lighter shades), Ukraine 1918 receipt with fiscal, etc., mixed condition, in 20 albums/stocbooks
1870/1980 (ca.), Bestand in 3 großen Kartons, dabei Daguin-Maschinenstempel-Sammlung , Sammlung Infla-Briefe, etc.
0 1 3 6Catalogue no.
1872/1970 (ca.), Partie im großen Kartons, dabei viel Deutschland mit Tütenlager Nebengebiete, Bogen- bzw. Engrosware AM-Post, etc.
1900/2013, mint and used balance in 15 albums, compirising e.g. modern Pitcairn MNH, thematic issues Olympic Games MNH, Kosovo MNH and used, etc.
0 1 2 4Catalogue no.
1904/45, lot airmail stamps incl. German Empire, with Mexico Mi.-Nr. III in larger quantities, Italian Mi.-Nr. 439-444 (6x unmounted mint), Iceland Mi.-Nr.147-49 in block of 4 with sheet number (certificate Sieger BPP), Great Barrier Island Pigeon stamp 6 p. and 1 sh. on two pieces and two boxes with modern motive material
0 1 2 4Catalogue no.
1912/1936, small lot with airmail stamps from all over the world, among others two unused vignettes DNG "Luftschiff-Expedition" 1 m., Mexico Rocket Mail stamp 1961 several times in complete sheets (once with signatures of all invited guests to the start) resp. overprint sheet and Russia with unused Zeppelin stamps 1930 40 and 80 cop. imperforated (Michel No. 390-91C, signed UdSSR ASSOC.), mostly good condition
0 1 3 4Catalogue no.
1923/2018, interessante kleine Partie, dabei bessere Memel, ungezähnte Liechtenstein-Blocks, Vorlagekartons Berlin, etc.
0 1 2Catalogue no.

1930/36, unused/unmounted mint collection ‘Zeppelin’ stamps with i.a. Aegean Islands Mi.-No. 115-20, Bolivia Mi.-No. 185-92, Brazil Mi.-No. Zp 1-8 mint, Soviet Union Mi.-No. 483-87 and USA Mi.-No. 326-28 unused (unfortunately stained), in addition mostly unused collection ‘Airmail stamps’ with some complete and better issues from all over the world, the condition is partly somewhat faulty
1950/1990 (ca.), postfrischer und gestempelter Bestand in 15 Alben mit Motivsammlungen “Das erste Reich der Deutschen”, “Eisenbahn”, “Rembrandt”, “Rowland Hill”, UNO, Cept ab einigen Vorläufern, zwei Alben Numisbriefen incl. DDR und Bund.
1960/2000 (ca.), umfangreicher postfrischer und gestempelter Bestand in 16 Kartons mit den Resten einer großen Einlieferung, dabei Produkte der modernen Abo-Philatelie, sehr guter Teil Telefonkarten, Jahrbücher, Maximumkarten, etc.
0 3 6Catalogue no.
1960/90 (ca.), mostly mnh material including sports motives in quantities , booklets, etc. in 3 boxes
1641/1980 (ca.), several hundred letters and cards including GB early postal history, ca. 400 cards with Japanese special cancellations 1936, and Iran postal stationery, in large box

1703/1940 (ca.), about 120 covers and cards, strong in ship- and transit mail, including wreck mail, items from Haiti, South America, India, Europe, Asia, etc. Partly on old auction cards. A very interesting lot.

1750/1960 (ca.), large accumulation of covers and cards, strength before the 1920s with some engaging items throughout, good part of Classic France, also noted Dutch East Indies, German Colonies, Funchal, Monaco, British Empire, etc., some missionary and military mail, many interesting postmarks like 1833 red three-line “Service du Roi Maison du Roi”, circular “ST VINCENT” on 1814 entire to London, Austrian Levant 15 s. tied by cds. “BUCAREST 19/5” to 1866 folded lettersheet to Wien (faulty), incoming mail to Imperial Russia, outgoing mail from Imperial Russia to Saigon, etc., mixed condition as to be expected. An unusual lot full of character

1790/1916 (ca.), about 50 letters, cards and documents ‘Cholera’, including several desinfection handstamps, etc.

1829/1990 (ca), covers, cards and postal stationery from pre-philately with, among other things, a military letter from Harburg to the modern era, including two prepaid R-coffee sacks from El Salvador in 1929 and an airmail letter to La Paz in 1937, neatly in an album

1832/1952 (ca.), interesting accumulation of over 90 covers, strength in the classical period with many interesting frankings, noted Austria, France from the first issue, Germany with some Large Shields, Great Britain with Penny Black on entires (2, both faulty), Confederate States, some fine destinations, etc., mixed condition, in one album