379. Auktion
19.-24. September 2022 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (3729) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN - Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 8. Auktion (295) Apply ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN - Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 8. Auktion filter
- Bayern ab 1849 – Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil III) (110) Apply Bayern ab 1849 – Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil III) filter
- DER LEIPZIGER ‚COURIER‘ - Die Sammlung Peter Rogers (177) Apply DER LEIPZIGER ‚COURIER‘ - Die Sammlung Peter Rogers filter
- Deutsche Kolonien - Die Sammlungen Rolf Haspel (245) Apply Deutsche Kolonien - Die Sammlungen Rolf Haspel filter
- Die Sammlung Larry C. Parks (99) Apply Die Sammlung Larry C. Parks filter
- ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN 1870 - 1872 - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (60) Apply ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN 1870 - 1872 - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs filter
- England über Bremen (23) Apply England über Bremen filter
- GUADALAJARA - Provisional Issues (39) Apply GUADALAJARA - Provisional Issues filter
- INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil III) (109) Apply INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil III) filter
- Memelgebiet 1634-1945 - Die Sammlung Robert G. Wightman (89) Apply Memelgebiet 1634-1945 - Die Sammlung Robert G. Wightman filter
- Transatlantic Mail (123) Apply Transatlantic Mail filter
- Alle Welt (74) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1012) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (219) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (386) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (323) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (454) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (694) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (91) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (532) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (773) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (204) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (127) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (40) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Numismatik (39) Apply Numismatik filter
- Transatlantikpost (168) Apply Transatlantikpost filter
- Übersee (249) Apply Übersee filter
- Bremen (1) Apply Bremen filter
- Hannover (6) Apply Hannover filter
- Preussen (1) Apply Preussen filter
- Sachsen (6) Apply Sachsen filter
- Thurn und Taxis (1) Apply Thurn und Taxis filter
- Memelgebiet (1) Apply Memelgebiet filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (4) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (3) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Finnland (Suomi) (1) Apply Finnland (Suomi) filter
- Frankreich (8) Apply Frankreich filter
- Großbritannien (9) Apply Großbritannien filter
- Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) (4) Apply Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) filter
- Irland (Eire) (6) Apply Irland (Eire) filter
- Italien (1) Apply Italien filter
- Kirchenstaat (1) Apply Kirchenstaat filter
- Niederlande (6) Apply Niederlande filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (2) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (2) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Polen (Polska) (1) Apply Polen (Polska) filter
- Rumänien (România) (2) Apply Rumänien (România) filter
- Russland (Poccия) (1) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (2) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (4) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (2) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Brasilien (5) Apply Brasilien filter
- China (4) Apply China filter
- Kuba (Cuba) (1) Apply Kuba (Cuba) filter
- Ägypten (5) Apply Ägypten filter
- Hawaii (1) Apply Hawaii filter
- Iran (Persien) (1) Apply Iran (Persien) filter
- Japan (Nippon) (1) Apply Japan (Nippon) filter
- Aden (1) Apply Aden filter
- Libanon (1) Apply Libanon filter
- Mexiko (2) Apply Mexiko filter
- Syrien (1) Apply Syrien filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (11) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Australische Staaten (1) Apply Australische Staaten filter
- Bermuda (1) Apply Bermuda filter
- Kanada (1) Apply Kanada filter
- Hong Kong (1) Apply Hong Kong filter
- Indien (7) Apply Indien filter
- Ionische Inseln (Ionioi Nhσoi, Eπtanhσoσ) (2) Apply Ionische Inseln (Ionioi Nhσoi, Eπtanhσoσ) filter
- I. Straits Settlements (1) Apply I. Straits Settlements filter
- Malta (2) Apply Malta filter
- California Postgeschichte (1) Apply California Postgeschichte filter
SWEDEN – EGYPT: 1866, envelope from Engelholm via Trieste to Alexandria, charged at Trieste with "30/10" kreuzer for the distance to resp. from Trieste. The letter was undeliverable and returned, showing on front boxed "MAI CHIESTA" and on the reverse several transit- and arrival marks. A rare early cover from Sweden to Africa.
SWEDEN – CHINA: 1863, opened out cover from Engelholm via Hamburg, Triest, Alexandria and Hongkong to Shanghai, franked with 1858, 5 oere green, 9 oere violet, 30 oere brown and 3 copies 50 oere lilac. 2 values with creases where applied around the edge of the cover and one 50 oere with some flat perfs, some minor toning. Still a fine and very attractive entire of great rarity. This is the only recorded fully franked letter from Sweden via Trieste to Asia prior UPU. Certificate Dr. Helena Obermüller-Wilen (2004)
Reference: illustrated in 'Swedish letter rates to foreign destinations 1855-1895'
SWITZERLAND – TURKISH EMPIRE: 1857, unpaid lettersheet with part of contents from St Gallen to Constantinople, showing on front superb strike of rare boxed tax mark "3-5/2-20" for 3 piastres 5 paras Swiss/Postal Union fee and 2 piastres 20 para postage beyond Trieste, to be paid by the recipient.
