380. Auktion
16.-17. & 20.-25. März 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (4143) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Amerikanische Postschiffe über den Atlantik 1800–1870 – Die Sammlung Graham Booth (248) Apply Amerikanische Postschiffe über den Atlantik 1800–1870 – Die Sammlung Graham Booth filter
- Bayern ab 1849 – Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil IV) (120) Apply Bayern ab 1849 – Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil IV) filter
- El Salvador – Die Sammlung Michael Peter (101) Apply El Salvador – Die Sammlung Michael Peter filter
- Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil I) (60) Apply Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil I) filter
- Privatpost – Die Sammlungen Peter Rogers (Teil II) (195) Apply Privatpost – Die Sammlungen Peter Rogers (Teil II) filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten – Die Sammlung ERIVAN – 9. Auktion (307) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten – Die Sammlung ERIVAN – 9. Auktion filter
- Deutschland 1849–2000 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil I) (933) Apply Deutschland 1849–2000 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil I) filter
- Einschreibebriefe der deutschen Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (Teil I) (277) Apply Einschreibebriefe der deutschen Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (Teil I) filter
- Lagerauflösung (107) Apply Lagerauflösung filter
- Alle Welt (78) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1570) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (664) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (1047) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (165) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (487) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (728) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (69) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (407) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (748) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (101) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (52) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (75) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Transatlantikpost (284) Apply Transatlantikpost filter
- Übersee (399) Apply Übersee filter
- Bayern (1) Apply Bayern filter
- Hannover (1) Apply Hannover filter
- Preussen (1) Apply Preussen filter
- Sachsen (2) Apply Sachsen filter
- Württemberg (1) Apply Württemberg filter
- Deutsches Reich (1) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Kamerun (1) Apply Kamerun filter
- Memelgebiet (1) Apply Memelgebiet filter
- Österreich (1) Apply Österreich filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (2) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Frankreich (2) Apply Frankreich filter
- Irland (Eire) (4) Apply Irland (Eire) filter
- Italien (1) Apply Italien filter
- Lettland (Latvija) (1) Apply Lettland (Latvija) filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (3) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (2) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (1) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Brasilien (1) Apply Brasilien filter
- Ecuador (1) Apply Ecuador filter
- Mexiko (1) Apply Mexiko filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (3) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Kanada (1) Apply Kanada filter
- Indien (3) Apply Indien filter
1935, 1 a. myrtle-green & purple-brown, two vertical imperf pairs, cancelled by "O" in circle of bars d additionally tied by "TIKAMGARH23 DEC 37" cds to reverse of registered cover from Niwari to Jatara with "JATARA / Orchha STATE / 24 DE 37", stamps defective, certificate ISES 2021 (SG value £8160)
6Katalog-Nr.11a, 17
1935, 1a myrtle-green & purple-brown, imperf., and 4a deep reddish purple & sage-green, tied by "BALDEOGURH / ORCHA STATE / 23 JL 38" to reverse of registered cover from Baldeogurh to Tikamgarh with boxed registration strike on obverse and with "TIKAMGARH / ORCHA STATE / 24 JL 38" delivery cds., BPA certificate
6Katalog-Nr.32, 33, 35, 36
1939, ½ a. yellow-green, 3/4a bright blue, 1¼ a blue and 1 ½a mauve, tied by "O" in circle of bars to registered cover from Tikamgurh to Satara with "TIKAMGURH / Orchha STATE / 26 SE 46" squared circle cds and "SATARA / Orchha STATE 27 SE 46" delivery cds on reverse. A spectacular four color franking of Orchha State, the only one we are aware of, certificate ISES 2021
6Katalog-Nr.33, 37
1939/42, ¾a bright blue, block of four, and 2 a. vermillion, tied by "O" in small oval of horizontal bars to registered cover with boxed registration strike on front
1939, 1 a. scarlet, block of four and single, tied by "O" in circle of bars cancel to 1949, registered cover from Palera to Tikamgarh with "PALERA / ORCHA STATE / 2 OC 49" cds and "TIKAMGARH / ORCHA STATE / 2 OC 49" delivery cds. An extremely late usage in 1949; quite possibly the latest known usage of Orcha stamps. Orcha became part of Vidhya Pradesh by 1 May 1948
6Katalog-Nr.34, 39
1939, 1a scarlet and 3a slate-violet, tied by "O" in circle of bars to registered cover from Degorah to Tikamgarh with "DEGORAH / ORCHA STATE / B.O. / 18 AU 42" dispatch cds and "TIKAMGARH / ORCHA STATE / 19 AU 42" delivery cds on reverse
Pre-stamp native cover with enclosure from Patiala to Ludhiana franked with native Patiala intaglio seal (Frank) with Rajpoora transit cds and Loodianna delivery cds on reverse. Less than six covers are known bearing Patiala intaglio Frank.
2Katalog-Nr.Deschl C2a var
1884 India QV 1/4 anna + 1/4 anna message + reply postcard with only 24 holes instead of the normal 28 holes. According to Deschl "The perforated reply postcard has two types of perforations, #C2 has 28 holes over 120 mm and #C2a has 24 holes over 120 mm. One copy of #C2a recorded" . Deschl also records the error in spelling "PUTTIALIA" instead of "PUTTIALLA" as the C2b. This postcard has both errors listed as C2a & C2b (24 holes and spelling error on reply portion) which most certainly makes this a unique example and perhaps the greatest rarity of Patiala postal stationery. Few trivial perf separations
1876 6p orange-vermillion with exceptionally large margins tied on back of cover (front missing) with the extremely rare three line intaglio seal cancel with "KAHUTA / OCT 14" transit cds and "CHOYA SADAN SHAH / OCT 17" delivery cds.
