385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10240



Catalogue no.

Opening220 €

1854/59, group with three covers, with Papal States Mi.-No. 5 in pair on folded cover from "SENIGALLIA", Modena Mi.-No. 1b on folded cover and triple strip Sardinia Mi.-No. 12 on envelope from "LEVANTO" to England, partly somewhat faulty, but visually appealing, two covers sign. A. Diena

Lot no.10243


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1918/19, Julian Venetia and Trentino, interesting specialized unused and used collection, with multiples, inverted overprints and about 15 covers with postage due provisionals, all written up, good condition

Lot no.10244


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Catalogue no.

Opening220 €

1926/34, small group with East Africa Mi.-No. 62, Eritrea Mi.-No. 115-17 and Somalia Mi.-No. 208-18, mostly mint never hinged, partly with toned or tinted gum

Lot no.10245


0 1 2 3 6 (6) 4

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1918/41, mint never hinged/unused and used collection, together with some multiples and covers, better items throughout like Mi.-Nr. 220-24 unused (certificate von Hofmann BPP), 228-31 A-B unused, etc., overall in good condition, in one album

Lot no.10246



Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer

2. REPUBLIK: STEMPEL: Umfangreiche Sammlung mit ca. 2000 Briefen, Karten, Ganzsachen etc.

Lot no.10247
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €

1912/92, sehr reichhaltige, dreimal, ungebraucht, postfrisch und gestempelt, zusammengetragene Sammlung, in den Hauptnummern jeweils augenscheinlich komplett mit vielen Varianten, dabei u.a. 1-3x, 1-3y, 3yb ungebraucht, postfrisch und gestempelt, bessere Zähnungsvarianten wie z.B. Mi.-Nr. 304B postfrisch, entsprechend dreimal Vaduz-Block, Kleinbogen, Botenpost Vaduz-Sevelen Mi.-Nr. IC ungebraucht, kleiner Teil Teil Schweiz mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. I-III ungebraucht, dabei diverse Atteste Rupp bzw. Hoffner BPP

Lot no.10248


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Catalogue no.

Opening2.500 €

1912/2022, in den Hauptnummern komplette und teils überkomplette postfrische und wenig ungebrauchte Sammlung inkl. Flugpost-, Dienst- und Portomarken, dabei u.a. Mi. 3yb postfrisch (Attest Rupp), 53-60 postfrisch (Attest Rupp), 79 (FB Dr. Hoffner BPP), 94-107A, 95-107B ohne 100B (98B FA Marxer SBPV, 107B FB Dr. Hoffner BPP), 95-107C ohne 105C (102C sowie 107A und C nachgummiert, 107C mit FA Dr. Hoffner BPP), 108-13, 114/15, 119-21 (FA Dr. Hoffner BPP), Vaduz-Block (sign. Rupp), etc., gute Erhaltung, in zwei Vordruckalben

Lot no.10250


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Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €

1912/2003, in den Hauptnummern komplette, anfangs meist ungebrauchte/wenig gestempelte und später postfrische Sammlung inkl. Portomarken, dabei Vaduz-Block (Herzstück postfrisch) mit Fotoattest Marxer BPP, ferner einige Briefe und Karten, gute Erhaltung, in zwei Vordruckalben

Lot no.10251
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 1 6

Catalogue no.

Opening160 €

1912/49, kleine postfrische/ungebrauchte Partie, bessere Werte u.a. Mi.-Nr. 1-3, 78-81, Bl.5, etc. dazu ein Brief, meist in sehr schöner Erhaltung

Lot no.10252



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1957/84, vorwiegend postfrische Sammlung mit vielen Kleinbogen, gute Erhaltung

Lot no.10253


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1972/2001, meist postfrischer/gestempelter Bestand, hunderte kpl. Bögen und Sätzen, dazu FDC, in sehr guter Erhaltung 

Lot no.10254



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1976/90, postfrische Sammlung Kleinbogen in einwandfreier Erhaltung, sauber in sechs Borek-Album 

Lot no.10256
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1839/69, small lot with Mi. 1 used and on cover, Mi. 2 in pair on piece, Mi. 18 in pair on letter, Mi. 19 on cover and 6 pre-philatelic letters