1857, unbezahlte Briefhülle mit einem Teil des Inhalts von St. Gallen nach Konstantinopel, vorderseitig der seltene Taxstempel "3-5/2-20" für 3 Piaster 5 Paras Schweizer/Postvereins-Gebühr und 2 Piaster 20 Para Porto jenseits von Triest, das vom Empfänger zu bezahlen war.
SWITZERLAND – TURKISH EMPIRE: 1869, lettersheet from Zürich to Trebizonde, franked with 1863, 60 centimes bronze. Although the letter was overpaid by 10 centimes, it was treated as underpaid and marked "AFFR.INSUF"; on the border this was corrected and "40" centimes foreign share noted in red crayon, changed on the German side into "7" kreuzer. Certificate Renggli (1996)
1869, Briefhülle von Zürich nach Trabzon, frankiert mit 1863, 60 Rappen bronze. Obwohl der Brief um 10 Rappen überfrankiert war, wurde er als unterfrankiert behandelt und mit dem Stempel "AFFR.INSUF" versehen; an der Grenze wurde dies korrigiert und "40" Rappen Auslandsanteil in roter Kreide vermerkt, auf der deutschen Seite in "7" Kreuzer geändert.
SWITZERLAND – EGYPT: 1869, entire letter to Cairo, franked with 1862/81, 20 centimes orange and 30 centimes blue, tied by straight-line "NEUKIRCH" and additional Bürglen cds., sent via Vienna, Trieste and Alexandria, here additionally franked with Egypt 1867, 1 piastre red, tied by cds. "POSTE EGIZIANE ALESSANDRIA 12 NOV.69 3T." The 30 centimes affected by not disturbing vertical filing crease, otherwise fine and fresh. A very rare combination franking, just two similar letters recorded from Switzerland. Certificate Rellstab (1990)
1869, kompletter Faltbrief nach Kairo, frankiert mit 1862/81, 20 Rappen orange und 30 Rappen blau, entwertet mit L1 "NEUKIRCH" und zusätzlichem Ortsstempel von Bürglen, versandt über Wien, Triest und Alexandria, hier zusätzlich frankiert mit Ägypten 1867, 1 Piaster rot, mit Stempel. "POSTE EGIZIANE ALESSANDRIA 12 NOV.69 3T." Die 30 Centimes mit nicht störendem senkrechten Briefbug, sonst gute und frische Erhaltung. Eine sehr seltene Kombinationsfrankatur; es sind nur zwei weitere ähnliche Briefe aus der Schweiz registriert. Fotoattest Rellstab (1990)
SWITZERLAND – STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1870, entire letter from Zürich to Singapore, franked with 1862/67, 5 centimes brown, 10 centimes rose and two copies 50 centimes lilac, tied by cds. "ZÜRICH 30.IX.70"; on reverse transit mark of Vienna and arrival mark. On the front noted "1.03" Swiss franks in blue for the Austrian share and "25" new kreuzer in the red for the British share. One 50 centimes somewhat rounded corner, where applied at the edge of the entire, otherwise very fine and fresh. A rare letter. This route was the most expensive at that time, but most likely chosen due to the German-French War. Certificates Renggli (1996) and Eichele (1999)
Provenance: Richard Schäfer (1999)
1870, kompletter Faltbrief von Zürich nach Singapur, frankiert mit 1862/67, 5 Centimes braun, 10 Centimes rosa und zwei Stück 50 Centimes lila, mit EKr. "ZÜRICH 30.IX.70"; rückseitig Transitstempel von Wien und Ankunftsstempel. Auf der Vorderseite notierte "1.03" Schweizer Franken in blau für den österreichischen Anteil und "25" neue Kreuzer in rot für den britischen Anteil. Eine 50 Centimes etwas abgerundete Ecke durch Randklebung, sonst sehr schöne und frische Erhaltung. Ein seltener Brief. Dieser Leitweg war damals der teuerste, wurde aber wahrscheinlich wegen des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges gewählt. Fotoatteste Renggli (1996) und Eichele (1999)
GREECE – AUSTRIA: 1836, entire letter from Syra via Athens to Trieste, prepaid with 90 lepta, noted on reverse. On front oval greek "PAID" and boxed "GREECE".
