375th Auction
16-21 November in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (4618) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 4. Auktion (265) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 4. Auktion filter
- Bayern 1849-1920 · Die Sammlung Werner Knüttel (Teil I) (266) Apply Bayern 1849-1920 · Die Sammlung Werner Knüttel (Teil I) filter
- Départements Conquis, Preußen, Sachsen, Thurn&Taxis · Die Sammlung Dr. Josef Altmann (394) Apply Départements Conquis, Preußen, Sachsen, Thurn&Taxis · Die Sammlung Dr. Josef Altmann filter
- Schleswig: Vom dänischen Herzogtum zur Volksabstimmung 1920 (Teil I) · Die Sammlung Christopher King (231) Apply Schleswig: Vom dänischen Herzogtum zur Volksabstimmung 1920 (Teil I) · Die Sammlung Christopher King filter
- Norddeutscher Postbezirk - Die Sammlung "Albatross" (41) Apply Norddeutscher Postbezirk - Die Sammlung "Albatross" filter
- Deutsche "Fahrpost" Agenturen in den Niederlanden 1839-1874 · Die Dr. Albert Louis Sammlung (23) Apply Deutsche "Fahrpost" Agenturen in den Niederlanden 1839-1874 · Die Dr. Albert Louis Sammlung filter
- Dänemark - Die Postverordnung von 1851 · Die Sammlung Gavin Fryer (65) Apply Dänemark - Die Postverordnung von 1851 · Die Sammlung Gavin Fryer filter
- Lettland ab 1918 · Die Sammlung Wolfgang Watzke (336) Apply Lettland ab 1918 · Die Sammlung Wolfgang Watzke filter
- Polen - Feldherren 1944 · Spezialsammlung Postgeschichte (Teil I) (108) Apply Polen - Feldherren 1944 · Spezialsammlung Postgeschichte (Teil I) filter
- Transatlantic Mail - Die Sammlung "Magellan" (145) Apply Transatlantic Mail - Die Sammlung "Magellan" filter
- Jean de Sperati - Die ultimative Sammlung (86) Apply Jean de Sperati - Die ultimative Sammlung filter
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- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (448) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (267) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (504) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (299) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (957) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
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- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (1) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
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1877, Numerals 10c. brick-red tied by barred numeral to cover to Genoa, taxed "80" and upon arrival charged "14" thus postage due 40c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., minor ageing, 40c. small corner fault, otherwise a fine and attractive cover, signed E. Diena
1877, Numerals 20c. yellowish-brown tied by barred "G" to envelope to Genoa with red "PAYS ETR. ANG /BORDEAUX 29 DEC 79" and tax "8" alongside, upon arrival charged "13" decimes thus postage due 30c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., postage due 1l. faults and some minor ageing, otherwise fine
1877, Numerals 20c. brown tied by barred "A" to cover endorsed "pr Plato" to Genoa, with two line "T 1-10" alongside, upon arrival charged "17" decimes thus postage due 10 and 60c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., postage due some imperfections, otherwise a fine entire
1863, Victor Emanuel II. 60c. lilac and two singles 20c. blue tied by dotted numeral "159" with adjacent cds. "BOGLIASCO 3 SEZ 70" to envelope via Paris and London to Montevideo with boxed "18 CENTimos" alongside, two stamps affixed around the envelope, a fine and attractive cover
1863, Victor Emanuel II. 40c. carmine and vertical pair 60c. violet tied by dotted numeral with adjacent cds. "COMO 25 FEB 75" to folded letter to La Guayra, in addition Venezuela 1880 Bolivar 25c. yellow tied by cds. to folded lettersheet to Naples, the latter with small punch hole at left, otherwise fine
1874, unpaid folded letter dated "Maracaibo Novembre 6/74" endorsed "Pr. Hamburg-American Steamship Company" to Genoa, upon arrival charged "24" thus postage due 40c. and vertical pair 1.l applied and tied by cds., fine
1876, Sage 25c. blue and 75c. carmine-red tied by red octogonal "VENEZUELA PAQ. FR. AN 3" to envelope to Genoa, 25c. applied at edge and some overall toning, otherwise fine and attractive
1876, Sage 1 fr. olive tied by octogonal consular cancel "LA GUAYRA 7 JANV 78" to envelope to Genoa, fine
LA GUAIRA: 1865, Ship 2r. yellow-green tied by cds. "LA GUAIRA AGO 2 5" to folded lettersheet to Genoa with accountancy marking "G.B. 1F60C" alongside, upon delivery charged "10" decimes, a fine, attractive and early entire
