377th Auction
20. - 25. September 2021 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (2492) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (43) Apply ÖSTERREICH Erste Ausgabe in Ungarn verwendet Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (100) Apply BAYERN ab 1849 Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber filter
- BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer (242) Apply BREMEN: Hannoversches Postamt, Norddeutscher Postbezirk und Brustschilde · Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer filter
- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung (190) Apply DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Die Hansmichael Krug Sammlung filter
- HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ (74) Apply HERZOGTUM BRAUNSCHWEIG Die Sammlung „Victoria Luise“ filter
- GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 (1226) Apply GEMS OF INDIAN STATES 1864-1950 filter
- ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion (291) Apply ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN · BRUSTSCHILDE · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 6. Auktion filter
- INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) (98) Apply INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil I) filter
- NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek (193) Apply NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK Die Sammlung Dr. Jan Mazánek filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1143) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (1315) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (79) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (51) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (17) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (235) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (239) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (556) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (184) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Literatur (39) Apply Literatur filter
- Luftpost (38) Apply Luftpost filter
- Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post (23) Apply Transit- und Grenzüberschreitende Post filter
- Übersee (281) Apply Übersee filter
- Niederlande (1) Apply Niederlande filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (2) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (1) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (1) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- China (3) Apply China filter
- Philippinen (1) Apply Philippinen filter
- Indien (1) Apply Indien filter
1885, Coat of Arms, perforated 12, 20c. brown tied by cds. "PUERTO PLATA JUN 23" to pre-printed registered cover of the "Kaiserlich Deutsches Konsulat in Puerto Plata", with Registry exchange label of New York, to Beergberg, fine
1885, Coat of Arms, perforated 12, 20c. brown with pen-cross on large-format consignee's letter, former content probably waybills, endorsed "p. Syria" (HAPAG) with adjacent straight-line "SYRIA" with handwritten date "28/7" to Bremen, a fine and interesting entire
1885, Coat of Arms, interesting unused and used collection with 12 cards and covers including attractive pre-printed envelope, mourning cover, different cancellations, written up on pages, good condition
1891, UPU Overprints - Parisot Issue 80 cts. on Medio Real blue and 50cts. on Un Real rose, each as horizontal pair, tied by boxed "ADMON PRINCIPAL DE CORREOS MAY... Santo Domingo" to registered cover sent Poste Restante to Paris with arrival mark, some minor toning etc., a scarce and attractive cover, signed Roumet
1895, Coat of Arms 1c. black, single die proof on thick, ungummed chalky paper, fine, scarce
1895, Coat of Arms 5c. black, single die proof on thick, ungummed chalky paper, fine, scarce
1895, Coat of Arms 1-10c., imperforated block of 12, 2 and 5c. with gum, the others without gum, some wrinkles but mostly fine, attractive multiples
1895, Coat of Arms, interesting unused and used collection with 14 cards and covers including one registered cover to Paris with New York Registry Exchange label, pre-printed envelope "SECRETARIA PARTICULAR..." sent to Bergerac, mostly written up on pages, good condition
1899/1900, Colon Issue 1c. green and 2c. red with manuscript cross resp. tight by straight-line purser mark "MARKOMANNIA" to postcard to Cassel, Germany with adjacent very good and clear strike of "AUS WESTINDIEN P. HAMBURG. DAMPFER ÜBER CÖLN", with transit and arrival marks, fine and scarce
1904, Surcharged 1c. on 2c. olive gray with additional franking tied by cds. "SANTO DOMINGO MAY 13 1905" to registered cover to Seybo, some ageing and cover some faults, scarce on cover
1899/1900, Colon, interesting unused and used collection with 8 cards and covers including 10c. bisected on cover to Puerto Plata, registered cover to New York, imperforated stamps including multiples and 5c. as complete sheet of 25, 10 and 50c. recess printed with 10c. perforated teche-beche and 50c. imperforated and perforated block of four with one tete-beche pair, mostly written up, mostly fine