6p red with unusually large margins tied by large native intaglio seal cancel to Br. India QV ½ a. postal stationery envelope from Poonch to Amritsar, Die cancelled by Sialkot "L-3/7" cancel with "KAHUTA OCT 30" transit cds and "AMRITSAR / NOV 1" delivery cds (SG value £900)
2 4Katalog-Nr.10
1885/94, 1 p. red, horizontal pair, one stamp sideways, unused, one stamp light creases, still fine, certificate ISES (2022)
1885/94, 1 p. red, tete-beche pair, unused, one stamp crease, still fine, certificate ISES (2022)
1 p. red on thick white laid paper used. An exceptionally rare stamp that is unpriced in SG in used condition.
2 4Katalog-Nr.25
2 a. red on laid paper, block of 4, unused, pre-folds between the pairs, very fine, certificate ISES (2022)
2 4Katalog-Nr.29
1 a. red on yellow wove baton paper, block of 4, unused, 2 values with folds, still fine, certificate ISES (2022)
1885-94, 1/2 anna red on orange-buff wove battone paper block of 10 (SG value £950)
2 4Katalog-Nr.47
1885/94, 4 a. red on laid blue-green paper, block of 4, unused, 2 stamps faint crease, still fine, certificate ISES (2022)
1885-94 1/2 anna red on yellow-green horizontal laid paper, certificate ISES 2021 (SG value £2500)
1885-94 1/2 anna red on yellow-green vertical laid paper, certificate ISES 2021 (SG value £2500)
2 4Katalog-Nr.55
1885/94, 1 p. on laid blue paper, part sheet of 40 stamps with reverse side annotation "These stamps are part of the postal stock of my territory and stamped office the year 1942, Baldeo Singh, Raja of Poonch"
2 4Katalog-Nr.O6,6a,6b
1887, 4 a. black in block of 12 with three tete-beche pairs and one pair with one stamp sideways, unused, 2 pre-folds between stamps
2 4Katalog-Nr.O10 var
Wove paper: 4 a. black in block of 4 with one stamp sideways and one stamp with paper makers embossing, goodd margins, unused, light crease in the lower pair, most likely unique, certificate ISES (2022)
1947 Shahpura 1 anna brick-red on wove paper postal-fiscal pin-perf. 7 handstamped "RAJASTHAN" in purple. Shahpura became part of Rajasthan State, not listed in SG. ISES certificate
6Katalog-Nr.Deschl #E1
Registered cover with registry number "75" and dated "29-12-48" in manuscript franked on reverse with six cut-outs (one strongly defective) of Kishangarh 1/2 anna brown postal stationery envelope handstamped with "RAJASTHAN" in red tied by large "ARAIN 29 DEC" cds. These postal stationery envelopes were used as cut-outs because of the very brittle paper, from which these envelopes were produced, rendered them unusable as envelopes.
1948 Bundi 2a vermillion bottom right corner marginal copy handstamped "RAJASTHAN" in blue with part offset of blue ink most likely from the envelope it was probably stuck onto. This stamp is unpriced in unused condition in SG
1950 Jaipur ¼ a. to 1 r., set missing 3/4a, 1a & 2a, with overprinted "RAJASTHAN" cancelled to order, as always (SG value £1304)
1950 Jaipur 4a, 6a, 8a & 1R (being the four top values of the set) overprinted "RAJASTHAN" each in a marginal block of ten (SG value £840)
6Katalog-Nr.30 var, 43
Kishangarh 1913/16, 1 a. red, and 4a chestnut (Kishangarh SG 31b) handstamped "RAJASTHAN" in red (Rajasthan SG 30 var as the only listed stamp in SG is in chocolate, the chestnut shade is not listed) and Kishangarh 2a purple handstamped "RAJASTHAN" in red all tied by large double ring "KISHANGARH / 17 JAN 50" cds. to reverse of registered Notice cover , most interesting cover bearing both Kishangarh and Rajasthan stamps, certificate ISES 2021.
1948 Kishangarh 2R brown-red pin-perf handstamped "RAJASTHAN" in red (SG value £800)
1948-49, Kishangarh 5 rupees mauve handstamped RAJASTHAN in red (SG value £800)
1948-49 Kishangarh 8 annas grey block of four handstamped "RAJASTHAN" in red used with "KISHANGARH / 15 MAR 50" cds. Minor perf damage left side. RPSL certificate (SG value £1400)
6Katalog-Nr.43, etc.
1948/49, Kishangar 2 a. violet and 2 postal stationery cut-outs with violet handstamps , tied to reverse of cover
2Katalog-Nr.45 var
1948-49 Kishangarh 8a brown handstamped "RAJASTHAN" with error handstamp in blue instead of red. The blue handstamp, while recorded on other stamps, has not been recorded on this stamp mamking this the discovery example and possibly unique.
2Katalog-Nr.61 var
1948-49 4a brown on thick soft unsurfaced wove paper with "RAJASTHAN" handstamp in violet instead of red. Note that the violet handstamp is recorded in other denominations but not for the 4 annas.