GREECE – RUSSIA: 1862, fully franked entire letter from Patras via Trieste and Brody to Taganrog, franked with 1862/71, 20 lepta blue, 40 lepta lilac and 80 lepta rose, all with mostly good margins. The letter is correctly franked with 20 lepta Greek inland postage and 120 lepta foreign share, consisting of 15 Austrian neukreuzer Sea postage to Trieste, 15 neukreuzer conveyance from Trieste to Brody and 10 neukreuzer Russian postage. A fine and scarce letter to abroad.
TURKISH EMPIRE – AUSTRIA: 1868, entire letter from Constantinople to Vienna, franked with 1867, 25 soldi grey lilac. Stamp with light horizontal bend, otherwise fine. A scarce single franking. Opinion Dr. Ferchenbauer (1991)
TURKISH EMPIRE - AUSTRIA: 1869, entire unpaid letter from "SMIRNE 18/12 69" to Trieste, showing on front clear blue "THE ASIA MINOR SCREW STEAMSHIP Co. SMYRNA AGENCY", taxed upon arrival with "20" kreuzer, to be paid by the recipient
TURKISH EMPIRE - BELGIUM: 1824, unpaid entire letter from Smyrna via Constantinople forwarding agent Tanoni, with straight line "TURQUIA" to Verviers, showing on reverse clear disinfection seal "NETTO DI FUORA E SPORCO DI DENTRO" (Meyer main type A) and black "Duitschland over Henri Chapelle" . Upon arrival a total of "12" decimes charged to the recipient.
TURKISH EMPIRE - BELGIUM: 1860, unpaid letter (part contense) with frontside manuscript notation "TREBIZONDE le 3 April 1860" to Turnhout with Austrian postage due marking "20/15" with adjacent "7" (silbergroschen) of Trieste. In Belgium charged with a total of "11" decimes. Early letters of this post office, especially to Western Europe, are rare.
TURKISH EMPIRE - FRANCE: 1869, envelope from Constantinople via Trieste to Marseille, franked with 1864, 15 soldi brown in combination with 1867, 25 soldi brownish lilac, tied by cds. "CONSTANTINOPEL 23/3"; transit mark of Trieste and French arrival marks. 25 soldi few perfs with bends, otherwise fine and fresh. An attractive cover with a rare mixed franking. Certificate Enzo Diena (1986).
TURKISH EMPIRE - NETHERLANDS: 1857, unpaid letter (contense: transport of opium by French ships to the Netherlands) from Smyrne to Amsterdam, showing on front boxed "7¼" (silbergroschen), charged in Amsterdam with a total of "55" cents.
TURKISH EMPIRE – THURN & TAXIS: 1866, cover from Constantinople to Gera, franked with 1864, 15 soldi brown and four copies 5 soldi rose, all fresh and well perforated (one 5 soldi tiny flat perfs, where applied at the edge of the entire), tied by single-circle "CONSTANTINOPEL 8/12". An attractive cover with scarce franking of 20 soldi Levante postage and 15 soldi for the 3rd distance in the Postal Union. Photo certificate Enzo Diena (1990)
1866, Briefhülle von Konstantinopel nach Gera, frankiert mit 1864,15 Soldi braun und vier Stück fünf Soldi rosa, alle farbfrisch und gut gezähnt (ein Wert durch Randklebung in der Zähnung minimal bestoßen), entwertet mit Einkreisstempel "CONSTANTINOPEL 8/12". Ein attraktiver Brief mit seltener Vorläufer-Frankatur, portogerecht frankiert mit 20 Soldi Levante-Porto und 15 Soldi für die 3. Entfernungsstufe im Postverein. Fotoattest Enzo Diena (1990)
TURKISH EMPIRE (AGEAN ISLANDS) – AUSTRIA: 1856, prepaid lettersheet with blue single circle "TENEDOS 14/8" and adjacent straight-line "FRANCO" to Trieste
TURKISH EMPIRE(CRETE) – UNITED STATES: 1863, envelope, prepaid with 80 soldi from "CANEA 28. LUG." with adjacent "FRANCA" (both in blue), to Pittsburgh, N.Y. with transit marks of Trieste the and Aachen and frontside "N.YORK AM.PKT. 28 PAID".
TURKISH EMPIRE (DODECANESE) – AUSTRIA: 1868, lettersheet, franked with 1864, 15 soldi brown with central double line handstamp "RHODUS MAR.5" and additionally tied in transit by small single circle "SMIRNE 13/3 68", to Trieste. On reverse transit mark "LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE" and arrival mark. A fine entire with late use of the 1864 issue.