Lot no.10257


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Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1852/2012, mixed collection incl. mostly mint hinged part of semi-classics, etc., in nine hingeless albums

Lot no.10258


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Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1868/2020, mostly mint never hinged collection incl. many better issues and complete sets, miniature and souvenir sheets, many multiples, also some precancels, etc., in 14 hingeless albums

Lot no.10259
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1953, Da Vinci's aeroplane construction 10 fr. and space rocket 10 fr. as se-tenant pair, 1200 pairs in complete sheets or parts of sheets, unmounted mint (Michel No. P50/51; 19200,-)

Lot no.10260


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Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1852/1981, unused, mint never hinged and used collection, with many better throught out starting with Mi.-Nr. 1-3, 7-12, also Mi.-Nr. 48, 66, 81-92, 99-100, also Brandkasten Mi.-Nr. 1-7 unused, mostly good condition

Lot no.10261


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1852/2019, mixed collection beginning with classical issues, with the focus on modern material with many better and complete sets, souvenir sheets, booklets, labels, etc., also Dutch colonies, postage dues, etc., good part valid postage, in 19 hingeless albums

Lot no.10262



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1884/1950 (ca.), group with approx. 200 cards and covers, with some interesting, airmail, registered mail, etc., in one box

Lot no.10263


0 1 2 3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1856/2016 (ca.), mixed collection incl. complete sets, booklets and souvenir sheets, in six hingeless albums

Lot no.10264


0 1 2 3 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €

1865/90 (ca.), Local City Posts AAlesund to Tonsberg, highly specialized mint never hinged/unused and used collection, many interested items and large multiples, noted fine selection of Aalesund together with some full sheets(2), Drammen including perforated and imperforated sheets(4), Bergen, Arendals with full sheets(2), multiples and varieties imperforated in between, also Kristianssunds, Holmestrand with full sheets(3), Tonsberg with a fine range of large multiples, etc., a few forgeries noted, some occasional faults, overall in good condition. A stunning group of the captivating Norvegian ByPost

Lot no.10265


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Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1860/1923, unused and used collection with some covers, starting with Mi.-Nr. 1(6) including clear “138” RADOM numeral and “DP” cancel, later with better items and varities like bisected stamps, inverted overprints throughout, all neatly written up, good condition

Lot no.10267


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Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1913/19 (ca)., interesting group of covers and cards, including West Ukraine and Austrian Field Post, some better items with 1918 Austrian postal receipt with machine cancel “DROHOBYCZ 2. XI. 18”, 40 h. tied by cds. “WOJNILOW 22 11 18” with part of label “ZAGRANICZNYCH”, 1919 postcard to France with large violet circular “6 PULK ARTYLLERIE POLNEJ  1 GRUPA  and cds. ”TRESOR POSTES 24 7" alongside, Austrian 10 h. and 15 h. with framed overprint “IX 794” on small envelope, etc., mixed condition, several signed Mikulski, most unusual

Lot no.10268


0 1 2 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1915/1919, postfrische/ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammung der Ausgaben des 1.Weltkrieges, teils mit Farben gesammelt, guter Schwerpunkt bei den Bestellpostämtern mit Sosnowice, Warschau, Zarki, Przedborz, Zawierce und Luboml, wobei diese fast alle kompetent signiert sind wie Jungjohann BPP, Mikulski und meist Petriuk PZF mit Typenangabe, weiterhin einige Aufdruckmarken der Republik1918/1919. 

Lot no.10269


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Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €

1918/19, Provisional Postage Dues, interesting collection, unused and used with over 140 cards and covers from ALBIGOWA to ZATOR, all neatly written up, good condition

Lot no.10270


1 2 3 6 4

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Lot no.10273



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €

1904/1939 (ca.), interesting group of over 35 covers and cards, ecclectic range of frankings and types of mail, incl. 1916 Austro-Hungarian Fieldpost incoming mail to Warsaw, fine to very fine

Lot no.10274



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1920/22, interesting group of 6 cards and covers with different military censor cancellation of Tarnopol, all written up on pages, scarce, all signed Petriuk, mostly good condition

Lot no.10275



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

FIELD POST OFFICE "POCZTA POLOWA N°23": 1921/22, 14 registered cards, mostly with adjacent cds. "FRONTOWA POCZTA POLOWA"; mostly fine, a scarce group
