385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10096



Catalogue no.

Opening2.500 €

1869/76, Yokohama French Office, alluring group of 11 covers, showing an impressive display of tariffs from the 1866 to 1876 period, some better items with Laureated 80 c. and 40 c. tied by Dotted Diamond  “5118” to envelope to France with alongside cds. “YOKOHAMA 15 MAI 71” (scarce 1,20 Francs tariff valid six months from January until end of June 1871), two 1876 envelopes the first one franked at the 1 Franc tariff (endorsed “Voie Française”, French paquebot to Marseille), the second at the 1,10 Francs tariff (endorsed “Via Brindisi”, British paquebot), some faults but a rare duo exhibiting both routes, also some underfranked mail, etc., some signed Calves, mixed condition. 

Lot no.10097



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1857/1903, small used collection on leaves incl. some P.O. Crete and Egypt, e.g. 10c. Napoleon oblit. PC "4011" Kerassunde, etc.

Lot no.10098


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Catalogue no.

Opening13.500 €

1890/97, valuable used collection, starting with a nice section forerunners Sage 1 Fr. block of six (few faults), Sage 5 fr. two singles and horizontal pair, 1897 overprints issue with a wide variety of types including many rare and better throughout like 1897, 2½a+25C on 1a on 1c. black on lilac type IV and IX,  2½a+25C on 1½a on 15c. blue type I, IV, VII, IX, X and XII, 5a+50C. on 3a on 30c type I-VI and VIII and 5a+50c. on 4a on 40c. type I and V-VI, mostly good condition, many signed Köhler, Thier, Brun or Calves (Maury catalog approx. 90.000€)

Lot no.10100


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1892/94, unused and used collection with better early overprints including Mi.-Nr. 1, 10, 12, 13, 14-16, unused (partly without gum) and Mi.-Nr. 2 used, some signed, slightly mixed condition

Lot no.10101


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Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €

1948/2015, in den Hauptnummern komplette postfrische Sammlung inkl. einiger Bögen, Ministerdrucke, geschnittenen Ausgaben, Markenheftchen sowie Dubletten, gute Erhaltung, in einem Vordruck- sowie Einsteckalbum

Lot no.10102


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Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1948/2010 (ca.), umfangreiche Sammlung mit ca. 870 Briefen, Karten und FDCs ab Madagaskar Mi.-Nr. 417, dabei bessere Werte, u.a. Mi. 23, 32 (2), 28, 36, 37 (2), 39 (3), 40, 45 (3), 37-49, 74 (2), etc., mit vielen R-Briefen, Blocks, Ganzsachen, verschiedenen Cachets, dabei ferner ein signierter Künstlerdruck, sauber sortiert nach Aufgabe-Stempeln von Kerguelen bis Terre Adelie, gute Erhaltung, in fünf Alben

Lot no.10103


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Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Lot no.10104


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Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1886/1937, mostly unused and mint never hinged collection, containing many better items like Mi.-Nr. Mi.-Nr. 2, 3-5, 8-9 and 10, some signed, slightly mixed condition 

Lot no.10105



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €

1958/2008, mostly mint never hinged collection, partly collected several times including used, including souvenir sheets, booklets and Officials, also some French-Oceania, good quality

Lot no.10106



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €

1868/1949 (ca.), fine collection with about 60 covers, displaying a good range of cancellations and postmarks with a selection of the “LIGNE” devices both “A” and “B”, many better usages and frankings especially in the 19th century, military correspondence with octogonal “CORR D´ARMEES FORT DE FRANCE” as well as free frank mail, fine range of destinations with USA and Curacao, inter-island mail to Guadeloupe, attractive frankings with the Sage, Dubois and Allegory types, mail via British steamers, printed matter rates, etc., some occasional faults as to be expected, overall in good condition, neatly mounted and expertly described on album pages. A valuable specialist lot

Lot no.10107


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Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1906/57 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used collection with three covers, incl. Postage Dues, some better sets and values like Yvert-Nr. TT3 in combination with 1 centime tied by cds. “KAEDI 9 OCT. 06” on local envelope, Mi.-Nr. 1-16 unused and used, etc., some occasional faults and minor toning, overall in good condition, neatly mounted on album pages, 

