385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10276


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Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1915/18, very interesting unused and used collection including some covers, mainly Warsaw, Checiny, Luboml, Przedborz, Sosnowice, Zarki, Myslenice, Jedrzejow, Olkusz, Tarnow, Czenstochau, Gradzisk, Kalisz, Otwack, Sieradz, containing multiples, bisected stamps, varities etc., all neatly written up

Lot no.10277


3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening3.500 €

1853/1866, MARIA/PEDRO/LUIS imperforate issues, used collection of 78 stamps of all denominations, slight imperfections to fine, neatly arranged on album pages, incl. two copies each 1853 5r. brown, 50r. green and 100r. lilac, two copies 1855 5r. brown and following issues, good range of shades and postmarks, some units (two strips of four) etc.

Lot no.10278


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €

1853/2008, very comprehensive, collected both unused, mint never hinged and used, aside from the few first issues virtually complete with many varities, early issues with some reprints, 1895 Issue with missing and inverted numerals, inverted overprints, Ceres proofs, good sections Officials, Parcel stamps, Red Cross Issues with many varities, mostly good quality

Lot no.10279


0 3

Catalogue no.

Opening2.500 €

1853/2002, up to about 1991 used collection, virtually complete with a number of better duplicates, from 1991 onwards mainly mint never hinged collection, including ATM etc., cancellations on souvenir sheets partly questionable, usual slightly mixed condition

Lot no.10280


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1853/2020, mixed collection starting with classical and semi-classical issues, with the focus on modern material incl. complete sets, booklets, souvenir sheets, etc., further Azores and Madeira, a good part valid postage, in 14 hingeless albums

Lot no.10282


1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Lot no.10283


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Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €

Angola to Timor, very comprehensive unused, mint never hinged and used collection with a few covers, including a large number of scarce values, as well as particularly comprehensive with variants such as imperf. stamps, proofs, inverted and double overprints, missing value numerals, inverted centers such as Nyassa Animals, “Omnibus” stamp, all written up, mostly good condition

Lot no.10285


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1868/2004. comprehensive unused, mint never hinged and used collection with good forerunners, containing many good items, with only few general numbers missing, in addition proofs, Specimen, inverted and double overprints, and also Angra, Horta and Ponta Delgada, mostly good collection

Lot no.10287


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €

1884/1999, very comprehensive unused, mint never hinged and used collection with better values throughout, a lot of varities like inverted or double overprint, proofs, also souvenir and miniature sheets, slightly mixed, but mostly good condition

Lot no.10288


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1877/1975, unused and mint never hinged, with few used, collection including duplicates, with many better like Mi.-Nr. 41-49, 50, 385-408, 417-436, postage due Mi.-Nr. 21-30. Also good section provincial issues with Inhambane including Mi.-Nr. 8-9, 11-14, Kionga Mi.-Nr. 1-4, Lourenco Marques Mi.-Nr. 14-22, 31 and 47-50, mostly good condition

Lot no.10290


1 2

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Lot no.10296


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Catalogue no.

Opening7.000 €

1858/72, three volume exhibition collection and some additional matrerial, with unused and used stamps and multiples and many covers with some interesting and scarce frankings, including Mi. 8Iz unused, 10Iz unused strip of three, registered letter third issue, sheet Mi.10II, Mi.11y in marginal block of 10, Mi. 13 on letter and on receipt, used strip of 3 Mi. 20, reconstructed transfer blocks, letters to abroad, franked receipts, etc, etc. Also the handbook of Kiriac Dragomir. An interesting object.

Lot no.10297


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Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1858/1991 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used collection with some covers, including Officials, Postage Dues and Areas, some better items with Mi.-Nr. 9Ix-10Ix each in unused horizontal pair (signed Heimbüchler BPP), 300F bloc of four unused, 302F bloc of three unused, 375U-385U, 425-434 unused, etc., together with some souvenir sheets, some occasional faults especially in the early issues, overall in good condition, neatly housed in seven albums

Lot no.10298


1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1858, 11 values unused and used, mostly fine/very fine

Lot no.10299


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Catalogue no.

Opening4.000 €

1862/1900, unused and used collection with many multiples and reconstructed transfer blocks, some entires, 1876 error of colour, etc.

