377th Auction

20. - 25. September 2021 in Wiesbaden

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Katalog-Nr.Austrian Levante V22, 33

Ausruf400 €
TURKISH EMPIRE-FRANCE, 1864, Lettersheet from Constantinople to Marseille, prepaid by Austrian Levante 1864, 10 soldi blue and horizontal pair 15 soldi brown, tied by cds. "CONSTANTINOPEL 9/2"; on front red "AUTRICHE-LANS LE BOURG 17 FEVR. 64" and on reverse arrival mark of February 18. The franking some minor wrinkles, otherwise very fine and fresh.




Ausruf500 €
Zuschlag1.300 €
TURKISH EMPIRE-GREAT BRITAIN, 1868, Unpaid entire letter with black single circle "SMYRNE 11/4" via Trieste to London. In Trieste taxed with rare blue handstamp "5" (silbergroschen) consisting of  2 silbergroschen sea postage and the former postal union postage of 3 silbergroschen which was still effected for a short time during North German Federation period for some transit mail. In Aachen black "5½" (silbergroschen) applied, in London a total of 11 pence charged to the recipient. An attractive and rare letter; supposed to be one of only 2 entires recorded with the "5" of Triest.




Ausruf500 €
Zuschlag500 €
CHINA-AUSTRIA, 1869, Lettersheet from Hongkong to Vienna, franked with 1863/71, 12 cents pale greenish blue with central "B62", noted as "6" pence in red ink for the prepayment till Alexandria, taxed with "15" neukreuzer for the conveyance beyond Alexandria to be paid by the recipient. On reverse Hongkong dispatch marks and Vienna arrival mark in red. A fine cover (SG12)




Ausruf300 €
Zuschlag1.000 €
CHINA-NETHERLANDS, 1858, Entire letter with small crowned "PAID AT HONG-KONG" to Leiden, prepaid with "1/-" in red crayon till Alexandria. At Triest boxed tax mark "6¼" applied for the postage from Alexandria to Triest (3¼ silbergroschen) and from Triest to the Dutch border (3 silbergroschen). At Leiden a total of "50" cents including 10 cents internal Dutch postage was charged to the recipient. On reverse Leiden arrival mark of October 2nd.




Ausruf500 €
Zuschlag1.000 €
CHINA-SAXONY, 1856, Part paid cover to Altenburg (quadruple British resp. triple German rate), endorsed "per Overland Mail via Triest", showing on front clear red crowned "PAID AT HONG KONG"  with adjacent "4/-" in red crayon for the prepayment of 4 shillings for the distance to Alexandria. For the remaining distance taxed with "18 5/10"  Austrian neugroschen resp. silbergroschen, which had to be paid by the recipient. On reverse weak Hongkong despatch mark and Saxonian distribution mark. A very fine and scarce entire  




Ausruf2.000 €
Zuschlag2.000 €
CHINA-SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, 1866, Complete printed matter from Hongkong to Altona, franked with 1863/71, 4 cents grey, tied by clear "B62" with adjacent light red handstamp "via Trieste". The 4 cents (noted as "2" pence in red ink) paid for the distance till Alexandria; rare black tax stamp "1" (groschen) for the conveyance from Alexandria to Altona applied with corresponding "2" (schilling courant) in red crayon, to be paid by the recipient. Somewhat unclear Altona arrival mark on reverse. Very few entires with the tax stamp "1" have been recorded, which was applied at Triest only on part-paid printed matters from Asia between 1858 and 1868. A fine and rare entire. (SG 9)




Ausruf500 €
Zuschlag1.900 €
DUTCH INDIES-FINLAND, 1854, Entire letter from Battavia to Helsingfors, endorsed "via Trieste + Königsberg", prepaid till Alexandria with blue "BATTAVIA FRANCO 28/5", manuscript taxes "3¼" for the conveyance from Alexandria to Triest and "3" for the distance from Triest to the German-Russian border. The recipient was charged with a total of "31" kopeks, noted on reverse next to Berlin transit mark. A fine entire with scarce destination