Lot no.10108



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1885/90, attractive group of 10 covers from a correspondence from Nossi Be to Frankfurt am Main, most sent via the `messageries maritimes´ with diverse frankings and steamship lines, noted Dubois Mi.-Nr. 49-50 tied by blue cds. “NOSSI BE 3 DEC (89)” with octogonal “MARSEILLES REUNION LV.N°4 4 DEC 89” alongside, Dubois Mi.-Nr. 54 neatly tied by blue dotted lozenge “NSB” with blue cds. “POSTES NOSSI BE 22 MAI 85” and “LIGNE T PAQ. FR. N°6 10 JUIN 85" alongside, one cover from Zanzibar, etc., some occasional faults, mostly in good and fresh condition 

Lot no.10110


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Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1840/2004, in the beginning used and from 1963 apparently in the main catalogue numbers MNH complete collection incl. postage dues and booklets, with a good part classical and semi-classical issues, with e.g. Mi. 1, 2, 5 (2), 7 (square-cut), 18-22, 23-27, 35, 70/71, 82-84, etc., also including small modern parts of Guernsey and Jersey, etc., mostly good condition, in six hingeless albums

Lot no.10111


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1840/2000 (ca.), mostly used and some mint never hinged and unused collection, starting with Queen Victoria Penny Black, Penny red (16), 1847 6 p., Mi. 20 (4), 35 (3), 75-77, 82 (3, one with perfin), 83 (3), 84 (all with faults), etc., also some modern material mostly on stockcards, somewhat mixed condition

Lot no.10112


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Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1840/2018, mixed collection incl. a good part classics and semi-classics with one pound Victoria, etc., later modern material with some complete years, further booklets and souvenir sheets, in 16 hingeless albums

Lot no.10113



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1855/1882, surface-printed issues, used collection of 79 stamps, neatly arranged on written up pages, slight faults to fine, partly showing some specialisation and a nice range of better values, e.g. two copies 1862 9d. bistre, two copies 1862 1s. green, 1867 9d. straw, 1867 10d. red-brown, 1867 5s. rose plate 1, 1874 5s. rose plate 2, 1880 1s. orange-brown, etc.

Lot no.10114



Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, nice group of 25 used singles, mostly good quality

Lot no.10115


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Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1960/1970, mint and used collection of more then 40 specialities of printing/varieties etc., arranged on album pages with detailed descriptions, comprising e.g. distinctive pictographic flaws/varieties like "Broken Mane" (SG 619), "Bruise on Footballer's tigh", "Large parts of Kent missing", "Lake in Yorkshire", missing letters, 1961 3 d. Postal Savings vertical pair, lower stamp "Orange-brown partly omitted" etc.

Lot no.10117



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1822/56, group of eight folded entires to Canada, mostly sent to Hamilton, some re-addressed, also 1843 mail sent to an officer of the 43rd regiment located in “Petite Cote”, 1822 entire to Quebec with red “SHIP” and “NEW-YORK APR 2”, fine lot of transatlantic mail

Lot no.10118



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1826/1941 (ca.), interesting group with more than 50 cards and covers and some registered postal stationery envelopes, incl. many high frankings and six airmal covers sent by German airmail with red cachets to South America

Lot no.10119



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1840/60 (ca.), 5 unused stationeries including 2 Mulready items

Lot no.10120



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1847/1980 (ca.), interesting collection with approx. over 500 cards, covers and postal stationery, with estimated 200 pices up to 1901, with many interesting, registered, airmail, etc., in one box

Lot no.10121


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1968/2009 (ca.), extensive mint never hinged and used collection, including Postage Dues, with souvenir sheets and used booklets, Jersey only in used condition, noted some good part of mint never hinged postal facial value for both Isle of Man and Guernsey, overall in good condition, in 8 albums

Lot no.10122


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Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1969/2020, mostly mint never hinged collections of Jersey and Guernsey, albeit missing years 1991-2016, Jersey from 2017-2020 apparently complete, incl. postage dues, booklets and miniature sheets, good condition, in seven hingeless albums

Lot no.10123
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Lot no.10124



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €

1787 (January 6), folded letter from Guernsey to Nantes, France, rated “10” in manuscript, representing the 2 sous ship fee plus 8 sous French inland postage, conveyed to St. Malo where it was endorsed by forwarding agents Blaize de Maisonneuve on the reverse on January 11, struck with a black "S MALO" straight-line handstamp, fresh and fine, a scarce and newly-recorded forwarding agent endorsement.

