385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10204


3 6 (6) 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening2.500 €

BRITISH FIELD POST OFFICES AND ARMY POST OFFICES: impressive collection with over 360 covers and cards and circa 250 used/pieces, specialized with the study of the various double circle FPO- and Army P.O cancellations including the unnumbered and star types, with a very strong range of FPO numbers on covers including 1-6, 8, 11-17, 19-32, 35-36, 38-39, 41, 43-44, 46-48, 50-51, 53-54, 56 and 100, many better items with mentions “stamps not available”, unusual destinations with Morocco and Syria, rare straight-line “RECOVERED FROM THE ENEMY AT VREDE, O.R.C”, a fine group of the large circular rubber postmark with “ARMY POST OFFICE B” on 1901 registered envelope to England, scarce “ARMY POST OFFICE MACHADODORP”, also some Base Post Office mail, FPO with large numbers 1-5, 8-9, “ARMY TELEGRAPHS” postmarks, OHMS blue card, etc., together with a selection of maps, sketches and photographs. Mixed condition, some neatly mounted and expertly described on album pages, a breathtaking study group in 7 albums

Lot no.10205


6 (6) 5

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

BRITISH POW CAMPS FOR THE BOERS: extensive assembly of over 110 covers and cards from/to Ceylon, India, Bermuda, St Helena and Natal, many interesting usages such as an unvalidated Free Orange State adhesive on 1900 taxed cover from Ficksburg to Ceylon, very scarce cds. “RAGAMA CAMP” (3), a "signed officer" envelope sent unfranked from “LADYBRAND JU 7 (19)01” to Rayapuram and taxed upon arrival, many camps including Green Point, Bellevue, Tin Town, Ahmednagar, Diyatalawa,  etc., plenty of censor marks as well as some registered covers, together with some fine illustrated postcards. Mixed condition, a fine specialist assembly

Lot no.10206


3 6 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

BLOEMFONTEIN POSTAL HISTORY: specialized study group of the Bloemfontein postmarks used in the period 1893/1908, with over 85 covers and cards and a fine group of used stamps showing the evolution of many of the Bloemfontein types including scarcer ones, interesting usages with foreign destinations, incoming and registered mail, better items with a well travelled 1898 redirected illustrated envelope with Britain-OFS-Cape of Good Hope mixed franking, etc., together with over 40 illustrated postcards mostly from the city. Some occasional faults, overall in fine and fresh condition, an interesting lot, in one album

Lot no.10207


3 6 4

Catalogue no.

Opening600 €

BOER WAR ILLUSTRATED POSTCARDS: attractive group of over 130 postcards related to the Boers and the Anglo-Boers campaigns, mostly unused, with many propaganda cards including from European countries, with military personal depicted from both sides, historical figures such as Colonel Baden-Powell, scenic views, weaponry, ships, many interesting items such as a small illustrated propaganda card “Mafeking´s Relieved!”, also a selection of five patriotic cartoon envelopes and cards, together with some maps, photos and related documents. A few faults as to be expected, mostly fine, an alluring specialist assembly in one album

Lot no.10209


2 6 (6) 4

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

MAIL SENT VIA DELAGOA BAY AND LOURENCO MARQUES: brilliant specialized collection with over 85 covers, plenty of interesting usages including several “MAIL SERVICE INTERRUPTED” covers, some early combinations of both Boer and British censor labels, several Boer oval censor “POSTMEESTER GENERAAL ORANJE VRY STAAT”, some rare incoming and outgoing mail from/to Russia, also a fine group of covers franked at Lourenco Marques, etc., together with a fine selection of illustrated postcards and maps. Mixed condition as to be expected, many neatly mounted and expertly described, in one album 

Lot no.10210



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

NATAL FIELD FORCE: small group of 10 covers and card with the large octogonal datestamp “ARMY POST OFFICE NATAL FIELD FORCE”, noted Standerton, 81 Machadorp, Volksrust including one stampless with manuscript “stamp not obtainable”, Wakkerstroom, etc., some usual wear and soiling, interesting lot

Lot no.10211



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1862/1981, used collection including 55 large hermes heads incl. postage dues, good condition, in five neat hingeless albums

Lot no.10212
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening480 €

1896, Olympic issue,  1923 reprints from the original dies ex 60 l. - 10 dr. three die proofs and five plate proofs in different colours     

Lot no.10213


3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening5.000 €

1850/2018, comprehensive, used collection from precursor issues Austria with Hungarian cancellations (nine findings) and with M-Nr. 1-6 (M-Nr. 2 signed Pfenninger). From the 1874 issue very specialised with perforations, colours, plate errors, imperforate issues from the beginning of 1950, miniature sheet sets and many other special features, with Bl. 1 (3x), Mi.-Nr. 1039 miniature sheet, Bl. 17, Mi.-Nr. 1104I, Bl. 18 A/B, Mi.-Nr. 1162Uu, twice Mi.-Nr. 1167Ur, Bl. 20-22, Mi.-Nr. 1287Ur, Bl. 31B, miniature sheet Mi.-Nr. 1465-68B and numbered miniature sheet Mi.-Nr. 2053-56 A/B unmounted mint, the last years are not quite complete, but with many miniature sheet issues and specialities. In addition telegraph- and postage stamps and Beleyegek special catalogue, in 14 albums. An exceptional and recommendable collection, a digital list is enclosed

Lot no.10214


0 1 2 3 6 5 8 4

Catalogue no.

