377th Auction
20. - 25. September 2021 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (2492) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (43) Apply ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (100) Apply BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber filter
- BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer (242) Apply BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer filter
- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung (190) Apply DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung filter
- HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ (74) Apply HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ filter
- GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 (1226) Apply GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 filter
- ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion (291) Apply ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion filter
- INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (98) Apply INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek (193) Apply NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1143) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (1315) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (79) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (51) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (17) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (235) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (239) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (556) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (184) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Literatur (39) Apply Literatur filter
- Luftpost (38) Apply Luftpost filter
- Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post (23) Apply Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post filter
- Übersee (281) Apply Übersee filter
- Niederlande (1) Apply Niederlande filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (2) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (1) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (1) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- China (3) Apply China filter
- Philippinen (1) Apply Philippinen filter
- Indien (1) Apply Indien filter
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf400 €
Zuschlag360 €
1924, Semeuse 50c. Marseille forgery, complete sheet of 100 with gutters, mint never hinged, some separations, otherwise fine, certificate Calves-Jacquart (2018)
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf60 €
BOOKLETS: "Carnets de 40 Timbre-Poste" Semeuse 5c. green , unexploded booklet, mint never hinged with minor and usual adhesion, fine
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf80 €
BOOKLETS: 1929, "Laboratoires O. Rolland" unexploded booklet, mint never hinged with minor and usual adhesion, fine
SHIP MAIL: "URUGUAY 16 AOUT 1862", clear consular date stamp on small envelope to Prussia franked with Napoléon 40 c. orange and 80 c. rose, the 40 c. bottom frame line cut away, otherwise good to large margins, both tied by dotted anchor handstamp. The cover is endorsed "Via Burdeos" and was carried on the 'Saintonge' to Rio and from here via the 'Estramadure'; on front transit mark "Aus Frankreich per Aachen franco", on reverse distribution mark. A fine and scarce entire, certificate Roumet (2018)
Aleppo: 1858, unpaid Entire letter from Smyrna via Alexandretta to Aleppo with very rare two line "POSTE FRANCAISE / D'ALEP" handstamp (Pothion = 22 points) and TAXE, both in blue, and adjacent "SMYRNE TURQUIE 3 MAI 58" cds in black, , reverse with ALEXANDRETTW SYRIE 8 MAI 58" transit cds's. Taxed with '20' décimes due upon arrival; a fresh and fine cover, certificate Roumet (1999).
Aleppo: 1864, prepaid letter sheet from Aleppo via Beirut to Marseille, franked with Napoléon perforated 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, tied by GC '5079' with adjacent "POSTE FRANCAISE / D'ALEP" handstamp in blue and "ALEXANDRETTE SYRIE 10 OCT 64" cds, framed PD in black and framed red "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE", reverse with "BEYROUT SYRIE 12 OCT 64" transit and Marseille arrival (Oct. 25) cds's. A scarce cover.
Alexandrette: 1859, entire letter written in Aleppo, mailed from Alexandrette to Marseille, struck with light two line "POSTE FRANCAISE / 'ALEP" handstamp in blue (Pothion = 22 points), franked in Alexandretta with Napoléon imperforated 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, tied by PC '3766' with adjacent "ALEXANDRETTE SYRIE 10 SEPT 59" and framed PD in black; reverse with Marseille transit mark. A scarce and attractive cover.
Alexandretta: 1869, envelope from Aleppo to Marseille, franked on reverse with Turkey 1869 Dulos 20 pa. green and 1 pi. yellow, perf. 13¼ , tied by all Arabic framed 'Haleb' in blue (Coles & Walker fig. 4), mailed through the French P.O. in Alexandrette with 1863 Napoléon laureated 20 c. blue in horizontal pair, tied by GC '5079' with adjacent "ALEXANDRETTE SYRIE 24 MAI 69", framed PD in black and framed "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" in red, on reverse Smirna French P.O. transit and Marseille arrival (July 6) cds's. A fine and scarce combination usage opened out for display. Cert. Roumet (1998).
Alexandretta : 1873, envelope from Aleppo to Marseille, franked on reverse with Turkey 1869 Dulos 10 pa. brown lilac and 2 ghrush orange (corner fault), tied by all Arabic framed 'Haleb' handstamp in black (Coles & Walker fig. 4), mailed through the French P.O. in Alexandrette with 1872 Cérès 80 c. rose, tied by GC '5079' with adjacent "ALEXANDRETTE SYRIE 3 JANV 73" , framed "PD" in black and red "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" ; reverse with Smirna French P.O. transit cds. A fine and scarce combination usage. Signed Calves.
Hierapetra: 1898, Free of charge military Envelope from Hierapetra to Paris, handstamped with clear "HIERAPETRA CRETE 14 SEPT 98" cds in black and adjacent military handstamp "SECTEUR FRANCAIS CRETE LE COMMANDANT", reverse with rare Sitia Crete and Marseille transit cds's.
Rhodos: 1879, entire letter from Bristol to Rhodos, franked with Victoria 2½ d. rosy mauve, tied by "BRISTOL JY 29 79 / 131" duplex, French Calais entry cds in red alongside, reverse with Lyon - Marseille Spécial TPO transit cds and blue "RHODES 9 AOUT 79" arrival cds., a very rare incoming item from the United Kingdom; certificate Roumet (2006).