1953, Discovery of Hispaniola by Columbus special souvenir sheet 2c.-1p. in thread bound gift booklet with matching envelope and some enclosed black and white photos, very fine and scarce

1881/85, proof sheetlets printed by Hamilton Bank Note Co., New York, 5-45c., total of 37 sheetlets including five showing a total of 12 subjects either tête-bêche or on reverse, printed on white wove or laid paper and blue laid paper, showing 5 resp. 6 impressions, a scarce and attractive group
1881/85, proof sheetlets printed by Hamilton Bank Note Co., New York, three sheetlets 5c. blue and 45c. lilac on white paper and 30c. rose on blue paper, showing 5 resp. 6 impressions, fine
1881, 2 c. green card with very smooth surface with different patterned background of circles printed in lilac grey, presumably produced as an Essay prior to the diagonal lines eventually chosen; small closed tear at base not affecting the unusual feel and appearance; ex the Manhattan Bank Note Co. / ABN archives, believed to be unique
Provenance: The Brian Moorhouse Estate (Corinphila, 2021)
1881, Coat of arms 2c. green on violet, sent via. St. Thomas with transit mark to Quito, Ecuador, upon arrival tax mark "T" applied, a fine and very rare used card
1881, Coat of arms 2c. green on chamois with oval "FRANCA" and adjacent cds. "PUERTO PLATA CORREOS 11 MZO 1885" to New York, some paper breaks, but very fine appearance, a very rare used card
1881, Coat of arms 2c. green on chamois with oval "FRANCA" and adjacent cds. "PUERTO PLATA CORREOS 11 MZO 1885" to Detroit, a very fine and rare used card
1881, Coat of arms 2c. green on light-green from "SANTO DOMINGO 17 MAR 1883" via St. Thomas with transit mark to Curacao, a fine and very rare used card
1881, Coat of arms 2c. green on chamois with 2c. orange additional franking tied by oval "FRANCA" with adjacent cds. "PUERTO PLATA CORREOS 12 MAY 1887" to Düssledorf, fine and scarce
1881, Coat of arms 3c. orange on blue-green to New York with "NEW YORK PAID ALL" applied upon arrival, a fine and very rare used card
1881, Coat of arms 3c. orange on rose, from Santo Domingo via St. Thomas to Buenos Aires with arrival mark, a fine and very rare used card
1881, Coat of arms 3c. orange on grey-green, from "PUERTO PLATA 4 DIC 1882" via St. Thomas to Nottingham, not deliverable there thus returned with "Insufficient Address" applied in red ink with adjacent boxed "Not to be found 583", despite some insignificant wrinkles a very attractive and rare used card
1881, Coat of arms 3c. red on bluish-gray, double card from "PUERTO PLATA CORREOS 12 AGO 1882" with red french octogonal "LIGNE..." alongside to London with transit cds. of St. Thomas and arrival mark, fine and scarce
1881, Coat of arms 3c. red on chamois, double card from "PUERTO PLATA CORREOS 12 AGO 1882" to London with St. Thomas transit cds., some wrinkles, fine and scarce
"RHENANIA", violet purser mark on Columbia postal stationery card 2 centavos red with manuscript cross with date "15 X 1897" with text to Germany adjacent good strike of "AUS WESTINDIEN P. HAMBURG. DAMPFER ÜBER CÖLN", with transit and arrival marks, fine and scarce
1881, Coat of arms 45c. violet, legal size envelope, with Coat of arms 5c. blue as additional franking (affixed by hinge), with oval "FRANCA", sent as registered cover from "PUERTO PLATA 12 MAY 1887" via St. Thomas with additional r-marking "DANSK-VESTINDIEN" applied to Düsseldorf with arrival mark, some tears and wrinkles but an and extremely rare used stationery
1881, Coat of arms 2c. rose, unissued postal stationery envelope, small discolouration at bottom right,otherwise fine
1881, Coat of arms 5c. blue with oval "FRANCA" and adjacent cds. "PUERTO PLATA CORREOS 11 JUL 1888", endorsed "p. Ozuma" sent as printed matter via New York to Bremen with arrival mark, fine
1881, Coat of arms 5c. blue on dark-blue with cds. "SANTO DOMINGO CORREOS 8 MAR 87" and endorsed "Por Clyde" sent to New York, fine
1881, Coat of arms 10c. rose with oval "FRANCA" and adjacent cds. "SANTO DOMINGO 13 FEB 86" sent to Mannheim with french ship cds. alongside and arrival mark on reverse, fine
1881, Coat of arms 10c. rose with oval "FRANCA" and adjacent cds. "PUERTO PLATA CORREOS 30 OCT 1885" sent via St. Thomas to Oos, Germany with arrival mark, fine
1881, Coat of arms 15c. yellow on white with straight line "St. Domingo city." and manuscript date "25/4 89" and additional oval "HAMBURG-AMERIKAN PACKET Co. SS. CYCLOP" sent to Bad Homburg, with transit and arrival mark on reverse, fine
1881, Coat of arms 15c. yellow on white, postal stationery envelope, with Coat of Arms, perforated 12, 5c. blue as additional franking (lifted for inspection) tied by oval "FRANCA" with cds. "CORREOS PUERTO PLATA 29 DIC 1885", sent registered via New York with Registry exchange label applied to Bockenheim with arrival mark, a fine and scarce entire
1881, Coat of arms 15c. yellow with oval "FRANCA" and adjacent cds. "PUERTO PLATA CORREOS 17 JUL 1888", endorsed "p. vapor frances", sent via St. Thomas to Bremen with arrival mark, small tear at top, otherwise fine
1881, Coat of arms 20c. brown with oval "FRANCA" and adjacent cds. "PUERTO PLATA CORREOS 22 JUN 1885" sent via New York to Bockenheim with transit and arrival mark, somewhat toned, otherwise fine