379th Auction
19-24 September 2022 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (3729) Apply Main catalogue filter
- BAVARIA from 1849 – The Eliahu Weber Collection (part III) (110) Apply BAVARIA from 1849 – The Eliahu Weber Collection (part III) filter
- DER LEIPZIGER ‚COURIER‘ - The Peter Rogers Collection (177) Apply DER LEIPZIGER ‚COURIER‘ - The Peter Rogers Collection filter
- German Colonies - The Rolf Haspel Collections (245) Apply German Colonies - The Rolf Haspel Collections filter
- The Larry C. Parks Collection (99) Apply The Larry C. Parks Collection filter
- ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN 1870 - 1872 - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection (60) Apply ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN 1870 - 1872 - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection filter
- England via Bremen (23) Apply England via Bremen filter
- GERMAN STATES · The ERIVAN Collection · 8th Auction (295) Apply GERMAN STATES · The ERIVAN Collection · 8th Auction filter
- GUADALAJARA - Provisional Issues (39) Apply GUADALAJARA - Provisional Issues filter
- INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection (part III) (109) Apply INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection (part III) filter
- Memelgebiet 1634-1945 - The Robert G. Wightman Collection (89) Apply Memelgebiet 1634-1945 - The Robert G. Wightman Collection filter
- Transatlantic Mail (123) Apply Transatlantic Mail filter
- Airmail (127) Apply Airmail filter
- All World (74) Apply All World filter
- British Commonwealth (219) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Europe (773) Apply Europe filter
- German Colonies and offices abroad (386) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (694) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (454) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (1012) Apply German States filter
- Germany (91) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (532) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (204) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Numismatics (39) Apply Numismatics filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (323) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (249) Apply Overseas filter
- Thematics (40) Apply Thematics filter
- transatlantic post (168) Apply transatlantic post filter
- Bremen (1) Apply Bremen filter
- Hannover (6) Apply Hannover filter
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- Thurn and Taxis (1) Apply Thurn and Taxis filter
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- France (8) Apply France filter
- Great Britain (9) Apply Great Britain filter
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- Ireland (6) Apply Ireland filter
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- Papal States (1) Apply Papal States filter
- Netherlands (6) Apply Netherlands filter
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- China Empire and Republic (4) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
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- United States of America (11) Apply United States of America filter
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- India (7) Apply India filter
- Ionian Islands (Ionioi NHΣOI, EΠTANHΣOΣ) (2) Apply Ionian Islands (Ionioi NHΣOI, EΠTANHΣOΣ) filter
- I. Straits Settlements (1) Apply I. Straits Settlements filter
- Malta (2) Apply Malta filter
- California Postal History (1) Apply California Postal History filter
6Catalogue no.
1848, folded letter dated "New York June 5th" endorsed "p Britannia", conveyed on the first Retaliatory Rate Sailing by "Britannia", to Cognac with adjacent boxed "COLONIES &c/ ART 13" and manuscript "28" decimes charge, fine
6Catalogue no.
1848, folded letter from "PARIS 23 NOV 48" with matching red boxed "PD" to Philadelphia, conveyed by the "Canada" from Liverpool to New York with adjacent red "29" cent due rating for the retaliatory fee, some toning, a scarce and attractive retaliatory rate use from France
6Catalogue no.
1848, folded letter dated "New-York 19 Decemb 1848" to Cognac, conveyed by the "Canada" on her maiden return voyage from New York to Liverpool with adjacent boxed "COLONIES /&c Art. 13" and Boulogne with manuscript "19" due rating, minor aging, otherwise a fine and scarce entire showing retaliatory fee avoidance
6Catalogue no.
1848, folded letter from "GIBRALTAR SP 16 1848" endorsed "via Boston or New York first steamer Packet" with "2" shilling prepaid rating alonside, conveyed by the "Britannia" from Liverpool to New York with blue manuscript "68" rating marked in error as double-weight due, a very attractive and rare retaliatory use from Gibraltar
6Catalogue no.