Ausruf500 €
Zuschlag540 €
DUTCH INDIES-PRUSSIA, 1857 (ca.), Entire triple rate letter, written by missionary Georg Zimmer from his station in Palingkau with superb strike of negativ "BANJERMASSING FRANCO" to the inspector of the 'Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft', J.C. Wallmann at Barmen. The entire was prepaid with "480" duiten for a triple rate entire transported directly via Singapore instead of the normal route via Battavia, this notation crossed on the way and changed in "360". On reverse transit mark "EMMERICH/OBERHAUSEN 2 4" and distribution mark of the same day. The handstamp came in use 1856, the recipient, J.C. Wallmann, was in office until late 1857, so the letter can be dated within this period. Highly interesting and quite spectacular letter from an outpost of civilization in the jungle of Borneo. Certificate van der Vlist (2008) The letter is accompanied by rich information about the 'Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft' and its missionaries on the island of Borneo, most of which were murdered in the uprising of 1859.




Ausruf300 €
Zuschlag1.350 €
DUTCH INDIES-SWEDEN, 1859, Entire letter with frontside "BATTAVIA FRANCO 24/12", endorsed "via Triest direct" to Stockholm, prepaid with "1/-" till Alexandria and charged with "6" silbergroschen for the conveyance from Alexandria to Hamburg. In Sweden charged with a total of "99" oere to be paid by the recipient. On reverse transit marks of Berlin and the Thurn & Taxis and Swedish post offices at Hamburg. A fine and scarce letter with unusual destination for the Dutch Indies.



Katalog-Nr.4 + Austrian Levante V23

Ausruf4.000 €
Zuschlag4.000 €
EGYPT-AUSTRIA 1867, Entire letter from Cairo to Triest, franked with 1866, 1 piastre lilac, tied by cds. "POSTE VICE REALI EGIZIANE CAIRO 20 MAR 67" and additional Austrian Levante 15 soldi brown, tied by cds. "ALEXANDRIEN 27/3"; on reverse Triest arrival mark of April 1st. A fine and rare combination letter; only few such combinations with the 1st issue of Egypt have been recorded. Signed Enzo Diena with certificate (1992) and Ferchenbauer with certificate (2018) Provenance: Dr. William Byam (Robson Lowe-auction, 1961)



Katalog-Nr.11+ Austrian Levante V23

Ausruf3.000 €
Zuschlag3.000 €

EGYPT-AUSTRIA, 1868, Cover from Cairo to Vienna, franked with Egypt 1867, 1 piastre red, tied by cds. "POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE CAIRO 24 LUG. 68" and additional Austrian Levante 1864, 15 soldi brown, tied by cds. "ALEXANDRIA 25/7"; on reverse transit marks of the Egyptian post office at Alexandria and Triest (30.7.) and Vienna arrival mark (31.7.) A fine and rare combination cover. Certificate Alberto Diena (1968)
Provenance: Kurt Wolfsbauer (David Feldman-auction, 2002)




Katalog-Nr.10, 11

Ausruf500 €
Zuschlag1.400 €
EGYPT-AUSTRIA, 1870, Entire letter via Alexandria to Vienna, franked with 1867, 20 para green and horizontal pair 1 piastre red, tied by cds. "V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE MEHALLA 22 LUG 1870", adjacent straight line "Franca". The letter is correctly franked with 2½ piastres from lower Egypt to Austria according to the Austro-Egyptian postal convention, effective from September 1868. The pair affected by cover crease, still fine and scarce. Provenance: Peter A.S. Smith (Corinphila 2015)



