385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10024


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Catalogue no.

Opening600 €

1945/1974, fast nur postfrische, vereinzelt ungebrauchte und zusätzlich auch gestempelte Sammlung in zwei Ringbindern, in den Hauptnummern augenscheinlich komplett, weiterhin Renner-Kleinbogen und Blitz/Maske.

Lot no.10025


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening320 €

1945/2008, postfrische/ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit besseren Werten, dabei Wiener- und Grazer Aufdrucke, viele Kleinbogen im modernen Bereich usw., leicht unterschiedliche Erhaltung

Lot no.10026
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Lot no.10027


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Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1997/2010, postfrische Sammlung mit einigen Kleinbogen

Lot no.10028



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1769/1850 (ca.), Lot 32, oftmals nach Frankreich adressierte, Vorphilabriefe, worunter interessantere Gewichtsstufen, Leitvermerke oder Stempel. Dabei viele frühe Stücke mit handschriftlichen Herkunftsvermerken “von Gratz”, “de Vienne”, “v. Neustadt” etc. aber auch Stempel wie “von Wien” in Fraktur (1784/85) sowie Briefe nach Warschau oder von Marseille über Österreich nach Bratislava. 

Lot no.10029



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1813/1919, kleine Partie mit 21 Belegen, inkl. Levant, dabei Flugpost, Destinationen nach Odessa oder nach Bukarest mit Portostempel, etc., etwas unterschiedlich

Lot no.10030



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1889/1950 (ca.), einige Hundert Briefe und Karten, dabei ein Teil KuK-Post sowie ferner Tschechoslowakei, dabei viele bessere Einschreiben, Luftpost, Ganzsachen, ferner österreichische Gebiete im Karton

Lot no.10031
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Lot no.10032


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1894/1945, gestempelter und oft postfrischer Doubletten-Bestand in unterschiedlichen Mengen, sauber in Tüten sortiert

Lot no.10033



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1870/2000 (ca.), umfangreiche Sammlung mit ca. 1200 Ganzsachenkarten, -Umschlägen, Kartenbriefen, gebrauchten Postanweisungen, Privatganzsachen, etc., dabei Briefe und Karten mit Zufrankaturen ins Ausland, mit u.a. P26b mit Zufrankatur 10 Kr. von Brünn Zeile nach Liechtenstein, viele interessante, vieles sortiert und beschriftet, in drei Alben

Lot no.10036


6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening600 €

1850/65 (ca.), 15 Briefe und ein Briefstück mit besseren Stempeln und Frankaturen, dabei Schiffspost, etc., 4 italienische Atteste

Lot no.10037



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1850/60 (ca.), 12 Dienstbriefe mit seltenen Stempel

Lot no.10040


0 1 2 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening2.500 €

1849/1990, comprehensive mint and used collection in nine binders, except some issues more than complete, showing a deeply scpecialised section Epaulettes/Medaillons, three copies 1878 5fr. brown, 1919 Albert with Helmet, 1932 Cardinal Mercier, 1933 Madonna, souvenir sheets, also a good range of Back of Book issues, especially Parcel/Railway stamps incl. all seven 1985 souvenir sheets, early issues slighty mixed quality with usual imperfections, overall mainly fine to very fine.

Lot no.10041


0 1 3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening220 €

1849/1985 (ca.), in the beginning mostly used collection with a lot of material until 1900, then only from the 40s with a lot of mint never hinged material, railway stamps, precancels, etc.

Lot no.10042


1 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1849/1965 (ca.), unused and mostly used accumulation, incl. Railway Parcel stamps, many  duplicates, mixed condition, in 6 stockbooks

Lot no.10043


0 1 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1849/1982, mint never hinged/unused and mostly used collection, including Postage Dues, Newspaper, Parcel and Telegraph stamps, some duplicates and better sets, starting with Leopold I Épaulettes, followed by a selection of the Medaillon with imperforated on various paper types, later Leopold issues up to the 1 franc, Mi.-Nr. Bl 1 used, etc., together with a small group of Eupen Malmedy, some occasional faults especially in the classics, mostly in good condition, in one album 

Lot no.10044



Catalogue no.

Opening240 €

1701/1725, Collection of 22 covers sent via the Pajot (15) and Jaupain (7) Pachtpost, many different rates and handwrittings incl. "Mons", "Dico Anve", "d8", 1706 incoming mail from Madrid to Lila endorsed "22 pats", 1725 "Cito" entire letter with "d artrat", also a 1699 forerunner, etc., mostly in very good condition, expertly written up in one album 

Lot no.10045



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €

1893/1999 (ca.), interesting lot with about 200 cards and covers, almost all from Malmedy or Eupen, incl. some registered covers, also some incoming mail and mail during the german occupation, some loose stamps, etc., somewhat mixed condition

Lot no.10047


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer

1879/2001, mostly used and some mint never hinged and unused collection, in five hingeless albums

Lot no.10048



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €

1925/40, interessante Sammlung “Flugpost in Bulgarien” mit ca. 130 Luftpost-Briefen bzw. Karten, dabei u.a. zwei Karten vom nicht offiziellem Erstflug Wien bis Sofia, weitere Erstflüge, viel Bedarfspost, Retour-Post, Zensuren und Destinationen mit u.a. Post nach Ägypten, Australien, Palästina, Indien, Mi.-Nr. 248 mit Zufrankatur auf Luftpostbrief 1931 nach Dresden, R-Lp-Brief 1934 via Ägypten nach Natal und Rhodesien sowie R-Lp-Brief 1944 über Ägypten mit Zensur nach Basel mit Ankunftsstempel aus 1945. Ein empfehlenswertes Objekt mit einer Vielzahl an besseren Briefen und Besonderheiten

Lot no.10049



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1937/80, good collection souvenir sheets with more than 300 covers, containing many registered, express and airmail covers, better thematics etc., good condition

Lot no.10051


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Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1918/1982, used and mint collection well sorted from early issues in four binders.

Lot no.10052


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer

1918/2010, mixed collection starting with early issues, later some modern parts and miniature sheets, incl. Mi. Bl. 7, etc., in nine hingeless albums

Lot no.10054


6 (6) 5

Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €

1945/46, emergency postmarks, collection of over 600 entires, including registered and express mail, parcel cards, etc., plus many pieces and cut outs, sorted in 7 albums

Lot no.10057


3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1851/79 (ca.), fine group of used together with five entires, starting with both the Ferslew and Thiele printings, some better items like Mi.-Nr. 1I (plate I) on folded entire (certificate Kaiser), 10 used (certificate Möller), etc., an interesting assembly, some occasional faults, mostly in good condition, many certificates

Lot no.10058


3 4

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €

1851/1990, lovely used collection, starting with the Ferslew and Thiele printings with some shades, some better sets and items throughout with Mi.-Nr. 2II used (certificate Debo BPP), some occasional faults as to be expected, overall mostly in very fine condition, neatly housed in one album

Lot no.10059


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening80 €

1975/2022, mostly mint never hinged collection including complete sets, further some FDCs and yearbooks, in three hingeless albums
