377th Auction
20. - 25. September 2021 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (2492) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (43) Apply ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (100) Apply BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber filter
- BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer (242) Apply BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer filter
- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung (190) Apply DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung filter
- HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ (74) Apply HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ filter
- GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 (1226) Apply GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 filter
- ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion (291) Apply ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion filter
- INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (98) Apply INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek (193) Apply NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1143) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (1315) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (79) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (51) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (17) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (235) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (239) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (556) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (184) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Literatur (39) Apply Literatur filter
- Luftpost (38) Apply Luftpost filter
- Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post (23) Apply Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post filter
- Übersee (281) Apply Übersee filter
- Niederlande (1) Apply Niederlande filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (2) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (1) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (1) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- China (3) Apply China filter
- Philippinen (1) Apply Philippinen filter
- Indien (1) Apply Indien filter
1923, Princess souvenir sheet 10 fr., type I, unused with o.g. (tiny hinge thin in top margin), stamp itself unmounted mint, certificate Demuth BPP (1990)
1926/30, Grand Duchess 5 c.-1 3/4 fr., 17 different values on watermarked paper (wavy lines), all with red overprint "SPECIMEN" and punchhole, all unmounted mint, fine/very fine. The final issue was produced on unwatermarked paper; a very scarce group
1944, Charlotte 5 c.-20 fr., 21 die proofs (except 60 c. and 3½ fr.) of the American Bank Note Co., printed on thin paper, mostly mounted on card/sunken card, one with stain in the margin, otherwise fine/very fine; a very scarce group
1946, Heroes and martyrs souvenir sheet, imperforated, unmounted mint, very fine. Only few imperforated souvenir sheets have been recorded. Certificate Böttger BPP (2015)
1948, essay Charlotte 3½ fr. in dark blue as die proof of the American Bank Note Co. on thin paper in block formate, very fine
1955, 50 Years of Rotary 30 f., six Artist colour Die proof cards different colours, all with artist signature, few with slightly spots, otherwise fine, rare
INCOMING MAIL: "Circular" envelope from Great Britain to Curacao, franked with 1864/79, 1 d. lake-red, tied by Reading duplex "635", taxed on arrival "3", possibly because the envelope was closed. Opened on 3 sides, still fine, sign. Knopke BPP
1846, uncomplete lettersheet (large backflap remaining), endorsed "J.F. BÖCKER, ZENDELING op BORNEO" via "BATAVIA 15/1" to the "Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft" at Barmen, Prussia with frontside blue seal "POSTKANTOOR/HOOFD KANTOOR TE BATAVIA" and red "ZEEBRIEF DEN HELDER 1875"; on reverse manuscript arrival notation of 21.5.1846, distribution mark and red "50" in manuscript, taxed on front with "240" cents. Earliest recorded mail from Borneo
Provenance: Collection Bultermann
1920, Coat of arms 5p.- 10m. with black overprint "Malli", mounted on cardboard of which 500 were sent to the Finnish Post offices as proofs, fine
1920, 10 and 30p. horizontal pairs together with 80p. tied by violet cds. "KIRJASALO ´16 VIII 20" to cover to Kello with arrival mark, fine
1920, 30-50p. tied by cds. "KIRJASALO 4 IX 20" to cover to Tyrisevä with arrival mark, fine
1920, 1m. tied by cds. "KIRJASALO 20 VIII 20" to cover to Helsinki with arrival mark, small tear in cover, otherwise fine, scarce
1920, 1m. tied by cds. "KIRJASALO 16 IX 20" to cover to Marseille with arrival mark, few folds, otherwise fine, scarce
1920, Harvester playing harp 10m., vertical pair with upper sheet margin with inverted center, mint never hinged, small gum skips, a very rare multiple with only 100 of this error printed, fine
1921, "Inkerin Hyväksi" inverted overprint on horizontal pair 80p., mint never hinged, fine, scarce