Katalog-Nr.10, 11, 12

Ausruf10.000 €
Zuschlag20.000 €
EGYPT-ITALY, 1869, Lettersheet to Limone, Italy, franked with 1867, Penasson 20 para green, 1 piastre and 2 piastre blue, all tied by cds. "CANAL DE SUEZ CHANTIER VI/21 MAI 69" with adjacent straight line "Franca" and on reverse transit marks of Ismailia, Alexandria and Triest, Italian railway mark "TORINO-CUNEO" and arrival mark. The letter was franked to be sent registered but was forwarded as ordinary letter, possibly because the small post office was overchangelled in doing it the requested way. Just 2 further entires have been recorded with the illusive "CHANTIER VI" cancellation, the one offered here is without doubt the most attractive and valuable one. An important item of Egyptian philately. Signed Giulio Bolaffi, A. Bolaffi, Alberto Diena and Silvio Sorani Provenance: Emile Antonini (85. Corinphila-auction, 1992), Samir Amin Fikry (David Feldman-auction, 2011)




Ausruf400 €
Zuschlag750 €
EGYPT-THURN&TAXIS, 1863, double rate registered envelope, prepaid in cash with 70 soldi (noted on reverse "40/30"), with blue cds. "ALEXANDRIEN RECOM. 11/5" and matching "FRANCO" to the wellknown geographical publisher Justus Perthes in Gotha, showing adjacent red Prussian "Recomandirt" and on reverse oval "RECOMMANDIRT TRIEST 18/5 1863", railway mark "HALLE/EISENACH" and arrival mark. Fine and scarce Provenance: Kurt Wolfsbauer (David Feldman-auction, 2002)




Ausruf500 €
Zuschlag1.300 €
EGYPT-WURTTEMBERG, 1845, Entire letter dated on front "Le Caire a 21/12 45" with long text written by Erwin of Neipperg to his brother General Alfred Graf Neipperg, posted at Alexandria, showing the straight line postmark of the Austrian post and transported via Triest, Verona, Innsbruck and Bregenz to Stuttgart, here re-addressed to Schwaigern. The letter was prepaid with "24" kreuzer till Triest (noted on reverse) and taxed in manuscript with "12" kreuzer c.m. for the internal Austrian postage and "25" kreuzer German currency total postage due, to be paid by the recipient. The letter contains a comprehensive report of the start of Neipperg's expedition to the Sudan including an audience granted to him by the viceroy Mehemed Ali. A very interesting item




Ausruf500 €
Zuschlag1.000 €
INDIA-PRUSSIA, 1857/58 (ca.), Lettersheet of the 2nd British and 1st German rate with large part of contents  from Calcutta to Vlotho, part-paid till Alexandria, franked with vertical pair De La Rue 1855, 8 anna carmine on bluish, tied by octogonal "B1" with matching red manuscript "2/-". In Triest the framed tax stamp "6¼" (groschen) was applied for the conveyance from Alexandria via Triest to Vlotho, to be paid by the recipient. A fine and scarce double rate letter. (SG 36)




Ausruf500 €
Zuschlag850 €
INDIA-SAXONY, 1851, Entire letter (receipt of the delivery of stockings and gloves and a report of the state of the Indian market) from Calcutta to Limbach, prepaid with "1/-" in red ink till Alexandria with adjacent red boxed "INDIA PAID" and reverse side red boxed "CALCUTTA G.P.O. SHIP LETTER 8 OC 1851". The letter is endorsed "p. St. Haddington via Triest" with transit mark of 15.10. For the conveyance from Alexandria to Saxony taxed with "3/3" groschen (instead of correct "3¼/3"), crossed out and a total of "6" neugroschen charged to the recipient. A fine and scarce entire Provenance: Arnim Knapp (357. Heinrich Köhler-auction, 2014)




Ausruf800 €
Zuschlag1.500 €
INDIA-NORTH GERMAN FEDERATION, 1868, Cover from Calcutta to Bremen, prepaid till Alexadria, franked with De La Rue 1860, 8 pies purple on white and 1866, 4 a. green, tied by merchant handstamp and blue octogonal "B1"; on reverse red "CALCUTTA INDIA PAID / SE 28 68". In Triest the boxed handstamp "4" (groschen) in bluish black for the conveyance beyond Alexandria was applied, to be paid by the recipient. The 8 pies stamp applied with small marginal tear, otherwise very fine. A very scarce and attractive cover. (SG 52, 69/70)




Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag2.900 €
INDIA-SWITZERLAND, 1855, Part-paid lettersheet (one side flap missing) from Calcutta to Teufen near St. Gallen, part-paid to Alexandria with 2 copies 1854/55, lithographs 4 annas red/blue, 2nd printing, cut to shape, tied by rhomboid of dots; on reverse red "CALCUTTA ... FEB. 1855" and on front boxed "INDIA PAID" and Austrian postage due notation "9/9" (kreuzer c.m. for the conveyance from Alexandria to Triest and from Triest to the Swiss border), changed in "18/6" kreuzer, including 6 kreuzer (= 20 rappen) Swiss inland postage. In fact Teufen was situated in the 1st Swiss rayon and required only 10 rappen inland postage, so a total of "90" rappen in red crayon was charged to the recipient. A very fine and interesting  entire (SG 19)




Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag1.200 €
PERSIA-GREAT BRITAIN, 1832, Entire letter from an expedition to the mines near Miyaneh to Brighton. The 5 pages of contents dated between May 28 and June 1st, 1832 give a comprehensive report about the expedition and the transport of the letter ("a Gholam takes it to Erzroum to be forwarded by a Pasha's Tartar"). The letter transported via Constantinople and Semlin with desinfection handstamp and red wax seal. Upon arrival charged with "1/6 d." to be paid by the recipient. The letter with few split folds, but still fine and fresh. A most remarkable and early letter from Persia. From the contents of the letter: "I am living in a tent a the village is a collection of small round huts and dirty to a degree... dried cowdung is the fuel in this country... the mines are situated close by which is the reason I am staying here. I left Tabriz on Wednesday last the 23rd on one of Capt. Campbell's horses ... I reached this place (104 miles) in 3 days ... This place is 4 miles from Meanna on the direct route from Tabriz to Teheran and celebrated for its bugs..."




Ausruf400 €
Zuschlag1.400 €
PHILIPPINES-SAXONY: 1858, Entire letter from Manila to Limbach, showing on front red oval "FORWARDED BY WM PUSTAU & Co. HONG KONG" next to small crowned "PAID AT HONG KONG", on reverse dispatch mark "HONG-KONG 14 MR 1858". The letter was part-paid with "1/-" in red crayon; for the conveyance from Alexandria to Saxony taxed with blue boxed "6¼" (groschen), in Saxony taxed "6 3" for 6 neugroschen and 3 pfennig to be paid by the recipient. A fine and scarce letter




Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag2.500 €
PHILIPPINES-SWEDEN, 1861, Entire double rate letter (quadruple for the British share) from the Swedisch/Norwegian consulate at Manila to Stockholm with frontside red forwarding agent handstamp "RUSSEL & STURGIS MANILA" and adjacent "HONGKONG PAID JA 30 61", on reverse transit marks of Berlin and Hamburg (Prussian and Swedish post offices). The letter was prepaid with "4/-" till Alexandria, for the conveyance from Alexandria to Hamburg charged with "12" silbergroschen. Since the addressee was a governmental body, the postage due amount was included in the quarterly statement to the GPO at Stockholm and not marked on the letter. A remarkable and rare letter from Eastern Asia to Sweden. Provenance: Kersti & Bertil Larsson collection (364. Heinrich Köhler-auction, 2017)




Ausruf2.000 €
Zuschlag4.000 €
SIAM-ALBANIA, 1868, Cover with blue straight line "CONSULAT DE FRANCE A BANGKOK" and red boxed "F.S.P." (France Service Public) to Scutari with clear cds. "LIGNE N PAQ. FR. No3 / 4 NOV. 68"; on reverse transit marks of Alexandria (27.11.), Marseille (4.12.), Paris (5.12.) and Triest (8.12.). At Triest the cover was charged in blue crayon "15" (Austro-German postage) and "25" (postage Triest-Scutari), both in kreuzer currency. Such early mail from Siam to Europe is very rare.




