385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10132



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1830/9, Jersey Double Arc datestamps, a study comprising twelve folded entires or covers,  neatly-mounted and annotated, with examples of Type I (3, one to Porto, another including enclosed circular related to a patent for a new method of generating coal gas), Type II (5), Type III (2) and Type IV (1), and one unidentified, two additionally struck with boxed “Jersey / Penny Post”, condition varies somewhat, but mostly fine examples, ideal for the specialist.

Lot no.10133



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1840/53, Jersey Ship Letter group of four folded letters or covers, written-up on pages, comprising an 1840 folded letter from Buenos Aires to London struck on reverse with framed "JERSEY / SHIP LETTER" in black (Robinson S.1), along with three examples bearing the black unframed "JERSEY / SHIP LETTER" (Robinson S.3), including 1846 and 1847 letters from Bahia to London, and an 1853 cover of unknown origin routed via Jersey to Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, generally very good strikes throughout, a scarce and desirable group.

Lot no.10134



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1855/1986(ca.), small group of mostly covers, including a nice range of picture postcards, some WWII material and modern envelopes, good condition

Lot no.10135


6 6M 8

Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1948/93 (ca.), comprehensive collection with ca. 400 covers, many registered, with some postal stationery, first day covers, machine cancels, aerograms, reply coupons, picture postcards, postal parcel tag from Gorey, etc., neatly housed and described, good condition, in 14 Binders

Lot no.10136



Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €

Jersey, in-depth postmark collection, pre-stamp to modern, a highly specialised study comprising over six hundred covers, postcards, postal forms, and receipts, plus single stamps, representing well over a century of postal history, showcasing the myriad types of cancellations used on the island, including squared circles with foreign destinations or uses as transit marks, a range of Parcel Post cancellations including on £1 Victoria and Edward VII stamps, various instructional markings such as "Too Late", "Undelivered", "Liable to Letter Rate", and "Contrary to Regulations", PAID markings, notably a scarce 1891 violet oval "Post Office / Express / Paid", and a 1943 usage on a newspaper, as well as an oval "PD" on an 1873 folded letter bearing three 1d red stamps to St. Malo, plus single franking covers with 4d stamps from 1859 and 1862 to St. Beziers and St. Brieuc, over 100 examples of slogan and machine cancels, a detailed study of single-circle postmarks, "Boite Mobile" Jersey/France datestamps, including a scarce 1866 usage from Dinan to Jersey via St. Malo, later paquebot postcard usages, rate markings, numeral cancels such as "409" including on a 1s Embossed cover to Naples, duplex cancels, Maltese Cross cancels including an 1840 Penny Black cover to Edinburgh, over 35 examples of double-arc cancellations, registration markings including a rare Crown registered marking on an 1860 cover from Jersey to Great Britain, an extensive study of oval registered cancellations, with scarcer origins incuding First Tower and private postal stationery usages, including 1894 and 1898 registered envelopes to Brussels and Paris, an exceptional and comprehensive study, the product of many years of diligent research and accumulation, offering a wealth of scarce and elusive material, condition somewhat mixed, particularly among earlier covers, but many are fine and highly desirable, a collection worthy of close inspection by the specialist to fully appreciate its scope and significance.

Lot no.10137



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1798/1824, Jersey & Guernsey's postal links with France, group of six folded letters, comprising 1816 to St. Malo with choice strike of “COLONIES PAR / ST MALO”, 1820 to Cognac with bold “COLONIES PAR / ST MALO” and partial strike of scarce “ABONNEMENT” straight-line,1820 and 1821 examples from Guernsey to Nantes both with fine “COLONIES PAR / ST MALO” handstamps, and 1823 from Jersey to Marseille with “GRANDE BRETAGNE / PAR ST MALO” two-line handstamp, as well as a fine 1798 folded letter from Edinburgh to Guernsey to an Officer of the King's Guard (of France) in Guernsey, the odd small flaw but a chiefly fine and attractive group.

Lot no.10138


0 3

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1958/99, mostly mint never hinged collection incl. many better sets, souvenir sheets, etc., in seven hingeless albums

Lot no.10139


0 1 6

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1900/1967 (ca.), mainly balance GB/colonies/Commonwealth, comprising GB QV controls/perfin/machine cancellation, 1967 "Flowers" with shifted colour, Gambia 1935 Jubilee 1 1/2d. complete sheet, specialised section of South Africa 1926 triangulars, in addition some SWA and Ceylon. 

Lot no.10140



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1900/30 (ca.), interesting group with approx. 190 cards and covers with focus on Australia and Caribbean with many registered and O.H.M.S., censorship-mail and War-Tax frankings, many sent to Switzerland

Lot no.10141


6 8

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1979/2008, collection souvenir sheets with more than 250 covers with mostly FDCs with special cancellations from Gibraltar, Great Britain, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey, in six albums

Lot no.10142


1 2 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening18.000 €

1848/1900 (ca.), unused and used collection/holding in 6 stockbooks, containing much interesting and good material like Cape woodblocks, early Mauritius with Sherwin, extensive Australian States with many 'REPRINT' stamps, South Australia SG 195-208s, British Guiana SG10 unused (cert. Philatelic Experts), Cyprus SG 11-15, Tobago SG 5, Hongkong SG 40-42s, Malta SG 20-28s, etc., etc. Some early items with repairs, but generally very nice quality. Some old certificates. A marvellous lot.