1848, folded lettersheet endorsed "Steamer Europe via Boston" with manuscript rating "1/-", conveyed on the Europa Maiden Return Voyage to Boston and finally Royston with arrival mark, a scarce example of retaliatory fee avoidance, fine
6Catalogue no.
1848, folded letter dated "Wellington 20 June 1848" with red crown circle "PAID AT WELLINGTON" and manuscript "4" rating alongside endorsed "pr Philip Lang" to London, there remailed with London "PAID" maltese cross and red manuscript "1/-" rating, carried by Cunard Line "Acadia" from Liverpool to Boston with red arrival "BOSTON SHOP NOV 4*" and matching "29" cent retaliatory due rating handstamp, an very attractive and rare usage from New Zealnd
6Catalogue no.
1848, folded letter dated "Liverpool 22 Sept" and endorsed "Cambria to Boston" with clear boxed forwarder cachet "POSTAGE PAID TO DESTINATION BY HARNDER & Co OF LIVERPOOL" to Boston, an attractive entire showing how the Retaliatory Rates where avoided
6Catalogue no.
1848, folded letter dated "N. York 11 October 1848" and endorsed "p America" to Copenhagen, carried on Cunard's "America" 2nd realiatory rate voyage to Liverpool with "AMERICA LIVERPOOL OC 23" and London transit and "1/6" manuscript rating, "21" crossed out and corrected to "23", fine and scarce
6Catalogue no.
1849 (15 Sept.), folded letter dated "Manila 15 September" with oval forwarder cachet "FORWARDED BY FLETCHER ALEXANDER & Co London" on reverse, via London endorsed "p. Hibernia" with double-circle "PAID 30 NO 1849" manuscript charge "1/-" and matching credit handstamp "5 CENTS" alongside, carried by the "Hibernia" to New York and finally to Salem, part of reverse stained, otherwise fine
6Catalogue no.
1849, folded letter from "WASHINGTON FEB 5" with matching red "PAID" and "5" alongside, endorsed "p. Steamer Canada" to London, intended for Cunard's "Canada" but carried by sailship with interesting manuscript "charge No 65", clear blue "DEAL SHIPLETTER" struck upon arrival, fine and scare entire during the restored rate period
a nice restored rate period entire
6Catalogue no.
1849, folded letter dated "Dublin 26th January 1849" to New York, with red "PAID JA 26 1849" and matching black "1/-" manuscript mark, carried by Cunard's "Niagara" on her 3rd westbound restored rate voayge from Liverpool to Boston with red "BOSTON SHIP FEB 12" and matching red "7" due marking, a very fine entire
6Catalogue no.
1849, double-weight folded lettersheet from "MANCHESTER JA 12 1849" endorsed "pr. St. Canada" to Philadelphia with "2/-" manuscript rating, carried on Cunard's "Canada" 2nd trip during the restored rate period from Liverpool to New York, with large red "12" cents due handstamp struck upon arrival, fine
6Catalogue no.
1849, orange buff cover dated "Jan 31th 1849" from "NEW-PORT FEB 3" with matching red "PAID" and "24" rating handstamp, with datelined letter to the surgeon aboard the U.S. Frigate St. Lawrence, care of the American Consul in Southampton. Carried on Cunard's "Canada" from New York to Liverpool, manuscript "2/9" crossed out and correct with "1/-" handstamp rating, a fine entire carried on the last of only three eastbound sailings in the restored rate period
6Catalogue no.
1849, folded letter dated "New York 6 Fevrier 1849" endorsed "p. Canada" to Francomont, carried on Cunard's "Canada" final eastbound voayge during restored rate period, London transit and Oostend "Debours Etrangers L Taxe Reduite Port Belge" struck, very scarce usage, fine
6Catalogue no.