Ausruf3.000 €
Zuschlag9.000 €

SIAM-THURN&TAXIS, 1859, Double rate entire letter, dated inside "Bangkok den 28. März 1859", showing on front red oval forwarding agent mark "PICKENPACK, THIES & Co. BANGKOK SIAM" and on reverse "BEHN, MEYER & Co. SINGAPORE". In Singapore franked for the conveyance to Alexandria with 2 copies India 1856/64, 8 annas carmine, tied by somewhat indistinct "B172" of Singapore with matching red dispatch mark on reverse. The prepaid amount of "2/-" noted on reverse crossed out, and changed into "40" kreuzer due (consisting of 22 kreuzer sea postage from Alexandria to Trieste and 18 kreuzer German postal union postage), which was to be paid by the recipient. One stamp with some minor creasing without impotance. A very fine and rare early letter from Thailand to Europe. (SG India 48/49)





Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag1.500 €
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS-AUSTRIA, 1865 (ca.), double rate cover from Penang, prepaid untill Alexandria with 2 copies India 1856, 8 annas pale carmine, cancelled by indistinct "B147", the left stamp tied by red double circle "PENANG PO". On front manuscript "2/-" for the prepayment till Alexandria; in Trieste originally charged with "15" (kreuzer), but crossed out and substituted with "30" for the double rate. On reverse rare framed "C.S. TRIEST 9-II VORM.", temporarily used on letters arriving from the Greek post office at Corfu. The right stamp with upper right corner perf bend over, otherwise fine. A scarce entire. Signed Holcombe with certificate (1997) (SG India 49) Note: The sender company Schmidt, Küstermann & Co. was established in 1863.




Ausruf300 €
Zuschlag700 €
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS-AUSTRIA, 1871, Lettersheet with part of contents, part-paid for the 2nd Indian rate till Alexandria with 1867/72, 24 c. blue-green, tied by duplex "D14/SINGAPORE DE 20 71", adjacent boxed "VIA TRIEST". In Triest taxed as GPU single rate letter with "15" kreuzer in blue crayon to be paid by the recipient. Fine and scarce (SG 16)




Ausruf3.000 €
Zuschlag7.500 €
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS-RUSSIA/ESTONIA, 1858, Cover from Singapore to Reval, prepaid till Alexandria with horizontal pair 4 anna black on bluish, cancelled with octogonal "B172"; charged for the conveyance from Alexandria to Reval with "9/9/9" (9 kreuzer sea-, 9 kreuzer Postal Union- and 9 kreuzer Russian postage), the Postal Union share noted with "6¼" (silbergroschen); on front arrival mark of April 7, 1858. A rare letter with indian stamps used in Malaysia with a very unusual destination. Certificate BPA (1999) (SG Z68)




Ausruf300 €
Zuschlag200 €
Handpapier 1 Kreuzer orange, Type Ib im waagerechten Paar, farbfrisch und voll- bis breitrandig mit zweimal aufgesetztem DKr. "PESTH 2/.." auf Ortsbriefhülle, Pracht, signiert Ferchenbauer mit Fotoattest (1987)



Katalog-Nr.1X, 2X

Ausruf200 €
Zuschlag700 €
Handpapier 1 Kreuzer orangegelb und 2 Kreuzer schwarz, beide farbfrisch und voll- bis meist breitrandig mit sauber aufgesetzten DKr. "TORNALLYA 3/9" (1854) auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Rimaszombat mit Ankunftsstempel. Ein sehr schöner Brief mit 'Patriotischer Frankatur' in einwandfreier Erhaltung.