TURKISH EMPIRE (MACEDONIA) – AUSTRIA: 1864, entire letter, franked with 2 copies 1863, 15 soldi brown and 1864, 5 soldi rose, tied by blue double line "SERRES AGO. 23", to Vienna. A very fine and rare letter; there are only a few entires recorded with the blue double line postmark cancelling stamps.
TURKISH EMPIRE (LEBANON) – UNITED STATES: 1869, cover from "BEIRUTTI 30/3" via Trieste to New York, franked with 4 copies 1867, 10 soldi blue; very fine and scarce.
EGYPT - NORTH GERMAN FEDERATION: 1868, envelope franked with 1867, 1 piastre red, tied by cds. "POSTE VICE-REALI EGEZIANE CAIRO 6 NOV. 68" and additional Austrian Levante forerunner 1864, 15 kreuzer tied by cds. "ALEXANDRIA 7/11" to Leipzig with transit- and arrival marks. Small part of reverse flap missing, otherwise very fine and fresh. A rare combination cover. Certificate Prof. Ferchenbauer AIEP (2004)
EGYPT (AUSTRIAN POST) – AUSTRIA: 1864, entire letter from Alexandria to Trieste, franked with Austria 1864, 2 Soldi yellow, 3 soldi green and 10 soldi blue, tied by clear single circle "ALEXANDRIEN 14/7". The cover slightly cleaned and few small perforations faults, otherwise fine. A very attractive and extremely rare 3 colour franking. Signed Enzo Diena with certificate (1991)
EGYPT (AUSTRIAN POST) – PRUSSIA: 1856, entire unpaid letter from Alexandria via Trieste to Cologne with clear frontside dispatch mark "ALEXANDRIA 20/11" and Trieste tax mark "6 ¼" (groschen) to be paid by the recipient
EGYPT (AUSTRIAN POST) – TUSCANY: 1847, entire letter from Alexandria via Trieste to Livorno, showing on front Austrian PO "ALEXANDRIEN JUL.20", Transt mark "AUSTRIA No.1" and "Fct. Trieste via di mare", on reverse "DESINFETTATA NEL LAZERETTO ST. ROCCO DI LIVORNO". Taxed upon arrival with "8" crazie, to be paid by the recipient.
EGYPT (SUDAN)-WURTTEMBERG, 1846, entire letter dated inside "Chartum den 31 März 1846" with long text written by Erwin of Neipperg to his brother General Alfred Graf Neipperg to Stuttgart and re-directed to Schwaigern. The letter was first transported by ship along the cataracts and by camel runner through the Nubian desert and delivered to the Austrian PO at Alexandria. Here prepaid with 24 kreuzer c.m. for the conveyance with the Austrian Lloyd to Trieste, showing on front double line postmark "ALEXANDRIEN 12.MAI" . The letter contains an interesting report of of Neipperg's expedition to the southern Sudan, into the sphere of the Schilluck. A remarkable and very rare letter from inner Africa, 25 years before Stanley met Livingstone. Transcription in english and german enclosed.
More about the Neipperg-correspondence sec EDITION SPÉCIALE "Via Trieste".
INDIA - SARDINIA: 1856, lettersheet from Calcutta to Genua, franked with 1856/64, 8 a. carmine (short corner perf), showing on front red boxed "INDIA PAID" and "D.A.a.L." (Diritto Austriaco austriache Lire), charged upon arrival with "10" decimes.
INDIA (BURMA) – DENMARK: 1858, complete printed matter (timetable of vessels leaving Rangoon), franked with India DLR 1 a. brown, tied by octogonal "B/156" of Rangoon, to Copenhagen with adjacent "INDIA PAID" and clear Trieste tax mark "3/4" for the conveyance to Denmark. Very fine and rare; supposed to be the only entire with the elusive "3/4"-handstamp.
1858, komplette Drucksache (Fahrplan von Schiffen ab Rangun), frankiert mit Indien DLR 1 A. braun, sauber entwertet durch "B/156" von Rangun, nach Kopenhagen mit nebengesetztem "INDIA PAID" und klarem Triester Taxstempel "3/4" (Groschen) für die Beförderung nach Dänemark. Sehr schöne einwandfreie Erhaltung. Eine große Seltenheit, vermutlich der einzige Beleg mit dem seltenen Tax-Stempel.
