382nd Auction
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (3750) Apply Main catalogue filter
- German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction (342) Apply German States – The ERIVAN Collection – 10th Auction filter
- Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) (70) Apply Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – The Karl-Hillard Geuther Collection (part II) filter
- Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection (78) Apply Kingdom of Hanover – The Horst Schafmeyer Collection filter
- Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) (191) Apply Heligoland – The Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser Collection (part I) filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) (372) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part I) filter
- Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) (728) Apply Germany 1849–2000 – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part II) filter
- The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) (212) Apply The Principalities of Lippe, Germany from 1849, European Countries – The Gustav Strunk Collections (part I) filter
- Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection (135) Apply Franco and horseshoe cancellations - The Karl-Heinz Willin Collection filter
- Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) (269) Apply Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part II) filter
- Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection (80) Apply Ocean Telegram Letters – The Otto Kjærgaard Collection filter
- Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 (54) Apply Berlin – The Currency Reform of 1948/49 filter
- Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 (114) Apply Berlin – Special Collection 1948/59 filter
- Chile – The Colon Issues (48) Apply Chile – The Colon Issues filter
- UPU Postal Stationery Archives (51) Apply UPU Postal Stationery Archives filter
- Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection (329) Apply Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection (179) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection filter
- Airmail (63) Apply Airmail filter
- All World (46) Apply All World filter
- British Commonwealth (392) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Europe (1092) Apply Europe filter
- German Colonies and offices abroad (903) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (1319) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (251) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (1684) Apply German States filter
- Germany (66) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (685) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (469) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (125) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (347) Apply Overseas filter
- Thematics (379) Apply Thematics filter
- Brunswick (1) Apply Brunswick filter
- Oldenburg (1) Apply Oldenburg filter
- Saxony (1) Apply Saxony filter
- Germany (1) Apply Germany filter
- Lombardy Venetia (1) Apply Lombardy Venetia filter
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- China Empire and Republic (1) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
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- United States of America (1) Apply United States of America filter
- New South Wales (1) Apply New South Wales filter
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- Crown Colony of Canada (1) Apply Crown Colony of Canada filter
- India (1) Apply India filter
- Malta (1) Apply Malta filter
- Transvaal (3) Apply Transvaal filter
2 3 6 5 4Catalogue no.
1880/97 (ca.), unused and used small collection with some multiples and 4 entires
0 1 2 3 5 4Catalogue no.

1919 British Occupation of Mosul, collection of stamps and covers, written-up on eighty pages, a comprehensive study of the overprinting of the Turkish Fiscal stamps, comprising mint and used examples, multiples, blocks and sheets of 25 of each value, as well as many singles and covers with rare combination frankings to Bagdad and destination overseas such as Paris, London, Geneva, Basel, Berne, Bombay, Linöping, Offenbach and New York, noted five covers from Lieutennant Roffey correspondence, also three covers with all six values used, a registered 1920 envelope with a mixed franking of Mosul occupation overprints 1/2 a. and 1 a. combined with British Occupation in Irag overprint 3 a. sent to Germany, several examples of the missing dash in fraction and small `2` in `1/2´ errors of overprint, scarce cancellations and censor marks, condition generally fine with the expected imperfections and some toning, many rare and superb items, a scarce specialist collection seldom available presented in such detail.
6Catalogue no.
1890/1930 (ca.), unused group of over 25 postal stationery cards, envelopes and wrappers, some with "SPECIMEN" overprints, mixed condition

1948/2007, Johore, Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Trengganu, attractive mostly mint collection, including some variant, good condition

1860/1970, mostly unused / mint never hinged and used collection with specialties and some covers and postal stationary, including folded cover with GB 4 P. with dublex postmark "MALTA/A25", Mi.-No. 10 in horizontal lower pair with plate number, Mi.- No. 52 unused (sign. Pröschold BPP), Mi. No. 63 unused, Mi. No. 64-80 unused and Mi. No. 115-31 unused/mint never hinged, plus small part British Post Offices in Morocco and Turkey, neatly in two albums of preprints
6Catalogue no.
1819/86, three stampless folded entires, one to London bearing on reverse large cds. "MAURITIUS POST OFFICE APR 1819", also "The Merchants & Planters Gazette" with superb French maritime octogonal "POSS. ANG. PAQ. FR. T N°4 23 NOV. 86" (Salles 2153/4), fine and scarce group
1858/61, an interesting group of 2d. blue and 6d. brown, total of 21 singles and 6d. con cover, in a variety of shades and on both soft and hard papers, several with four margins, a few faults though generally of good to fine appearance

