375th Auction
16-21 November in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (4618) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 4. Auktion (265) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 4. Auktion filter
- Bayern 1849-1920 · Die Sammlung Werner Knüttel (Teil I) (266) Apply Bayern 1849-1920 · Die Sammlung Werner Knüttel (Teil I) filter
- Départements Conquis, Preußen, Sachsen, Thurn&Taxis · Die Sammlung Dr. Josef Altmann (394) Apply Départements Conquis, Preußen, Sachsen, Thurn&Taxis · Die Sammlung Dr. Josef Altmann filter
- Schleswig: Vom dänischen Herzogtum zur Volksabstimmung 1920 (Teil I) · Die Sammlung Christopher King (231) Apply Schleswig: Vom dänischen Herzogtum zur Volksabstimmung 1920 (Teil I) · Die Sammlung Christopher King filter
- Norddeutscher Postbezirk - Die Sammlung "Albatross" (41) Apply Norddeutscher Postbezirk - Die Sammlung "Albatross" filter
- Deutsche "Fahrpost" Agenturen in den Niederlanden 1839-1874 · Die Dr. Albert Louis Sammlung (23) Apply Deutsche "Fahrpost" Agenturen in den Niederlanden 1839-1874 · Die Dr. Albert Louis Sammlung filter
- Dänemark - Die Postverordnung von 1851 · Die Sammlung Gavin Fryer (65) Apply Dänemark - Die Postverordnung von 1851 · Die Sammlung Gavin Fryer filter
- Lettland ab 1918 · Die Sammlung Wolfgang Watzke (336) Apply Lettland ab 1918 · Die Sammlung Wolfgang Watzke filter
- Polen - Feldherren 1944 · Spezialsammlung Postgeschichte (Teil I) (108) Apply Polen - Feldherren 1944 · Spezialsammlung Postgeschichte (Teil I) filter
- Transatlantic Mail - Die Sammlung "Magellan" (145) Apply Transatlantic Mail - Die Sammlung "Magellan" filter
- Jean de Sperati - Die ultimative Sammlung (86) Apply Jean de Sperati - Die ultimative Sammlung filter
- Alle Welt (74) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1116) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (222) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (240) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (448) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (267) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (504) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (299) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (957) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1321) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (206) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Literatur (39) Apply Literatur filter
- Luftpost (71) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (28) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Numismatik (67) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (311) Apply Übersee filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (2) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Französisch-Indochina (1) Apply Französisch-Indochina filter
- Réunion (1) Apply Réunion filter
- Italien (1) Apply Italien filter
- Kirchenstaat (2) Apply Kirchenstaat filter
- Sizilien (17) Apply Sizilien filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (1) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (1) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Polen (Polska) (1) Apply Polen (Polska) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (2) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (1) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Argentinien (1) Apply Argentinien filter
- Brasilien (2) Apply Brasilien filter
- Chile (3) Apply Chile filter
- Iran (Persien) (1) Apply Iran (Persien) filter
- Mexiko (1) Apply Mexiko filter
- Peru (4) Apply Peru filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (1) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Birma (Myanmar) (1) Apply Birma (Myanmar) filter
- Indien (2) Apply Indien filter
1851, Lion with heraldic shield 1cr. red and 9cr. brown-lilac, fresh colour, slightly touched with "PD" on folded cover with adjacent "PER CONSEGNA" to Cesena, cover with small tear at bottom, otherwise fine, signed Köhler
1851, Lion with heraldic shield 6 cr. dark-blue, fresh colour, touched, tied by red "P.D." to folded letter to Bologna, with straight-line "AFFRANCATA" and red "LIVORNO 1 AGO 1855" alongside, fine
1863, 15 c., type II, block of 4, ample to wide margins, cancelled "GENOVA 13 SET 63" on piece, very scarce, signed and certificate Enzo Diena (1989) (Sassone no. 13; 32.500,-)
1863, Victor Emanuel II. 10c. orange-brown and pair 40c. carmine tied by numeral "1664" to splendid cover decorated with flower ornaments painted in color and gold, addressed to Pianezza, cover with some tears, stamps with imperfections, despite imperfection a very attractive cover
"4 S FIRENZE APR 23 68" so called english cancel type (Pearson Hill machine cancel) on printed matter franked with 1865 Numerals 2c. red-brown to Milano, fine
25 c. with unoverprinted 20 c. on postcard from "BRENNERO BOLZANO 25.6.44" to Forte dei Marni with violet censor mark; certificate Chiavarello (1991)
