377th Auction
20. - 25. September 2021 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (2492) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (43) Apply ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (100) Apply BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber filter
- BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer (242) Apply BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer filter
- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung (190) Apply DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung filter
- HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ (74) Apply HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ filter
- GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 (1226) Apply GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 filter
- ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion (291) Apply ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion filter
- INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (98) Apply INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek (193) Apply NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1143) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (1315) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (79) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (51) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (17) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (235) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (239) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (556) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (184) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Literatur (39) Apply Literatur filter
- Luftpost (38) Apply Luftpost filter
- Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post (23) Apply Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post filter
- Übersee (281) Apply Übersee filter
- Niederlande (1) Apply Niederlande filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (2) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (1) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (1) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- China (3) Apply China filter
- Philippinen (1) Apply Philippinen filter
- Indien (1) Apply Indien filter
1968, Revolutionary Literature and Art. 8 f. cpl., unmounted mint, very fine
1968, Maos directions 8 f., unmounted mint, very fine
1978, Running Horses souvenir sheet, unmounted mint, very fine
1979, 31th International Stamp Exhibition souvenir sheet, used, very fine
1979, Study Science souvenir sheet, unmounted mint, very fine
1979, Study Science souvenir sheet, unmounted mint, very fine
1979, Study Science souvenir sheet, unhinged mint, very fine
1979, Study Science souvenier sheet, unmounted mint, very fine
1979, Study Science souvenir sheet, used, very fine
1980, Monkey 8 f., unmounted mint, fine
1953, Army 800 $, unused without gum, very fine
1867, 1 pi. red as "Port-to-Port" rate, tied by bold "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane / Alessandria" with repeated strike alongside to entire letter from Alexandria to Constantinople, endorsed "per Azizie Steamer" at top; reverse with superb "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane / Costantinopoli" Egyptian P.O. datestamp of receipt (Jan 4, 1869). A rare and fine letter, signed Todd AIEP.
1867, 2 pi. blue, horizontal pair, Types III-IV, tied by cds. "CAIRO 10 DEC. 67" to registered letter sheet (side flaps missing) from Cairo to Constantinople, noted at 9 grams in manuscript, reverse with "POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / COSTANTINOPOLI" arrival mark. Postage from Cairo = 1 piastre, 1 pi. for Seapost to Constantinople and 2 pi. for registration. Some edge wear but a rare cover and rate. Signed Todd AIEP.
CONSTANTINOPLE: 1874, Bulaq 10 pa. in vertical pair and 1 pia., tied by cds. "V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE CONSTANTINOPOLI 29 APR 77" to envelope to Cairo with Alexandria transit and arrival marks on reverse; large part of reverse flap missing, otherwise fine
CONSTANTINOPLE: 1874, Bulaq 1 p. rose and vertical pair 1 p. vermilion (the upper stamp with double perforation at top), tied by cds. "V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE CONSTANTINOPOLI 1 SET. 75" to double rate envelope to Cairo with transit mark of Alexandria and arrival mark; part of reverse flap missing, otherwise fine, sign. Holcombe
1908, National Symbols with surcharge 1c. on 10c. orange/blue, marginal block of four with clear double surcharge, the upper stamps mint never hinged, the lower unused, very fine and attractive
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf150 €
1927, Airmail 1ch. - 30 kr., unused, 20kr. missing corner, otherwise fine, a scarce set, signed Sadri
1899, Chrysanthenum 1 s.-1 y. and additional values 1½ s. ultramarine and ½ s. grey, tied by all Japanese cds. to large size registered envelope to Tokio. Little unfresh and some creasing, but an impressive franking
1899, Chrysantheme 1s. brown and 2s. green, each as pair tied by cds. "PORT-ARTHUR 20.09.09" to postcards via Chefoo to Tsingtau, China, the card with 1s. underfranked thus taxed, fine
1952, Korean-Chinese Friendship 20 w. blue imperforate with six other stamps reverse on postal stationery envelope as airmail cover to Germany, fine
1951, Order Admiral Li Sun-Sin 5 w. on 6 w. orange and vertical pair Partisan Li Su Dok 70 w. lilac-brown imperforated, all tied by cds. “PYONG YANG 23.2.52” to registered airmail cover to Budapest with arrival mark, small scrap of paper on front, otherwise fine
1868, Hidalgo 6 c. on brown, "37-71/ LAGOS", block of 4 with good to large margins, cancelled by oval "S.JUAN DE LOS LAGOS", very fine, sign. Jaretzky
1930, Airmail overprint proof in red on buff paper, block of four printed on both sides, on reverse somewhat shifted, usual light creases, otherwise fine, in addition mint never hinged block of four of issued stamp, one stamp small tear, otherwise fine
1798, Partly printed official listing for letters on the Lima route received on November 10
1858, Coat of arms, ½ p. error of colour, Sperati forgery in block format with pencil signature, signed Sperati Reproduction
1858, Coat of arms, ½ p. black on glazed paper, Sperati forgery in block format with pencil signature, signed Sperati Reproduction and reverse with full cachet "Les Jean de Sperati Philatelie d'Art"
1867, Decorative listing of the 'Administracion general de Correos' for the post of Pasco
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf80 €
Zuschlag120 €
1935, Animals 1 tug violet, perforated 12½, block of four, mint never hinged, fine
1923, Star Overprint 10k., irregular block of six tied by cds. "AGDASH ELISAV 25 4 23" to reverse of money transfer form to Baku, vertical crease not affecting adhesives, one stamp usual punch hole, a fine and unusual item
1923, Star Overprint 35k., vertical strip of five tied by cds. "PRISHIB BAKIN 7 6 23" to money transfer form to Lenkoran, upper stamp affixed at edge, otherwise fine
1923, Star Overprint 50k., horizontal pair and single tied by cds. "AGDASH ELISAV 3 5 23" to reverse of money transfer form to Baku, vertical crease not affecting adhesives, a fine and unusual item
1923, Star Overprint over Armenia unframed Z 50k., vertical strip of four tied by cds. "PRISHIB BAKIN 7 6 23" to money transfer form to Lenkoran, a little ageing, a fine and unusual item
1923, Star Overprint 1rbl., vertical strip of four and single tied by cds. "PRISHIB BAKIN 31 5 23" to front and reverse of money transfer form to Lenkoran, a little ageing, top stamp applied at edge, a fine and unusual item
1923, Star Overprint 1rbl., 15 singles and 10k. blue tied by cds. "PRISHIB BAKIN 31 5 23" to front and reverse of money transfer form to Lenkoran, a little ageing, top stamp applied at edge, a fine and unusual item
1923, Star Overprint 1rbl., two vertical strips of three and single tied by cds. "PRISHIB BAKIN 26 5 23" to front and reverse of money transfer form to Lenkoran, a little ageing, few stamps applied at edge, a fine and unusual item
1923, Ararat 500000r. red, two vertical strips of three and single tied by cds. "SHEMAKH 29 10 23" to front and reverse of money transfer form to Baku, few stamps applied at edge, minor toning, otherwise fine