1874/95, Halfpenny Newspaper and Sideface Issues, an interesting unused and used collection with many perf and paper varities, some multiples, ½d. with "official repair", plate flaws like 1sh. "Bulbous nose", 1d. "Screwdriver" and "Chisel" flaw etc., all neatly written up on pages
1986/99, collection lot with sheet parts, beautiful motifs and complete series, plus some singles and bank-fresh bank notes, together in two sheet folders
6Catalogue no.
1864/1900 (ca.), interesting group of six covers, starting with two stampless folded entires, better items like a 1900 registered envelope with Five-Colour franking to England, together with some postal stationeries, one overprinted "SPECIMEN"; mostly very fine, a superb specialist assembly
6Catalogue no.
1823/1902, two stampless folded entires with circular crowned handstamps, one with further crowned "POST OFFICE CAPE TOWN", both addressed to "His Excellency, Lord Charles Henry Sommerset, Governor", also a postcard to France taxed upon arrival, a fine and most interesting group
6Catalogue no.
1898/1913, more than 20 covers and cards with emphasis until 1902 with R-letters, many censors and other specialties
1900/02, group of Boer War covers, mostly franked with overprinted V.R.I and E.R.I, with single, multiple, registered and combination frankings, censored handstamps, mixed condition
0 1Catalogue no.
1923/27, mint never hinged/unused group of fourteen partial sheets of ½ d., 1 d., 2 d., and postage dues ½ d., 1 d., 3 d., 5d. and 6 d., all neatly mounted on old album pages with plate flaws and printing setting indications, some casual faults, mostly fine to very fine, interesting specialist assembly
1927/70 (ca.), mostly mint never hinged collection lot incl. postage due with many multiples to complete sheet, including better and complete issues
1934/70, collection "TIN CAN MAIL" with 29 covers with emphasis up to 1940, including registered covers, interesting frankings and many different postmarks incl. Nebenstempel, throughout in good overall condition
6Catalogue no.
1895/1951, group of 13 covers, cards and postal stationeries, with India used in Zanzibar, some toning, mixed condition

1875/1972 (ca.), unused and mostly used collection, neatly mounted in one album, covering both Greece and Turkey, incl. postage dues, charity stamps, etc., overall condition is fine to very fine
1877/1900 (ca.), small lot of postal history, including 2 covers with ottoman all Arabic octagonal handstamps of Canea and Candia, 2 covers with handstamp of the Greek PO at Smyrna, "THE ASIA MINOR / SCREW STEAMSHIP CIE / SYMI AGENCY" handstamp on letter, etc.

1871/1998 extensive mint and used stamp collection, comprising eight large albums, initially partly different with gaps, from 1982 mint never hinged, includes lithographs and bookprints, Michel 1-6, 8-13, 17, 18A-B, 218, many good individual values, some specialised cancellations particularly later blocks, also noted Michel 1104 l, catalogue approx. €16k, a fine collection.
1871, used selection of both Franz Joseph issues, incl. postmarks and shades, mixed condition (ex Mi.-Nr. 1-13)
1871/1950 substantial mint and used collection, comprising ten albums, three stock books, a number of files and loose material, several of the albums are sparingly complete, although there are more extensive albums, condition and completeness a little mixed in places, finer examples throughout, good range of overprinted occupation of Hungarian Territories including scarcer, 1931 Zeppelin in mint never hinged and used, small selection of West Yugoslavia, several mint complete sets 1913 and 1924, a large, varied array of material.
1931/51, unmounted mint/unused and unused selection, incl. complete sets, sheetlet and souvenir sheets, mostly very fine
1975/91 (ca.), comprehensive used holding with sheets and some single stamps in 18 boxes
1873/97, unused and used nice small collection, including unused Mi.-no. 1A and used 18AI

1880/1950, about 90 unused and used cards including many interesting items, double cards, many cards with additional frankings, several British ship mail handstamps, etc., very interesting lot

1922/90 (ca.), Extensive holding, mainly unmounted mint and unused, strong in the overprint issues with about 40 copies of 10 shilling, including many overprint varieties, also strong section of stamp booklets and booklet panes (including Hibernian D54c and f), booklet stamps with lables, watermark varieties, and other specialities. A remarkable lot.

1922/23, OVERPRINT CONTROLS, large accumulation of many hundreds of sheet corners (mostly strips of 3 or blocks) with different control numbers, unmounted mint or unused, in to stock books and two albums. Very interesting holding for specialists.

1984/2006 Philatelic Irish Postal Souvenir collection of covers, cards and minisheets, comprising one folder, over ninety examples with official stationery and postmark/cachet from International exhibitions/shows, noted 1987 HAFIA Transport in Ireland-Trams block, very fine condition generally.
RAILWAY STAMPS: 1880/1930 (ca.), more than 200 stamps, partly and multiples, and two covers, including overprints, varieties and many scarce stamps.

1924/1993, nice holding of about 150 covers, including 1932 Atlantic airmail stamp on somewhat unfresh cover, catapult mail and many first flights with a good part before 1945

Ireland Military 19th Century: 1800/1902 collection written up on over fifty pages, includes British East India Company, Crimea War, Boer War, comprises mail to and from serving personnel, with wide variety of franked and stampless covers, many scarce markings and destinations, many Irish postmarks, noted 1855 green Dublin duplex on envelope to Crimea, in addition many individual documents, also mail from or to USA, Canada, Germany delivery mail, German Navy mail from the Marinepostbureau to Ireland, extremely rare, a Gold medal exhibit.

1922/1990 (ca.), interesting and large holding of a couple hundred of cards, wrappers and envelopes, including strong section of registered envelopes, starting FAI EU1a with many better items and different sizes, nice section 'printed to order', additional frankingis, etc., etc.
1855/1980 accumulation of Italian mint and used, contained within three albums, very patchy early period and mixed, better from 1960 with almost exclusively a mint run of modern material, also a Vatican City mint collection, comprising two albums and a large folder covering 1960s to late 1970s, almost all never hinged, a good volume of material in mostly fine to prestine condition.
1839/42, about 370 letters from Turin, Genova, Milan, etc., apperently all to Lyon, France, partly different transit marks and taxes.