Katalog-Nr.1X, 2X

Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag1.000 €

Handpapier 1 Kreuzer gelborange im waagerechten Paar und 2 Einzelwerte 2 Kreuzer schwarz, farbfrisch und voll- bis meist breitrandig mit zweimal sauber aufgesetztem DKr. "VERÖCE 22/10" (1854) auf Briefhülle nach Warasdin. Das Paar hat rechts eine kleine Aufklebefalte, es war ursprünglich unten etwas über den Rand des Briefes geklebt (hier umgefaltet), jedoch sonst einwandfrei. Eine attraktive 'Patriotische Frankatur' in sehr schöner Erhaltung. Private Signaturen.
Provenienz: 31. Kirstein-Auktion (1981)




Katalog-Nr.2X, 1Y, 4Y

Ausruf3.000 €
Handpapier 2 Kreuzer schwarz und Maschinenpapier 1 Kreuzer orangegelb und 6 Kreuzer braun, alle farbfrisch und voll- bis meist breitrandig mit jeweils sauber aufgesetztem EKr. "PESTH 9/8" (1855) auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Wien. Sehr schöne und einwandfreie Erhaltung (im Briefpapier vorderseitig kleine unauffällige Fehlstelle). Ein attraktiver Brief mit aus Ungarn seltener Dreifarbenfrankatur Provenienz: Sammlung Provera (189. Corinphila-Auktion 2014)




Ausruf600 €
Zuschlag400 €
Handpapier 2 Kreuzer schwarz im waagerechten 3er-Streifen, voll- bis breitrandig mit zweimal sauber aufgesetztem Langstempel "TYRNAU 27 JUNI" auf dreiseitig geöffnetem Briefkuvert nach Krasznyan mit Ankunftsstempel von Zsolna. Eine schöne Streifen-Frankatur




Ausruf800 €
Zuschlag1.350 €
Handpapier 3 Kreuzer rot, Type Ia, Feinstdruck, 3 Einzelwerte treppenförmig geklebt mit zweimal sauber aufgesetztem DKr. "SARVAR 1/6" auf komplettem Faltbrief mit großem Teil des Inhaltes nach Tsecs mit Leitvermerk "Pesth, Miskolz, Kaschau". Im oberen Bereich des Briefes minimale Druckspur, sonst einwandfreie Erhaltung. Ein attraktiver Brief in sonst einwandfreier Erhaltung. Signiert Ferchenbauer mit Fotoattest Provenienz: Emil Capellaro (41. Deider-Auktion 2007)



Katalog-Nr.3XR, 5X

Ausruf2.500 €
Handpapier 3 Kreuzer dunkelzinnoberrot, Type Ia auf geripptem Papier, waagerechtes Paar als vorderseitig verklebte Reco-Frankatur neben 9 Kreuzer blau, alle farbfrisch und voll- bis breitrandig mit sauber aufgesetztem Rahmenstempel "PESTH 7/3" (1851) auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Lonigno in Lombardei-Venetien. Die rechte Marke des Paares zeigt eine für geripptes Papier typische Papierrunzel, im äußeren rechten Rand der 9 Kreuzer verläuft eine schwache Briefbugspur, leichte Patina, jedoch insgesamt gute und attraktive Erhaltung. Ein in mehrfacher Hinsicht seltener Brief. Ausführliches Fotoattest Prof. Ferchenbauer (2010)




Ausruf200 €
Zuschlag360 €
Handpapier 3 Kreuzer rot im senkrechten Oberrandpaar, voll- bis sehr breitrandig, oben mit ca. 12 mm Bogenrand, mit jeweils sauber aufgesetztem DKr. "VASVAR 29/8" (1853) auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Berzencze, Pracht, signiert Ferchenbauer mit Befund (1993)



Katalog-Nr.3X, 4X

Ausruf150 €
Zuschlag900 €
Handpapier 3 Kreuzer rot und 6 Kreuzer braun, beide farbfrisch und sehr breitrandig geschnitten mit glasklar aufgesetztem DKr. "SZÖLLÖS GYÖRÖK 29/1" auf Briefkuvert an einen Militär in Varel, Großherzogtum Oldenburg; sehr schöne und einwandfreie Erhaltung. Eine seltene Destination im Wechselverkehr