INDIA (BURMA) – DENMARK: 1858, entire letter from Moulmein to Altona, part paid to Alexandria and franked with 2 copies each of India DLR 1 anna brown and 4 anna black , tied by unclear octogonal with adjacent red "MOULMEIN P.O. …1862" and boxed "INDIA PAID" next to tax stamp "6" of Trieste for the conveyance to the Danish border and manuscript charge of "30" skilling total postage due at Altona. On reverse Calcutta and Hamburg transit marks and arrival mark of May 5. A fine and extremely rare letter.
SIAM-ALBANIA, 1869, Cover with original contents in Vietnamese language from Bangkok to Scutari, showing on front blue straight line "CONSULAT DE FRANCE A BANGKOK" with adjacent clear "LIGNE N PAQ. FR. No2 / 14 AOUT. 69"; on reverse transit marks of Alexandria, French Railway, Vienna and Trieste . At Trieste the cover was charged in blue crayon "40" new kreuzer for the Austro-German postage and sea postage Trieste-Scutari. Very rare early mail from Siam to Europe.
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS – HAMBURG: 1857, letter sheet to Hamburg, franked with India 1855, 4 anna black on bluish in horizontal pair, tied by octagonal "B/172" with corresponding red "SINGAPORE P.O." on reverse. On front boxed Trieste tax mark "6 ¼" groschen, for the conveyance from Alexandria to Hamburg, to be paid by the recipient and noted on front as "8 ½" Hamburg currency. A very fine and rare entire.
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS-NETHERLANDS, 1860, letter sheet from Singapore, prepaid until Alexandria with India 1855, 8 annas carmine on bluish, cancelled by indistinct "B172" with matching red "SINGAPORE GPO 17…1860" on reverse; on front manuscript "1/-" for the prepayment till Alexandria. In Trieste charged with "6" (groschen) for the conveyance till the Dutch border and in Rotterdam with a total of "50" cents total postage due, to be paid by the recipient. The stamp affected by light cover crease, part of lower back flap missing, otherwise very fine. A scarce entire with an unusual destination.
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS - SWITZERLAND, 1871, cover from Penang, part-paid till Alexandria with 1867/72, 12 c. blue, tied by sender's cachet and duplex "D17/PENANG NO 28 71" with adjacent boxed "VIA TRIEST". In Switzerland additionally taxed with "40" centimes in blue crayon to be paid by the recipient. Fine and scarce
JAPAN – FRANCE: 1863, entire letter, written on New Year's Eve, to Limbach, Saxony, endorsed "Via Triest", prepaid till Alexandria with "1/-" in red ink with adjacent red boxed "PAID"; on reverse transit mark "HONG-KONG JA 16 64" and delivery handstamp of February 13. On front Trieste handstamp "6" for the conveyance beyond Alexandria, to be paid by the recipient. A fine and rare Letter.
Provenance: Arnim Knapp (357. Heinrich Köhler – Auktion, 2014)
JAPAN – FRANCE: 1869, complete printed matter (silk report), dated 'Yokohama, 4th December, 1869' to Lyon, carried by forwarder to Alexandria and posted at the Austrian post office, to be conveyed by the "DAMPFSCHIFFAHRT – GESELLSCHAFT DES ÖSTERR. LLOYD" (marked with blue sticker on front" to Trieste, then via Italy with the so-called 'Summit temporary railway' (before opening of the Mont Cenis Tunnel) to France with front side transit mark of St. Michel-Lans-le-Bourg. In France charged with "15" decimes total postage due. Several transit- and arrival marks on front and reverse. This is the only recorded letter via Trieste and the 'Summit temporary railway' from Japan to France or vice versa.
Provenance: Jun Ichi Matsumoto (illustrated in his book 'The French Post Office in Yokohama'
JAPAN (BRITISH PO) – AUSTRIA: 1871, entire letter from the Forwarding Agency Gütschow & Co. at Yokohama, franked with Hongkong 1863/71, 12 cents pale greenish blue, tied by clear blue "Y1" with matching reverse side "YOKOHAMA JA 14 71", to Vienna with transit mark of Hongkong and red arrival mark. The letter was part paid till Alexandria; for the conveyance to Vienna charged with "15" new kreuzer, to be paid by the recipient.
VICTORIA (AUSTRALIA) – AUSTRIA: 1858, registered envelope from Sandhurst to Vienna, franked with two pairs 1853/54, 6 d. dull orange and single 1858, 2 d. brown-lilac rouletted, tied by numeral "4"; on reverse transit mark "TRIEST Recommandirt". The letter was first transported by the short-lived E&A Steam Navigation Company and from Alexandria with Austrian Lloyd. Stamps with light bends, otherwise fine. A rare cover; supposed to be the only registered cover from Victoria to Austria.