Note: While Newport lists St. Malo forwarding agents Louis Blaize & Cie (1802–23) and Louis Blaize (1832), Blaize de Maisonneuve remains unrecorded in both Newport and Rowe, first reported as a new discovery in Les Isles Normandes of the Channel Islands Specialists' Society (September 2010, Vol. 29, No. 3).

Lot no.10125


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Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1882/1993 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used collection with strength in the modern MNH parts, almost complete in the main numbers with a large quantity of booklets, miniature and souvenir sheets, MNH and used booklet panes and some covers, furthermore a small part Guernsey, mostly in hingeless albums, good condition, in two cartons

Lot no.10126



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1776/1840, pre-stamp, group of ten items, mostly pre-stamp from Jersey to the United Kingdom, with 1776 letter privately carried to London, 1797 to the Chancellor the Exchequer in London with fair strike over the curved “DOVER” handstamp,1830 from Edinburgh to Aberdeen forwarded to St. Aubin, with pleasing strike of Crown inspector's mark, 1812 letter from Bangor to Bath forwarded to Jersey, 1814 Gosport to Jersey with “X-Post” manuscript endorsement and Portsmouth transit mark, 1822 free frank signed by the Earl of Jersey, 1833 folded letter from Jersey to Lichfield, 1835 folded letter to London endorsed to be carried via the ship “Doris via Jersey,” 1839 4d rated folded letter to London, 1840 cover to Newcastle, 1840 (November), condition varies, several fine items.

Lot no.10127



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €

1782/1930(ca.), The Postal connection between Jersey and France, very interesting two volume collection, with many better and interesting items like round “D'A B” on letter from Guernsey to Nantes, 1823 folded entire from the “Bailly” Correspondence,  Incoming mail, different rates, ship mail including Carteret, many better early cancellations Granville with red two-line “COLONIES PAR GRANVILLE” on folded letter, “48 GRANVILLE” in black and red, several “GRANDE BETRAGNE PAR GRANVILLE”, via Forwarding Agent at Jersey, “GRANDE BRETAGNE PAR ST MALO”, “P.24.P ST MALO”, “crowned Registered” on cover from Jersey to Cognac, many better frankings, more than 180 cards and covers, all neatly written up

Lot no.10128



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1795/97, JERSEY concave handstamp study of five folded letters, written-up on pages, comprising 1795 to Guernsey endorsed "missent to Weymouth"; 1796, two 1797, and 1798 examples to London, three rated 9d, some small faults, quality of strikes varies, but overall much above average, a mostly fine group.

Lot no.10129



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1797/1810, Jersey straight-line handstamp study, comprising ten folded letters written-up on pages, nearly all addressed to London or Guernsey and mostly rated at 2d, 6d, or 9d, including one example double-rated to Guernsey, small imperfections but with mostly fine strikes, the 1810 example being one of the later recorded usages, an attractive group ideal for further specialized study.

Lot no.10130



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1811/29, Jersey Scroll, study collection of eighteen, neatly-presented and written-up on pages, illustrating several different postmark types and their distinctive characteristics, variously rated in manuscript and most to London or Guernsey, noting one example to Spain, quality of strikes varies, but many fine examples, rarely offered in this quantity,  an ideal opportunity to acquire a significant holding of these attractive and distinctive markings.

Lot no.10131



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1823 (October 18), folded letter from Jersey to Bern, Switzerland, struck on reverse with fair Jersey Scroll, various manuscript rate and accountancy notations, including “P 2/10", endorsed “Paid” in manuscript and postmarked with London PAID datestamp, an attractive and fine example to an uncommon destionation.
