375th Auction
16-21 November in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (4618) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 4. Auktion (265) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten · Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 4. Auktion filter
- Bayern 1849-1920 · Die Sammlung Werner Knüttel (Teil I) (266) Apply Bayern 1849-1920 · Die Sammlung Werner Knüttel (Teil I) filter
- Départements Conquis, Preußen, Sachsen, Thurn&Taxis · Die Sammlung Dr. Josef Altmann (394) Apply Départements Conquis, Preußen, Sachsen, Thurn&Taxis · Die Sammlung Dr. Josef Altmann filter
- Schleswig: Vom dänischen Herzogtum zur Volksabstimmung 1920 (Teil I) · Die Sammlung Christopher King (231) Apply Schleswig: Vom dänischen Herzogtum zur Volksabstimmung 1920 (Teil I) · Die Sammlung Christopher King filter
- Norddeutscher Postbezirk - Die Sammlung "Albatross" (41) Apply Norddeutscher Postbezirk - Die Sammlung "Albatross" filter
- Deutsche "Fahrpost" Agenturen in den Niederlanden 1839-1874 · Die Dr. Albert Louis Sammlung (23) Apply Deutsche "Fahrpost" Agenturen in den Niederlanden 1839-1874 · Die Dr. Albert Louis Sammlung filter
- Dänemark - Die Postverordnung von 1851 · Die Sammlung Gavin Fryer (65) Apply Dänemark - Die Postverordnung von 1851 · Die Sammlung Gavin Fryer filter
- Lettland ab 1918 · Die Sammlung Wolfgang Watzke (336) Apply Lettland ab 1918 · Die Sammlung Wolfgang Watzke filter
- Polen - Feldherren 1944 · Spezialsammlung Postgeschichte (Teil I) (108) Apply Polen - Feldherren 1944 · Spezialsammlung Postgeschichte (Teil I) filter
- Transatlantic Mail - Die Sammlung "Magellan" (145) Apply Transatlantic Mail - Die Sammlung "Magellan" filter
- Jean de Sperati - Die ultimative Sammlung (86) Apply Jean de Sperati - Die ultimative Sammlung filter
- Alle Welt (74) Apply Alle Welt filter
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- Britisch Commonwealth (222) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (240) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (448) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (267) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (504) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (299) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (957) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
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1943, Red Cross postcard for Italian prioners of war, 2 items sent to Italy, one with heavy creasing
1944, 3rd anniversay of statehood 18+19 k. used with war relief tax stamp on registered express cover from "RETFALA 3 VI 44", used locally, some folds not affecting the stamps
1944, Jure Francietic 12,50+287,50 k. with war relief tax surcharge stamp 10 k. used on local registered cover from "ZAGREB 29.VI.40" with arrival mark of the next day, receipt enclosed; a very scarce single franking
3,50 on 30 c. and 1,25 l., both with double overprint, unhinged mint, opinion Zrinjscak (Sassone 11a, 14a
Besonderheiten: 1919, „MISSION MILITAIRE FRANCAISE PRAGUE LE GENERAL“, blue sender cachet on field postcard with second cachet „MINISTERE DA LA GUERRE“ and oval mark of „SECTION DES COURRIERS EXTERIEIURS 21.MAI.1919“ to France with arrival mark and second card with bilingual sender cachet „22e REGIMENT TCHECO-SLOVAQUE 1e Bataillon Vaguemestre“ and censor mark „ZENSURA M.N.Q.“ to France with arrival mark
1848, Printed circular of the General Post Office at Copenhagen, dated 4 November, specifying the national Danish rate of 4 rbs. for military personnel. The first unified national postal rate in Denmark prior to April 1851
1850, Entire soldier's letter from the island Als, sent from Nordborg via the military field post office at Sønderborg to Asminderød near Fredensborg, taxed with "4" in red crayon to be collected from the addressee. As required in the circular no. 42 of 1848 the letter was mentioned in a special list at the field post in Sønderborg (see note on the letter at left). A very scarce letter of this first unified national postal rate. Certificate Nielsen (2004)
1851, The official print of the Danish postal law of March 1851, 12 pages, very fine condition
Ferslew 4 rbs. brown with ample to large margins, used on entire letter with adjacent cds. "SØNDERBORG 20 5 1852", a stamp cancelled by red sealing wax with thumb print, very fine. The only recorded example of a 4 rbs. cancelled this way; a most remarkable item. Certificate Paaskesen (1998)