1918, Germania 10 pfg., block of eight from the upper left sheet corner, with heavily shifted overprint thus the upper two stamps without overprint, second row only with small parts of overprint, the other rows with slanted overprint, a scarce and very attractive multiple, certificates Schmutz (1997) and Petriuk PZF (2021) (Fischer 10IIb)
1918, Germania 10 pfg. with clear double overprint, unused, very fine, scarce, certificate Korszen (2018) and Petriuk PZF (2021) (Fischer 10II Np)
1918, Germania 10 pfg. with clear double overprint, used, very fine, scarce, certificate Korszen (2018) and Petriuk PZF (2021) (Fischer 10II Np)
1918, Germania 20pfg. "szafir", pair (positions 49-50) and horizontal strip of three (positions 46-48) tied by provisional cancel "GABIN" to reverse of registered value declared cover with handwritten r-label to Warsaw with arrival mark, horizontal fold through cover not affecting the adhesives, very attractive and one of the rarest letters of the Germania issue, certificate Mikulski (2009) and signed Petriuk with detailed certificate (2020) (Fischer 12I bb)
1918, Germania 20 pfg. blue, pre-war printing, block of four from positions 86-87 and 96-97 with bottom sheet margin, mint never hinged, very fine, scarce, signed with certificate Korszen (2018) and certificate Petriuk PZF (2021) (Fischer 12II bax)
1918, Germania 30 pfg., block of four and block of six tied by provisional cds. "PYZDRY 24.II.1919" as rare 10fold-franking to German parcel card addressed to "Michał Wieczorkiewicz, Jabłonna Group, 1st Battery, 3rd Company, Warsaw Citadel" with arrival mark. The upper left stamp of the block of four showing variety "Pocata", one stamp of the block of six showing "dot in k"., filing hole affecting one stamp, otherwise fine and a very rare and early card, certificate Petriuk PZF (2021)
1918, Germania 40 pfg. with clear double overprint, unused, very fine, scarce, certificate Korszen (2018) and Petriuk PZF (2021) (Fischer 15Ib Np)
1918, Germania 40 pfg. with clear double overprint, used with illegible cancel, very fine, scarce, certificate Korszen (2018) and Petriuk PZF (2021) (Fischer 15Ib Np)
1918, Germania 5 on 2½ pfg., horizontal pair, proof overprint with only three lines, mint never hinged, fine and scarce, signed Miszczak and Petriuk PFZ with certificate (2021)
1918, Germania 5 on 2½ pfg. with clear double overprint, unused, very fine, scarce, certificate Petriuk PZF (2021) (Fischer 8I Np)
1918, Germania 5 on 3 pfg. with clear double overprint, unused, very fine, scarce, certificate Korszen (2018) and Petriuk PZF (2021) (Fischer 9Ib Np)
1918, Germania 25 on 7½ pfg., vertical strip of three tied by provisional cayncel of "KUTNO" to reverse of registered cover with german r-label to New York, on front censor mark of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, cover with folds and adhesive tape traces, nevertheless and attractive and rare item, signed Schmutz and Petriuk with the latters certificate (2021). In addition another cover franked with pair Germania 5 on 2½ pfg. and additional franking, one stamp showing variety "inverted k in Polska", toning, otherwise fine
1918, Lublin Issue 90h. and horizontal pair 3h. on 15h. tied by cds. "LUBLIN 4.1.19" to registered cover with Austrian label to St. Gallen, small part of address blackened, otherwise fine, scarce, signed Petriuk PZF with certificate (2021)
1918, Lublin Issue 90h. bisected stamp in "pair" with normal stamp and additional franking tied by cds. to toned cover front to Busku and in addition Lublin Issue 10-45h. tied by cds. "LUBLIN 6.XII.18" to registered, undeliverable and returned cover to Bischweiler, signed Petriuk PZF
1920, two postal money orders franked with Germania 40pfg. resp. two singles Germania 20pfg. and card with National Assembly 15pfg. in combination with Poland Coat of arms 5f., some small imperfections, scarce, alle signed Petriuk PZF
1919, Poznan Issue 5-10f. with additional franking tied by cds. "SKALMIERZYCE 25.10.19" to registered cover with german r-label and adjacent censor mark "Cenzura wojskowa w Skalmierzycach" to Ostrowo, fine, signed Jungjohann BPP and Petriuk PZF with certificate (2021)
1928/30, Henryk Sienkiewicz 15gr. and Johann III. 75gr., each as block of four with two vertical gutter pairs, mint never hinged, the latter brown spot and small thin in one gutter, otherwise fine, scarce
KALISZ: 1919, Germania 5-60 pfg., overprint type V, used, fine and scarce, signed Bojanowicz and Jungjohann BPP
KALISZ: 1919, Germania 5 and 20 pfg., vperrint type V, tied by cds. "KALISZ 4.2.19" to cover to Warsaw, fine, signed Jungjohann BPP
MYSLENICE: 1919, Austria Coat of Arms 3, 10 and 12 h. with additional franking, different overprint types, tied by cds. "MYSLENICE 18.I.19" to registered cover to Tarnow, folded, otherwise fine, signed Bojanowicz and Jungjohann BPP
NIEZABITOW: 1944, Hitler 25gr. three values and 50gr. two values tied by cds. "NIEZABITOW 16 X 44" to adressed cover, backflap missing, otherwise fine, scarce, certificate Korszen (2013) (Fischer-Nr. 5,7,8,9,19)