INCOMING MAIL: 1387, small folded letter from Innsbruck to Venezia(?), minor ageing, a little strengthened, a very rare and early entire
1453/74/82/98, four folded letters without any postal annotation, fine
1458/59, three small folded letters from Florence, Mantova and Naples, all sent to Venice with guild sign and dry seal (made more visible by pencil), scarce and attractive early mail
1458/1515, five covers to Venice, one from Damaskus (1469 !), three with guild sign, one with double "Cito" manuscript mark, fine group
1468, small folded letter with Guild sign from Vicenza to Nenezia, endorsed "porto pagato per tutto", in addition another early (allegedly 1414) folded lettersheet, attractive early mail
1489, folded letter from Venice to Rome, an attractive early entire
1505, small folded letter from Rome to Asolom, some toning on reverse, otherwise a fine early letter
The letter is written by Archpriest Cristoforo Indegni. It deals with some ecclesiastical practices obtained from Rome (including an indulgence of 15 years). It leaves from the pontifical Chancellery in Rome through the Venetians Couriers and is addressed to the Administrative Consul of Asolo
1521, folded letter from Toledo via the Spanish Netherlands and Innsbruck to Rome, the earliest known letter that was sent via the Flanders Postal Route, fine, certificate van der Linden
There were six letters from Argillensa in the archive. The earliest - this letter - from Spain (Toledo) from 15.5.1521, further from 28.6.1521 from Brussels, from 12.7 to 27.7 three letters from Antwerp and from 13.8.1521 from Bruges.
1521, folded letter from Bruxelles to Rome, a scarce early entire
1544, estafette envelope to Milan, endorsed "parte de mortara 2x de ct. a una ora de la note volando volando", reverse with justification why the envelope was delivered to late "Arrived late because the river Ticino flooded...", scarce, fine
1544, estafette endorsed "Passe la staffesse de Milano...." and "Cito Cito Cito" to Naples, rare
1589, Jacomo & Palcido Ragazzoni, folded letter addressed to Corsini and endorsed "franca sino Col", fine, certificate van der Linden (1995)
Provenance: The Corsini Correspondence (Christie's Robson Lowe, 1986)
1623/63/64, three covers, the earliest coming from Milan, the others from Rome, one with complete Paper tongue closure, fine
1659, "Franc pour Lyon" manuscript endorsement on folded letter from Paris, sent by the Duchess of Montpensier (Anne Marie Louise D'Orleans), to Turin, with black silk yarns affixed with wax, a very attractive and rare entire, certificate Roumet (2016)
1664/69/1724, Couriers from Genoa, three folded covers to Genoa with markings "M" (Mantova), "N" (Napoli) and "V" (Venezia), fine
1666/69, two folded letters to Genoa, one endorsed "fr. p. Mant" and with with manuscript mark "M" (Couriers from Genoa), the other endorsed "fr.P.Ma", minimal toned, otherwise fine
1669, Couriers from Genoa, folded cover to Genoa with rare manuscript mark "L" (Lyon), small ink corrosion hole, otherwise fine, rare
1669, small folded letter from Genoa to Madrid, scarce early mail, fine
1696, folded letter, dated inside "16 juillet 1696 au Camp de Lavalvera" and endorsed "Lion pur le puy" with straight-line "DEL ARMEE DIT" (Lenain LA18) alongside, sent to Le Puy-en-Velay, a very fine and scarce entire, certificate van der Linden (2009)
1696, folded letter from Venice to Aix endorsed "Fra p Lion", reverse with cord and wax seal, a fine and scarce entire, certificate Roumet (2016)
1704, folded fieldpost cover from Vercelli, endorsed "dauphine" and "d Ldvendome (=de l'armee de Vendome), with detailed report of the siege of Venue, transcription (into German) included, a fine and attractive entire
1705, War of the Spanish Succession, folded letter from Milan to Grenoble, endorsed "De Milan" and charges with "8" (dec.), fine
1706, War of the Spanish Succession, folded lettersheet with rare cancel "(de) l:Ditalie", addressed to Captain of the catholic troops in Milan, some ageing, otherwise fine
1714, 'Doge's letter' of Joannes Cornelio on parchment with plumb seal
1729, folded letter from Genoa to Lisbonne, reverse with mark allegedly belonging to "Estaffette du Correi Major de Madrid", fine
1733, War of the Polish Succession, folded letter with straight-line "ARMEE D'YTALIE" to Rennes, scarce
1736(ca.), two folded letters with straight-line "AR DITALIE", the cover itself with damages, the cancel well readable