377th Auction
20. - 25. September 2021 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (2492) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (43) Apply ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (100) Apply BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber filter
- BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer (242) Apply BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer filter
- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung (190) Apply DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung filter
- HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ (74) Apply HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ filter
- GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 (1226) Apply GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 filter
- ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion (291) Apply ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion filter
- INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (98) Apply INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek (193) Apply NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1143) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (1315) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (79) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (51) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (17) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (235) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (239) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (556) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (184) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Literatur (39) Apply Literatur filter
- Luftpost (38) Apply Luftpost filter
- Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post (23) Apply Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post filter
- Übersee (281) Apply Übersee filter
- Niederlande (1) Apply Niederlande filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (2) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (1) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (1) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- China (3) Apply China filter
- Philippinen (1) Apply Philippinen filter
- Indien (1) Apply Indien filter
RUDNIK: 1944, three values Hitler with overprint types I-III, one with marginal inscription, tied by cds. "RUDNIK a.d SAN 27.8.44" to adressed cover, fine, signed Jungjohann BPP
1916, Warsaw Siren 6 Gr. imperforated, block of four with additional printing on thereverse, mint never hinged, signed Petriuk and certificate Berbeka
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf160 €
Zuschlag160 €
POSTAGE DUE: 1904, proof of frame only, three horizontal pairs in grey, yellow-brown, brown and three single proofs in grey, blue and red on chalky paper, fine
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf400 €
POSTAGE DUE: 1904/21, 5-500r. set of ten values of Angola, Cap Verde, Mozambique and Portugese Guinea, each affixed to portion of album page, each handstamped "ULTRAMAR", in addition Angola Postage Due set 1921 ½-50c. with same handstamp on portion of album page, fine
40 par. blue on bluish paper, horizontal pair with large margins all around, with blue cds. "MICHALENI MOLDOVA 22/5" on large piece with adjacent "RECEPISSE"; light vertical fold between the stamps and in the piece at right (not affecting the stamps). A very fine pair with rare cancellation; sign. Heimbüchler
40 par. blue on white paper, fresh colour and nice margins, tied by clear oval "FRANCO VASLUI" to small piece, small shrinkle at top, otherwise very fine. Opinion Dr. Gmach BPP (2015)
40 par. blue on white paper, horizontal pair with good to large margins, cancelled by central oval "FRANCO JASSY", very fine, sign. Heimbüchler BPP
40 par. blue on white paper, horizontal pair with good to large margins, cancelled by central blue "FRANCO BERLAD", very fine, sign. Heimbüchler BPP
40 par. blue on yellowish paper, horizontal pair, just touched at left, otherwise good margins, tied by clear blue "FRANCO FOKSCHANY" to small piece, very fine, sign. Heimbüchler
40 par. greenish blue on yellowish paper, good margins all round, tied by fancy "FRANCO KAHUL" to large piece with adjacent "KAHUL MOLDOVA", fine and scarce, opinion Dr. Gmach BPP
40 par. greenish-blue on yellow-white paper with good margins, tied by oval "FRANCO VASLUI" to small entire letter to Jassy with adjacent double circle "WASLUI MOLDOVA" with manuscript date "28/9". A very fine entire with scarce cancellation. Opinion Heimbüchler (2015)
80 par. vermilion on white paper, good to very large margins, tied by clear "FRANCO TEKOUTCI" to piece, small corner crease not affecting the design, very fine, sign. Heimbüchler and opinion Dr. Gmach BPP (2012)
80 par. vermilion, 2 copies, one with small but clear margins, the other one with good to large margins, tied by clear green oval "FRANCO JASSY" to small piece. Small thin in the piece only, stamps very fine, sign. Heimbüchler BPP
80 par. vermilion on white paper, horizontal pair with clear to mostly large margins, tied by greenish blue "FRANCO DOROEHOI" to piece with adjacent "DOROEHOI MOLDOVA 12/5" and "RECEPISSE"; vertical folds not affecting the pair, very fine, sign. Heimbüchler BPP