Opening600 €

1871/1989 (ca.), large mint never hinged/unused and used collection with covers, well filled in the classics with some duplicates and better items like Mi.-Nr. 4 used (2, one tied “VARAZDIN” to the back of a 5 kr. postal stationery envelope to Hamburg), 6 used, 8ND-13ND, 478-79 on Zeppelin cover, etc., together with a fine choice of semi-modern covers with many attractive frankings, also a small part of Slovakia including postage dues, some occasional faults, mostly in good and fresh condition, neatly housed in eight albums 

Lot no.10215


3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1871/2020, extensive, mostly used duplicate stock with many complete issues, in seven thick stockbooks, plus a small lot in bags and an album with modern machine labels and some Europe Michel catalogues

Lot no.10216


0 1 2 3 6 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1872/2006, extensive stock with some partial collection, plenty of dublicates in various stockbooks, First Day Covers and much material, in 40 albums

Lot no.10218


0 3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1918/88, nine albums with complete sheets and parts of sheets, unmounted mint and used with complete sets, motifs, postage due and further specialities, much material with high value

Lot no.10219
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 3

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1931/50(ca.), unused, never hinged and used group, containing Mi.-Nr. 478-79 (Zeppelin) blocks of four, Bl. 1, Bl. 10-11 also Bl. 17(4 never hinged and one used), in addition "Catalog of the Hungarian stamps", 2020, mostly good condition

Lot no.10220


0 3

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1938/2004, used and anmounted mint stock with souvenir sheets, with unmounted mint Bl. 12, Bl. 13 (2) and Bl. 17 (2x), in good condition

Lot no.10222


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1950/2006, mixed collection incl. souvenir sheets and postage dues, in 16 hingeless albums

Lot no.10223


0 4

Catalogue no.

Opening1.800 €

1951/85, umounted mint collection with only imperforted stamps and souvenir sheets, many complete and better sets with Mi.-Nr. 1820-29B, 1881-88B, Bl. 37B, 1954-62B, 2000-07B, 2044-51B, 2071-77B, Bl. 45B, 2141-50B (2x), 2201-09B and Mi.-Nr. 2315-16B (!), few stamps unused, otherwise fine, in five preprinted albums

Lot no.10224


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Lot no.10226



Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €

1872/1980, extensive collection with valued over 2500 covers, cards, postal stationery, picture cards and First Day-Covers, with some used postal stationery money order and parcel cards, collection meter marks,  much picture cards, censor ship cancel and much other interesting material, in 33 albums

Lot no.10227


0 1 3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1876/1988 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used collection, including Officials, mostly used before 1933, mostly unused and mint never hinged afterwards, many complete sets and better values throughout like Mi.-Nr. 218-221 mint never hinged, etc., together with some souvenir sheets, overall in pleasant condition, neatly mounted and described, in one album

Lot no.10228


0 1

Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €

1922/53 (ca.), 38 different values with Specimen-handstamps

Lot no.10229


0 1

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1922/40, small lot with ‘Fiji’-proof, 2 pieces of watermarked paper, seahorses 10/- in pair, 1 d. with inverted overprint, etc.

Lot no.10230


0 1 2 3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening80 €

1922/99, mint never hinged/unused and used collection incl. some better values and souvenir sheets, in four hingeless albums

Lot no.10232


0 1 2 3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1851/1989, mostly used and in the modern main catalogue numbers almost complete double mint never hinged/unused and used collection beginning with old italian states with a good part Papal States, Neaples with additional three covers, Tuscany with Mi. 16 used (Cert. Guglielmo Oliva), further Main State with e.g. Mi. 6 MH (signed Sorani BPP), further airmail-stamps with e.g. Mi. 446 vertical pair of strip of three (toned original gum), 459-62 MNH, etc., including some duplicates, in the beginning with some occasional faults and some forgeries, otherwise in good condition, in six albums

Lot no.10233


0 1 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1852/2012, mixed collection starting with old italian states, further mostly modern material incl. souvenir sheets, etc., in 14 hingeless albums

Lot no.10234


1 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €

1861/1911, used and mint collection on ancient Schaubek album pages, nice range of interesting and better items, from 1861 issue incl. two copies 10c. bistre on piece each, 1865 20c. on 15c. blue rare type II mint (Sass. 24), 1889 Umberto 5c. to 5l., following issues, most attractive pieces incl. clear and full strikes of postmark, officials, postage dues incl. no. 1 used pair, no. 2 used strip of three, etc.

Lot no.10235


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1861/1944, mixed collection starting with Naples, with many better and complete sets, further postage dues, airmail stamps, italian occupation, Trieste, Veneto Giulia, official and field post stamps, etc., some signed, in three hingeless albums

Lot no.10236


0 1 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1900/1930 (ca.), used and mint collection of 16 varieties/specialities (some are catalogued), comprising clear offsets, misperforation, particularities of printing/overprint, postal forgery Palermo 40c. brown on fragment (Sass. F84) etc. 

Lot no.10237



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1712/1970 (ca.), interesting lot with approx 150 cards, covers and postal stationery, starting with pre-philately over classical period with a small part Neaples, Sardinia, Toscana, with e.g franked newspaper, etc., later a good part censorship-mail, in one box

Lot no.10238



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €

1724/1814 (ca.), large collection with circa 250 covers, some better items with 1813 "PRINTÉ DE LUQUES PAR PISE", 1811 "P.105 P. MONDOVI", 1813 "113 PESCIA", 1809 "P.114 P. SIENNE", 1810 "117 ACQUAPENDENTE", 1813 "P 117. P SPOLETO", 1811 "116 FROSINONE", rare 1814 "P. 112 P. MODIGLIANA" (Reinhardt 23 pts), 1812 "113 PORTO-FERRAIO", 1811 "P.114P. MONTEPULCIANO", etc., many clear strikes, together with a selection of earlier incoming mail to France, some expertly described. Condition varies, an excellent specialist assembly, in four albums