1849, folded letter from "MILWAUKEE JAN 7" with matching blue "PAID" and circled "10" alongside to Switzerland, carried on Cunard's "America" from New York on the 2nd of 3 eastbound voyages under restored rates, in transit red boxed "COLONIES &c ART 13" applied, fine and scarce restored period entire
6Catalogue no.
1851 (31 Jan), folded lettersheet from London charged with manuscript "2sh5½d" and red "PAID LS 31 JA 31 1851" to San Francisco with two "PAID" markings applied upon arrival, a scarce and short-lived rate
6Catalogue no.
1852, (12 Oct.) folded letter from New York with short lived red "BRITISH PACKET." (Winter records usage August 1852 to April 1853) alongside. Bagged for Boston and from there with the "Canada" to Liverpool, London, Paris and Cognac, charges "13" decimes, some aging, otherwise fine and scarce
6Catalogue no.4
1852, 2d. blue imperforated, two horizontal strips of three tied by barred oval to folded letter from Staffordshire to New Orleans, originally endorsed "Via New York", this was changed to Boston and put on the "Niagara" which arrived in Boston on the 16th., adhesives cut into in places and small corner crease, stamps a bid oxydized, a very scarce cover and one of just three recorded bearing solely 1841 2d. blue frankings to New Orleans.
6Catalogue no.4
1852, Washington 3c. red imperforated tied by cds. "NEW YORK JAN 4" to folded letter endorsed "Per Steamer" to Marseille, carried by the "Canada" from Boston to London, attempted part-payment of 5 cents British treaty rate but treated as wholly unpaid, adhesives some imperfections, otherwise fine
6Catalogue no.
1853, triple-weight folded letter dated "Quebec 30 July 1853" weighinhg, from "MONTREAL JY 31 1853" to Cognac, France. Red boxed "CANADA &c. ART 12." on front, carried by the "Europa" from Halifax to Liverpool, total charge of "51" decimes applied at arrival, fine
6Catalogue no.5
1854, Embossed 6d. lilac as horizontal strip of four (almost seperated between pairs) tied by barred numeral "165" to folded lettersheet endorsed "p. Arabia" to Philadelphia, with adjacent red "10 cents" credit handstamp and cds. "PHILA BR. PKT AUG 9 PAID" with matching red "48", stamps slightly touched, two scissor cuts between stamps and vertical crease through right adhesives, an attractive entire being the 2nd largest franking of the 6d. without any additional franking
6Catalogue no.7,8
1855 (11 April), Embossed 1sh. green, touched at right, together with 1850 Victoria 1d. red, paying a late fee, tied by duplex cancel "BRISTOL AP 11 1855" to envelope to Philadelphia, sent via Liverpool with "5 cent" accounting mark, carried on the "Africa" to Boston, then sent to Philadelphia with red "PHILADELPHIA PAID" cds. tying the stamp, attractive entire
6Catalogue no.
1856 (23 Jul), folded lettersheet from New York with red integral cds. "NEW YORK 19 JUL 23" and endorsed "Africa" to Keady, Ireland with blue "AMERICA PAID DUBLIN AU 4 1856", a bit stained, scarce
6Catalogue no.
1856 (6 Oct), folded lettersheet from San Raphael, California with red integral cds. "SAN FRANCISCO 8 OCT 29 PAID" and red "19" credit handstamp, carried on Cunard's "Persia" to Liverpool, from there to Aylgate, Ireland with blue "AMERICA PAID DUBLIN NO 8 1856", a bit stained, scarce
6Catalogue no.