Lot no.10300


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Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €

1872/91, three volume exhibition collection with unused and used stamps and multiples and many entires with some interesting items like used error of colour (Mi.44F), mail to abroad incl. 2 letters to Constantinople and printed matter, mixed frankings, rural mail, franked receipts, registered mail, etc. An interesting collection.


Lot no.10301


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Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Lot no.10302


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Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1872/1960 (ca.), interesting holding of stamps (including some multiples) and about 380 covers and cards, including postal stationery cards with additional frankings, ship mail, incoming mail and mail to abroad,registered and censored mail, etc.

Lot no.10303


0 4

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1940, Balkan Entente 12-16 L., 400x complete sets, some in blocks of four, mint never hinged, good condition (Mi. 615/16)

Lot no.10304



Catalogue no.

Opening480 €

1855/61, Incoming mail to Galatz, group of 8 covers from Manchester sent via Ostend, Vienna, and Pesth, various transit markings and taxes, incl. 1858 red oval "P", a fine selection from the Theologo correspondence

Lot no.10305



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1873/48, ecclectic group of 22 covers and cards, including both incoming and outgoing mail, strong selection of underfranked mail with either postage due adhesives or markings, some better origins with Smyrna, Transvaal and Rutschuk, together with some travelling post offices, etc., mixed condition

Lot no.10306


6 (6)

Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Lot no.10307


1 3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €

1779/1901 (ca.), enthralling unused and mostly used collection with about 115 covers, incl. Russian Post in Poland and the Levant, strength before the 1880s, spanning from the early Imperial prephilatelic postmarks largely to the 1875 issues, specialized with shades, plate flaw, with single-, multiple- and combination frankings, usages up to the 30 kopek value, many interesting and scarce items throughout with several Mi.-Nr. 1, 2 (including on folded entire), 7(2), 20xb (2 on covers, both single and in combination), better destinations with 1875 cover to Sweden, some early postcards and stationeries with attractive frankings, scarce Mi.-Nr. U18B used from St Petersburg to Revel (overfranked),printed matters, a few Zemstvo stamps along with a local usage from Shadrinsk, Moscow and St Petersburg City Postmarks and Telegraph, Levant with Mi.Nr. 1c unused, Poland Mi.-Nr. 1 used (2, one on lettersheet with minor fault), etc., a few forgeries and manipulations noted. Some occasional faults as to be expected, overall in good condition, a few items signed or certificate Mikulski. A delightful specialist assembly with potential for expansion

Lot no.10308


0 1 2 3 6 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €

1818/1919 (ca.), most attractive mint never hinged/unused and used collection with many covers, specialized with shades, plate flaws, cancellations, essays and specimen, an abundance of multiples. some with printer´s plate numbers and letters, some better items with Mi.-Nr. 2, 7(3), 17(7), 23y(3) all used, the 1866 issue with several unused blocs and a fine choice of postmarks on pieces, Mi.-Nr. 39y unused (certificate Mikulski), Mi.-Nr. 24x single frankings on printed matters(2), one sent to Norway, Mi.-Nr. 36 unused with shifted center, following by a small group of the 1872 unused official postal stationery cards along with a very early May 1872 usage (light crease), Mi.-Nr. 99BUu mint never hinged, the collection unfolds with an impressive selection of “OBRAZETS” including several blocs of ten of the 1917 imperforate issue, also a  fine group of perfins, charity labels, WWI mute cancels on- and off covers, some fine three-colour frankings, etc., together with a few early Polish items, a few dubious items and forgeries. Some occasional faults as to be expected, overall in very good condition, a lovely collection with potential, in four albums

Lot no.10309
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening6.000 €
Lot no.10310


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Catalogue no.

Opening600 €

1858/1915, mint never hinged/unused and used collection with duplicates, including a small selection of Wenden, some better items with Mi.-Nr. 1(3), 6(5), 7(5), 10((5), 11(6), 20y(3), 22y(2), 23y(3) all used, etc., a few forgeries and doubtful items noted. Some occasional faults throughout, otherwise overall in good condition, an interesting assembly, on album pages

Lot no.10311


3 6 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1858/1918 (ca.), used accumulation of hundreds with a focus on cancellations, many duplicates up to the rouble values, starting with the early dotted numerals, some postmarks identified by provinces and cities, together with a group of covers, cards and postal receipts, also a small selection of Ukraine Tridents, small occasional faults, overall in very good condition, in two stockbooks