Tunis: 1856, letter sheet from Tunis to France, franked with 1853 Napoléon imperforated 20 c. blue in a left marginal horizontal strip of three, touched in two places but generally good to large margins, tied by PC "3716" of Bone with adjacent "TUNIS 17 SEPT. 56" (Pothion = 21 points) and framed "P.P." in red, reverse with Bone Algerie, Marseille & Montpellier transit and St. Pons arrival (Sept 26) cds's. Charge '4' décimes due upon arrival. A scarce and attractive item; signed Calves; cert. Roumet (1998).
Note: Adhesives on mail from Tunis were cancelled in Bone, Algeria with the Petits Chiffres '3716' or Gros Chiffres '5015', respectively in the years between 1852 and 1862. In 1863 Tunis became a Bureau de distribution and received its own Gros chiffres '5107'.
Tunis: 1873, entire letter from Tunis to Marseille, franked with 1871/73 Cérès 10 c. brown on rose and two singles of 25 c. blue, tied by GC '5107' with adjacent "TUNIS 7 OCT 73" (Pothion = 13 points), framed PD in red and "TUNIS-PAR-BONE ALGERIE 8 OCT 73" cds in red, reverse with Marseille arrival (Oct 12) cds.; one short perf, otherwise fine and fresh, a scarce and attractive item with the 60 c. rate for covers up to 10 gr. which were transported with 'Paquebots de l'Algérie' vessels
Tunis: 1878, envelope from Tunis to France, franked with type Sage 25 c. blue, tied by red "TUNIS-BONE ALGERIE 20 AOUT 78" railway cds; reverse with Bone and French transit cds's. Minor part of one backflap missing, otherwise fine, a scarce and interesting item which was despatched not in the Tuns post office but directly in the railway wagon of the Tunis - Bone line.
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf80 €
Zuschlag110 €
1872, Ceres 15c. brown, fresh colour and good margins all around, unused, very fine, certificate Behr (2011)
POSTAGE DUE: 1894, Numerals 5c. black, Sperati forgery with "dropped B" variety, unused, the only known copy with the Sperati overprint, fine, signed Sperati / Reproduction
1912, 10 on 50 c. brown, type I tied by cds. “LIBREVILLE CABON 2.JUIN.14” to registered cover with six other stamps to Philadelphia with arrival mark, fine
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf200 €
1956, Airmail 25-100fr., imperforated multi-coloured proof sheet, mint never hinged, fine
1994, 200000 k. on 0,50r., block of four with upper sheet margin with inverted surcharge, mint never hinged, fine
1 d. black, plate 1, LG, good to large margins, tied by red MC to small piece, very fine
1840, 1 d. black, plate 1A, DG, good to large margins, neatly cancelled by red MC, very fine, sign. Georg Bühler
1840, Victoria 1d. black, plate 1b,PJ, inverted watermark, fresh colour and good to wide margins with small part of adjoining stamp at upper right, used with clear red MC, a very fine copy of this scarce stamp
1840, Victoria 1d. black, plate 2, MB, fresh colour and good to wide margins all around, used with clearly struck black MC, fine, certificate Louis BPP (2004)
1840, Victoria 1d. black, plate 7, JA, fresh colour and good to wide margins all around, used with clearly struck black MC, fine, certificate Louis BPP (2004)
1840, 1 d. black, plate 3, SL, good even margins, tied by nice clear red MC to piece, very fine
1840, Victoria 1d. black, plate 1b, QD, fresh colour and good to wide margins all around tied by red MC with "GLASGOW FEB 11 1841" on reverse to folded letter via Belfast to Cookstown, Ireland, transit- and arrival mark on reverse, a late use of the red Maltese cross a few days before the official change to black stamp ink, certificate Louis BPP (2003)
MALTESE CROSS CANCELLATIONS: London Numeral 1-12 struck on twelve 1d. red imperforated, mostly nice and good strikes, some stamps with faults, certificate Pröschold BPP (1988)
1857, Transitional Issue 1d. pale-red, strip of three, two pairs and single tied by numeral "15" to small cover to Paris, some perfs slightly blunted as affixed on the edge, a little roughly opened, a scarce and attractive cover
1864/79, 1 d. lake-red, tied by clear "HELENSBURGH FE 13 1869" to small embossed Valentine's cover sent locally with arrival mark on reverse; very attractive
1854, Embossed 6d. dull lilac in combination with 1856 4d. carmine on highly glazed paper, tied by numeral "19" to folded letter to Bilbao, embossed slightly touched at bottom, otherwise a fine and rare combination of embossed and surface printed stamps, only 15 combinations recorded by Simpson & Louis
1867/83, 10 sh. greenish-grey, GG, fresh colour and good perforation, used, fine
1850, Sydney View, 1 d. crimson-lake, plate I, ample to good margins and lightly cancelled, fine, sign. Georg Bühler
1 d. carmine, plate I, with ample to large margins, neatly cancelled, very fine
1 d. dull carmine, plate II, good margins and lightly cancelled, very fine
2 d. indigo, plate II, nice colour and large margins, very lightly cancelled, very fine
3 d. yellow-green on grey wove paper, fresh colour and large margins, neatly cancelled, very fine