Lot no.10143
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.200 €

1932/70, Ascension to Tristan de Cunha, mint never hinged accumulation, many better cpl. sets of the modern area in duplicates, with Ascension SG-Nr. 57-59(2), Bermuda 135-150(3), Gibraltar 145-158(2), Sudan 123-139(2), etc., very fine condition, neatly housed in one album

Lot no.10144
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 1 4

Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €
Lot no.10145


3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1850/1910 (ca.), Queensland to Western Australia, mostly used collection with a few unused, including Officials, Postage Dues and Revenues, some better values throughout, noted Sydney Views, colourful selection of Queensland and WA Swans, etc.,  mixed condition, a lovely group neatly mounted on self-printed pages, in one album

Lot no.10146


1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1860/1900 (ca.), used and mint balance of apprx. 800 stamps (apprx. 320 South Australia, apprx. 190 Tasmania, apprx. 290 West Australia), slight faults to fine, neatly sorted on stockpages, showing a nice range postmarks, mint material, etc. 

Lot no.10147


1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Lot no.10148


1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Lot no.10149



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1953/2008, seemingly complete mint never hinged collection including many booklets as well as souvenir and miniature sheets. Good condition and of high face value. 

Lot no.10150
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

2018/20, selection of 8 yearbooks containing four specially bound yearsbooks of 2019 and 2020 (two each), 2020 yearbooks containing the special souvenir sheet including Mi.-Nr, 5160I “without inscription AUSTRALIA”, good condition

Lot no.10151


0 1 3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening30.000 €

1892/1979, extensive postal history collection with approximately 200 covers, cards and postal stationery, plus some single stamps, and multiples. The collection starts with some of the earliest known postal items including 'Incoming Mail', India Victoria envelope "ONE ANNA" used in Bahrain (unique), George VI 9 P. postal stationery card with overprint "HALF ANNA", high rupee frankings of the King's issues, extremely rare "EXPERIMENTAL P.O. K-121" on cover, etc. Undoubtedly one of the most important collection of this area.

Lot no.10152


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1933/48, unmounted mint and unused collection, some better and complete sets, with Mi.-Nr. 12-14 unmounted mint and 30-35 unmounted mint, also Oman with Mi.-Nr. 1-15 unmounted mint official stamp Mi.-Nr. 1-10 unmounted mint and some used and unused stamps Quatar1957/71, fine

Lot no.10153


6 (6)

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1876/1914, British Post Office in Smyrna, attractive exhibition collection with around 55 covers and cards, displaying a fine range of usages, rates and destinations, good selection of the British PO cancellations with Barred Oval “F87” (7), oval “REGISTERED SMYRNA” (both small and large types), circular “BRITISH POST OFFICE SMYRNA”, together with some parcel labels, printed matters, wrappers, some lovely single-, multiple- and combination frankings, etc., some occasional faults, toning and aging, overall in good condition, neatly mounted and well described on album pages. 

Lot no.10154


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1937/47,  unused and used collection incl. official stamps and duplicates, some complete sets. with Mi-Nr. 1-18 used and official stamps Mi.-Nr. 1-14 used, fine

Lot no.10155
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1851/1988 (ca.), unused and used collection with block SG 61, Jubilee issue, etc

Lot no.10156


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1880/2018, mixed collection incl. many better and complete sets, miniature and souvenir sheets, booklets, etc., extensive part valid postage, in 20 hingeless albums

Lot no.10157
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 6 8

Catalogue no.

Opening600 €

1992/2004, large accumulation of modern material, many FDCs and sets in duplicates

Lot no.10159


1 2

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1856/76, small lot of unused stamps, most with original gum. Some good items like 1856/64, 2 a. (2) and 4 a.

Lot no.10162


6 (6) 6M

Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €

1841/1960 accumulation of hundreds of covers, contained within four large stock books, three files and a number of loose pages, including early stampless covers, large quantity of Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and King George V India stamps on a variety of mailings internally and on destination mail, postal stationery, registered post, railway stamps, air mail, OHMS envelopes, censor mail, Mount Everest Expedition, mixed condition with many fine, a very nice collection with a lot of scarce and rare material

Lot no.10163



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1845/78 (ca.), cover collection related to the East India Company with 13 covers, neatly mounted on exhibition pages, incl. covers from Madras and Adras, together with three Court Fee stamps, mostly fine 

Lot no.10164



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Lot no.10165



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1890/1980 (ca.), interesting group with approx. 80 cards and covers incl. postal stationery, registered mail and airmail

Lot no.10166



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1890/91, 38 postcards ¼ a. with pre-print of the meterological office

Lot no.10167



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1885/1946, BURMA, an interesting group of 23 covers from or to Burma including registered mail, better franking, ship mail, interesting postmarks such as Akyab, Insein, Monywa, Pagan, Rangoon, Thayetmyo, Toungoo etc., mostly good quality