1778, "ST PETERSBOVRG" clear black straight-line on dated folded letter, fine, signed Mikulski
1820, "SPBurg" red cyrillic straight-line on small folded letter to Narva, scarce, fine
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
0 1Katalog-Nr.23x
Ausruf120 €
Zuschlag180 €
1866, Coat of arms 30k. rose/green on horizontally laid paper, block of four, fresh colour, unused one stamp mint never hinged, few minor perf seperations, otherwise fine
1917, 1k. orange block of nine and single tied by cds. "PETROGRAD 1. APR. 17" to reverse of neat typed ordinary letter to Abo with part of red Finnish censor mark on front, the earliest recorded postal use of any 1917 imperforate, fine
Provenance: Trevor Pateman Collection
1920 October, Ordinary private letter sent on the TPO "RYAZHSK 61 VYAZMA" to Brussels via Moscow with three triangle censor mark. Franked correctly with a 5 kop imperforate stamp revalued x 100 (Tariff of 30 September 1920). According to Alexander Epstein, very few examples of this 5 rub tariff are known; after the resumption of foreign mail services in June 1920, most letters were sent registered, minor stains, otherwise fine
1910, Coat of arms 1rbl. light-brown/siena/red-orange, complete sheet with heavily shifted and slanting center and numeral, mint never hinged, diagonal crease affecting 7 stamps, otherwise a fine and attractive item
1910, Coat of arms 1rbl. light-brown/siena/red-orange, complete sheet with heavily shifted and slanting center and numeral, mint never hinged, upper right empty space faults, crease in margin only, otherwise a fine and attractive item
1921 May, Private Esperanto correspondence, ordinary postcard sent from OMSK 24 5 21 to Bamberg with weak Three Triangle Censor on the reverse. This card is correctly charged at 2 roubles in accord with the RSFSR Foreign tariff of 30 September 1920, which abolished the Free Post for ordinary mail sent abroad. The Kerensky card is used as a Blank in accordance with the invalidation of 1 January 1919. A German Postage Due mark PORTO KONTROLLE has been applied and "80" inserted manually and repeated in blue on the card. However, the card is correctly franked and both the cachet and the "80" in blue have been crossed through with red crayon. Alexander Epstein records only a few known examples of the 2 rouble postcard rate, most mail abroad in 1920 - 21 was sent registered
1918, Postal saving stamps 50k. - 100r. with additional franking tied by cds. "ODESSA 14 3 23" to front and reverse of cover to Dessau with arrival mark, some stamps tears, creases etc., but a scarce and attractive entire
1918, Postal saving stamps 100r. in combination with two fiscal stamps 40r. tied by cds. "TASHKENT 27 9 21" to registered cover to Petrograd, scarce, fine
December 1920, Revaluations x 100, registered cover from KROLEVETS with Moscow receiver, franked four Kyiv Il Tridents on Imperial stamps, revalued x 100 to give the correct 10 rubel RSFSR tariff , unusual late Soviet use of Trident stamps
1921, Liberation of labour 250r. violet, two vertical strips of four tied by cds. "ДЖАЛЯЛЬ-АБАДЪ 28 11 21" (DSCHALAL-ABAD) to complete money transfer form, in addition 1000r. tied by mute cancel to money transfer from Petrograd, some minor wear and small tears, scarce
Provenance: Lipschutz (Harmers Auctions SA, 1994)
1922, Child support 2-10k tied by special first day cds. "MOSCOW 19-VIII-1922" to special envelope, in addition specially overprinted postal stationery card, unused, fine
1922, Child support 2-10k tied by special first day cds. "MOSCOW 19-VIII-1922" to special registered local envelope, fine, scarce
Provenance: Lipschutz (Harmers Auctions SA, 1994)
1922, Airmail 45r. block of seven from the upper right sheet corner with additional franking tied by cds. "MOSCOW 23 11 22" to reverse of correctly franked registered cover, intended to be sent by airmail but due to winter break transported by railway to Wiesbaden, vertical fold, not affecting stamps, a very fine and rare cover, certificate Ebnet BPP (1992)
ST. PETERSBURG: 1889. Issue for Women 1r. 8k. blue, 2nd class, used, small thin otherwise a very fine and clean copy with well above average perforations
USED ABROAD: "STARAYA BUKHARA a 23.10.12" on 1908/18, 1 k. and 3 k. (3) on reverse of commercial cover to Peshawar, India
1842, small envelope with contents (long letter in Greek), addressed in French to Kicheneff [Kishinev], on reverse Cyrillic double ring KONSTANTINOPOL in red, fine
1851, cyrillic cds. "KONSTANTINOPEL 1851 MAY 14" on reverse of long entire letter written in Italian, sent from Constantinople to Odessa showing many disinfection slits, scarce, fine
SOLOTONOSCHA: 1890, 2k. black/green/yellow, block of 19 with eight "tête-bêche" pairs, mostly mint never hinged, few stamps minor thins, the left block of four showing dry seal with coat of arms and wording "Дитятковскаго товарищества № 4.", very attractive and most likely unique, fine (Schmidt.-Nr. 4)
URSHUM: 1901, 2k. rose, perforated 11½, used, small thin, otherwise fine, scarce
1937, Workers 30k., typographed, line perforation 12½, block of 9 resp 4 from the lower left resp upper right sheet corner, mint never hinged, fine