1857 (17 Nov), buff envelope from "Table Rock Cal. Nov 17 1857" with manuscript charge "Paid 27c" to Dumfrieshire, Scotland. The 27c being an attempted payment of 24c treaty rate plus miscalculated 3c West Coast surcharge, carried on PMSS "Golden Age" to Panama, USMS "Northern" from Aspinwall and Cunards "Niagara" from Boston to Liverpool, reverse with cds. "America Liverpool DE 14) and matching two-line "ART-5/ BR. PKT." accounting handstamp, large "1/2½" due handstamp and arrival mark, edge wear, a very fine and attractive California transatlantic use showing the 27c error rate from Sierra County
6Catalogue no.4
1857, Washington 3c. block of four and horizontal pair with manuscript "Kittle Creek 14 July 57" on postal stationery envelope 3c. buff to Colne with "19" credit handstamp, carried on the "Asia" to Liverpool, no atttempt to collect to deficiency of 3c., same apparant imperfections, still attractive and scarce
6Catalogue no.9,12
1858, Washington 3c. rose, two singles and 10c. black as horizontal strip of three with grid cancel on postal stationery envelope 3c. red on buff, paying the triple rate, from "SAVANNAH JUN 18 1858" to Paris with red integral cds. "NEW YORK 36 PAID JUN 23", carried by the "Asia", opened out for display, one 3c. small paper fault, otherwise fine and attractive
6Catalogue no.14
1859, Victoria 12½c. blueish-green with pen-stroke on mourning cover with adjacent cds. "WILLIAM-HENRY 7 DE 1859" to London, carried on the "Europa" from Boston to Queenstown, so straight-line "MORE TO PAY." struck with handstamp "2" due alongside, stamp with corner fault, otherwise fine and attractive
6Catalogue no.12, GB13
1860 (Jan), Washington 12c., two singles, one with straight edge at left, tied by cork cancel to buff envelope to Liverpool where it was delivered and re-directed to Paris, paid with pair 1855 Victoria 4d. rose tied by duplex "LIVERPOOL FE 13 60", one 12c. adhesive small corner fault, attractive entire, a similar cover ex Marc Haas collection
6Catalogue no.12, GB10
1860 (13 Aug), Washington 12c. horizontal pair tied by cds. "BURLINGTON AUG 13" to envelope, carried by the "Asia" to Liverpool where it was delivered and re-directed to Farnham, paid with Victoria 1d. red tied by duplex "LIVERPOOL AU 27", attractive entire
6Catalogue no.16,18,20
1862 (6 Aug), Franklin 1c. blue, vertical pair, Washington 3c. rose horizontal strip of three and single and Washington 10c. green tied by grid cancel to envelope with adjacent "BOSTON BR PKT. AUG 6 19 PAID" to London with arrival mark, carried on the "Asia" to Queenstown, lower 1c. adhesives faults, otherwise fine and attractive
6Catalogue no.16,18,20
1862, Franklin 1c. blue, two singles and 3c. rose together with 10c. green tied by target cancel to envelope from "GARETTSVILLE MAY 9" to Paris, in New York handles as overweight, and thus red boxed "SHORT PAID" next to "NEW YORK 9 MAY 10" applied, carried with the "America" to Queenstown, and from Calais to Paris where the cover was charged "16" decimes, a fine and attractive 3-color franking
6Catalogue no.17
1863, Victoria 2p. blue horizontal strip of six tied by barred numeral "12" to folded letter to New York with red "PAID" on adhesives and adjacent "5 CENTS", fine
6Catalogue no.
1863, Revenue stamp 1p. on blueish paper on folded letter dated "Wigton 10mo 9" to Philadelphia, treated as unpaid in Liverpool and "19 CENTS" debit cancel applied, carried by the "Asia" to New York, in Philadelphia integral cds. "PHILADELPHIA Br. PKt. 24" struck and tying the adhesive, fine and interesting entire
6Catalogue no.23,GB10
1867(27 Aug), Washington 24c. tied by cork cancel to envelope via "BOSTON AUG 27 PAID 19", carried by the "Java", to London where it was delivered and re-directed to Islington, paid with Victoria 1d. red tied by duplex "LONDON SP 7 67", attractive entire
6Catalogue no.20
1867, Washington 10c. vertical pair with straight edge at right tied by target cancel on buff cover from "BOWENSBURG JUN 18" to Dublin, boxed "Short Paid" alongside, put on board of the "Cuba" from Boston to Queenstown, charged with "1/-" due handstamp, fine and attractive entire