1944, REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA 25 c. in pair and 75 c. with unoverprinted 1,24 l. on cover to Germany with "SERVIZIO SOSPESO" and "AL MITTENTE", both crossed, orange Italian censor label and German censor label and handstamps, transportation marks
1949, ERP 5-20 l. in cpl. sheets of 100 stamps with 10 gutter pairs each (here folded), unmounted mint in fine condition; an extremely rare set
TUNESIA: "TUNISIE POSTE ITALIANE 24 NOV 63" on reverse of folded letter from Venezia to Tunis, fine
TUNESIA: "235" dotted numeral on Italy Victor Emanuel II. 40c. red on folded letter to Genoa with adjacent "coi Postali italiani", a fine and scarce entire
TUNESIA: "TERRAFERMA" straight-line in black and cds. "TUNISI POSTE SARDA" in blue on cover from Genoa to Tunis, fine
TUNESIA: "TERRAFERMA" straight-line in black and cds. "TUNISI POSTE SARDA" in blue on triple-weight cover from Genoa to Tunis, ink corrosion, otherwise fine
TUNESIA: "TERRAFERMA" straight-line in black on cover from Genoa to Tunis, fine
TUNESIA: "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI" framed cancel on Italy Victor Emanuel II. 40c. red on folded letter to Genoa with adjacent "Da Tunisi" and "P.D." in black, stamp some faults, otherwise fine
POW: 1918, Forte Sperone, express-telegram to a POW in the fort, also 2 cards from resp. into the fort with censor marks and telegram receipt
1937, "IMPRESA-S. PARISI/IV REP/SERVIZI CELERI", large violet handstamp on reverse opened out cover, finally posted from "ADDIS ABEBA ETIOPIA 15.2.37" to Rovigo
1893, 5 c., 2 copies with 1893, 20 c., 25 c. and 45 c., tied to reply part of German double card 10 pfg. as registered postcard from "MASSAUA 5 4 96" to Bühl with arrival mark, sign. Roumet with opinion
1917/24, 2nd issue 5 c. – 20 l. complete, mint never hinged, fine, 20 l. signed Sorani (Sassone No. 9-21; 2.500,-)
1919, Issue for North-Latvia, 10 k. black on machine paper, block of four plus single 10k-. blue handprinted on thin paper, without gum, fine
1925, Tercentenary of Liepaja 50 s. perforated from positions 19 with plate flaw "PAPDOŠANAS instead of PARDOŠANAS", unmounted mint, very fine
1919, First Vilnius issue 10 and 15 sk., tied by violet provisional straight line “Wilna” to cover with German censor mark „M.P.I.“ to Königsberg, cover vertical folded and tear at left top, rare
1919, 3-70 k. tied to pieces by violet provisional cancel "GRODNO", 15 k. with overprint variety "thick t in Lietuva", fine
1919, 4th Berlin Issue 10sk. brick-red with additional franking tied by cds. "SIAULIAI 12.VIII.19" to registered cover with provisional r-label to Puna with arrival mark, fine
1920, National Assembly 20 and 40-80 sk. special printing, unused resp. 60-80sk. mint never hinged, fine
Airmail 60 c. and 1 l. in mixed franking LTSR 5 c., vertical pair 15 c., 25 c. and 35 c., all tied by cds. „VILNIUS 29.8.40“ to airmail cover with handwritten endorsement „By Clipper“ to New York
Antanas Smetona 60 c., two single stamps tied by cds. „VILNIUS 4.11.39“ to registered cover with violett censor label and mark „PALESTINE. PASSED BY CENSOR J.3“ to Jerusalem with arrival mark
Coat of Arms 50 c. and 1 l. tied by cds. „VILNIUS …XII.39“ to registered airmail with french censor label and mark to Vaduz with arrival mark, stamps with tiny spots, otherwise fine
Reunification of the Vilnius region with Lithuania 15 and 60 c. tied by „VILNIUS-GELEZINKELIO STOTIS e 30.10.39“ to express covert to Wilnius with postage due mark „VILNIUS 10 (20)“ and arrival mark on front, some trases of glue on reverse, otherwise fine
1940, Lithuanian SSR 5c. with red overprint with left margin, mint never hinged, minor fingerprint on reverse, dine, scarce only 100 printed,certificate Huylmans BPP (2020) (LPS 316a)
POSTAL STATIONERY: 1935, Three coats of arms with crown 35c. red with cds. "KUPISKIS 25.VI.40" sent to Krakow with censor mark alongside, fine
1940, Lithuanian SSR 5c. with red overprint, mint never hinged, few shortend perforations at left, otherwise fine, scarce only 100 printed,certificate Huylmans BPP (2020) (LPS 316a)
POSTAL STATIONERY: 1935, Three coats of arms with crown 35c. red with additional franking from "KAUNAS P. AG 5 22.III.37" as complete registered card to Rumania with arrival mark, scarce
1920, Telsiai Postmaster Issue, without value indication, with upper sheet margin, unused, fine
1923, Birthday souvenier sheet 10 fr. green with short perforation, unmounted mint, fine, pencil signature (Mi. 1.800,-)
"PORT-PAYÉ HOLLANDE TROUPES F.oises" red three-line on folded letter from La Haye with adjacent "P.P.P.P" to Jever, fine, certificate Pothion
1896, Wilhelmina 5g. green-bronze/brown-red tied by clear cds. "'sGRAVENHAGE 20 JAN 99" to locally addressed cover, few minor spots, otherwise a very fine and scarce cover