382nd Auction

18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10265


1 2 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for360 €

1852/1945 Papal States and Vatican City, mainly cancelled collection upon album pages, with among others Michel 39 to 44 set accompanied by an E. Diena certificate, Legal Congress and World Exhibition Catholic Press, also a 1939 registered cover sent from Vatican City to Frankfurt, high catalogue value, in predominately fine condition, a very useful collection. 

Lot no.10266
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 1 3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening6.000 €
Sold for8.500 €

1859/60, unused and used collection with many better shades and printings, several multiples, pieces and 19 covers. Included are a.o. ½ grana (two single copies, one on piece and two entires with three colour frankings) 1 grana in strip of 4, several multiples of 2 grana in different shades, including used strip of 4, 50 grana (2 on pieces), several colour frankings on pieces and entires, 2 entires of January 1859, etc., etc. The quality is far above average, almost every item is accompanied by at least one certificate. 


Lot no.10267


0 1 2 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening750 €
Sold for1.000 €

1861/2004 (ca.), used and unused collection in four albums, incl. postage dues, parcel and official stamps, strength until the 1940s, better items like Mi 445/46 (4) incl. two used, many duplicates both used and unused, some doubtful cancellations, overall condition fine to very fine

Lot no.10268


0 1 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1863/1980 (ca.), unmounted mint/unused and used collection neatly housed in one album, together with a few cards, some blocks of four and part sheet, mostly very fine

Lot no.10270
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

1912/1930 Early newspapers with correspondence, comprising seventeen examples to Malta, different frankings and towns, unusual rates, attractive lot. 

Lot no.10271



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

1877/95, attractive selection of 13 covers, card and parcel cards, all to Norway with a wide range of colourful frankings, incl. a delightful illustrated advertisement card from a Scilian wine merchant, a 1888 registered envelope with three-clour franking tied by Barred Numeral "182", mostly very fine, a very scarce specialist assembly

Lot no.10272


0 1 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for750 €

1941. interesting unused, never hinged and used collection containing also a few covers, some interesting varieties such as shifted overprints, better items like Sassone# 41, 54-56, 59b, 60b etc., many signed, some certificates, all neatly on special album pages

Lot no.10273


0 1 2 3 6 4

Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.800 €

CORFU, CEPHALONIA & ZANTE: 1941, unused, mint and used, very comprehensive and specialised collection, containing a wide range of multiples, complete sheets and covers, also forgeries (crude and better) and some doubtful material, all neatly mounted on over 50 specially prepared album pages, many stamps signed Diena, Raybaudi, Drossos and some certificates, a very interesting collection of this difficult area

Lot no.10275


0 1

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for1.700 €

1912/2001, größtenteils postfrische Sammlung mit nur sehr wenigen fehlenden Werten, dabei u.a. Mi.-Nr. 1-3x, 45-52A, 46-52B, 53-60, Vaduzblock postfrisch (sign. und Fotoattest Rupp), uvm., dabei einige Atteste Lininger AIEP und Marxer SBPV, sauber im Vordruckalbum

Lot no.10276


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for780 €

1912/2021, umfangreiche Sammlung ab MiNr. 1/3 gestempelt, die Jahre 1954/2020 (ohne 1963/1965) augenscheinlich komplett postfrisch, zusätzlich einige spätere Ausgaben sowie das Geschenkbuch mit Block 18 B und den Phasendrucken.

Lot no.10280
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

1961/95, postfrischer Bestand in 2 Lagerbüchern (Mi. n.A.d.E. ca. 11.500,-)

Lot no.10281


0 1 2 3 6 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for850 €
Lot no.10282



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for1.150 €

1919/41, over 110 covers and cards, with a wide range of frankings incl. both domestic, foreign and registered mail, some special registration cancels, censored mail and parcel cards; an interesting lot in mostly fine condition

Lot no.10284



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for650 €

1852/1893 partly specialised used stamp collection, contained within a Lighthouse album, starts with five Michel 1, additionally a four margin example on a front, has five examples of Michel 2 in various shades, Michel 12 to 34 slightly mixed, some important values, catalogue value approx. €7500, a useful assembly. 

Lot no.10285


0 3

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for900 €

1852/1980, mainly used collection with many better values, mostly good condition

Lot no.10286


0 1 3 6

Catalogue no.

Sold forUnsold

1872/1945, unused / mint and used collection from good part breast shields, later zeppelins, Block 1 on R-cover, plus Bohemia and Moravia, and General Government, etc., somewhat varied condition

Lot no.10287


0 3

Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for420 €

1900/2021 (ca.), mainly mint collection in a binder, 1980/2020 appears to be complete MNH, in addition some 2021 issues.

Lot no.10288


0 1

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for540 €

1906/2000, unused and mint never hinged collection with many better values including Block 1 and intellectuals complete, mostly good condition

Lot no.10289


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €

1921/1950, unused and used collection neatly mounted on album leaves, many cpl. used sets in fresh condition, together with some sheets, sheetlets and souvenir sheets, some occasional faults, fine to very fine

Lot no.10290


6 (6)

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for2.600 €
Lot no.10291


1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for320 €

1885/1920, mostly unused group on three stockcards, incl. Mi.-Nr. 11-21b cpl. set with the two shades of the highest value, a few trivial faults otherwise fine and fresh assembly

Lot no.10292


0 1 2

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for280 €
Lot no.10293


3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening4.000 €
Sold for6.200 €

1852/1897, used collection of classic/early issues, well arranged in a Lindner binder and showing an excessive degree of specialisation, slightly mixed condition as to be expected, overall fine and attractive. First issue shows apprx. 330 stamps (76 of 5c., 212 of 10c. and 42 of 15c.) incl. multiples and 28 covers; 1864+1867 issues with 60 stamps and 21 covers; and also good sections of following Coat of Arms/Willem/Cypher incl. covers. All collected to shades, great range of postmarks on 1st issue, multiples up to strips of four, types and perforations. Accompanied by five certificates.

Lot no.10294


0 3

Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for400 €

1852/2003 extensive stamp collection, housed in five large albums, duplication until 1996, from Michel 1 to 60 with better values, such as; Michel 11 and 12 used, 14, also 65D mint, 99, 100 both used, 266, 580, 581 used, long stretches in both conditions complete with numerous stamp booklets and small sheets, a significant collection. 

Lot no.10295


0 1 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for950 €

1852/1999 (ca), MNH, unused and used collection with i.a. Mi 48, 66 and 92, including also attractive part colonies

Lot no.10296


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for440 €

1852/1996 extensive stamp collection, initially somewhat mixed, presented in two Davo albums, Michel 1 to 12 used, includes better values, noted Michel 45, 48, 631, 100, 580/581 used, from 1970 with MH and Klbg and exclusively mint never hinged, Court of Justice, some se-tenants and roll perforations, a good collection. 

Lot no.10297



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €

1852/1921, used collection on album leaves, a few duplicates and multiples, condition varies especially in the early issues, fine to very fine

Lot no.10298


0 1 3 6 8

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €

1852/2007 two residual collections of mint and used stamps and covers, contained within two albums and a stock book, also some additional pages and stock cards with modern material, Michel 1 to 6 used, includes, among others, Michel 14A, 29, 45 to 48, and 99 all used, some duplication, noted Court of Justice, various never hinged, numerous first day covers, in mostly fine condition. 

Lot no.10299


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for850 €

1867/2021, mainly mint collection in three binders with main value in 1965/2020 apparently complete MNH, in addition some 2021 stamps.