Ferslew 4 rbs., plate I, pos. 20, ample to large margins, tied by target to entire letter with adjacent cds. "RANDERS 12 5 1851" to Flensburg with unusual weight verification mark in red crayon, very fine. Certificate Moeller (1998)
Ferslew 4 rbs. brown with good margins, tied by target to small lettersheet with adjacent cds. "RINGSTED 8 5 1852" to Ravnstrup near Nestved with "2" rbs. rural delivery fee marked in red crayon, very fine
Ferslew 4 rbs. brown with large margins all around, tied by ring cancel and Copenhagen compass handstamp 31.10.1851 on entire letter to Caløe near Aarhus, marked "4" skilling rural delivery fee; very fine and scarce
Thiele 4 rbs. olive-brown, just clear at upper right, otherwise ample to good margins, tied by numeral "113" with adjacent "K.P.A. ALTONA 11/9 54" on market report from London to Randers, mailed in bulk from London to Altona and distributed from here, fine
Thiele 4 rbs. yellow-brown with good margins, tied by numeral "58" to small envelope with adjacent cds. "ROESKILDE 9/8 1854", endorsed "enclosed sample without value", unusual
Thiele 4 rbs., 3rd printing, chestnut brown, plate IV, pos. 19, good margins, tied by numeral "1" to preprinted postal money order for an amount of 5 rdlr. 58 sk. from "KJØBENHAVN 10 1 1855" to Nordstrand with fees "8/4" noted next to the stamp. A fine and scarce entire. Certificate Moeller BPP (1999)
Thiele II 4 rbs. black-brown with ample to large margins, tied by numeral "113" and adjacent "K.P.A. ALTONA 19/11 53" to entire letter originating from Hamburg, addressed to Copenhagen, marked in red crayon "1¼ loth" and "6" (skilling) to be paid by the recipiant. A fine and interesting letter
Thiele rbs. olive-brown, plate III (pos. 70), tied by numeral "150" to newspaper wrapper with adjacent cds. "RATZEBURG 19 11 1854" to Lauenburg with 'cash on delivery' 2 rigsdaler 36 sk. to be collected from recipient; very fine and rare, the only recorded wrapper with a 4 rbs. Certificate Nielsen (2012)
Thiele 4 rbs. red-bown, 2 copies with clear to large margins, tied to entire double rate letter with adjacent "K.D.P.A. AALBORG 20/9" (1852) to Randers. The stamps placed contrary to regulation in the lower right corner of the entire, but not charged
Thiele 4 rbs. greyish-brown, 4 single copies with mostly good to large margins, just partly touched or slightly cut-into, tied by numeral "1" resp. "KJØBENHAVN 2/9 1854" cds. to quadruple rate printed matter (originally with 4 inserts) to Randers, endorsed "via Callundborg"; a horizontal filing crease not affecting the stamps. A fine and rare multiple rate printed matter with 4 rbs. Certificate Moeller BPP (2003)
1854/57, 2 sk. blue, 4 copies in partly different shades, all with ample to large margins, tied by numeral "1" to double rate registered lettersheet with adjacent cds. "KJØBNHAVN 29 6" (1860) to Fredensborg with arrival mark (by mistake dated 1850); 8 sk. registration fee and 2 sk. for receipt paid in cash; a fine and unusual franking. Certificate Kaiser (1983)
4 sk. orange-brown with good to large margins, tied by numeral "104" to small letter with part of contents from "NEXØ 9/3 1855" to Copenhagen, charged with additional "4" skilling for necessary transportation via Sweden due to ice in the Baltic Sea in winter. A very fine and scarce letter. Certificate Nielsen (2006)
1854/57, 4 sk. red-brown with ample to good margins, tied by numeral "53" to entire letter from "RANDERS 22 9 1856" to the Hannoverian consul A. Falkenberg of Randers c/o Hotel d'Angleterre in Copenhagen, returned to Randers, obviously dropped in a letterbox, marked "paany Indlevret" (re-posted) and Copenhagen cds. of 25.9., charged "6" skilling in red crayon. This procedure was specified in § 2 of circular 5/1852. An interesting and rare letter
1854/57, 4 sk. orange-brown, just touched at bottom, otherwise good to large margins, tied by numeral "150" with adjacent "RATZEBURG 4/2 1858" on newspaper wrapper containing "Lauenburgische Zeitung" of 30.1.1858, addressed to Lauenburg with 'cash on delivery' notation for 2 rigsdaler 40 skilling to pay for a 13 weeks' subscription; on reverse Lauenburg arrival mark and beautiful red wax seal of the "EXPEDITION DER LAUENBURGISCHEN ZEITUNG". A marvellous item in very fine and fresh condition
1854/57, 8 sk. green, clear at left, otherwise good to large margins, tied by numeral "1" with adjacent "KJØBENHAVN 1/3" (1864) on entire newspaper to Frederikssund, fine and scarce. Certificate Moeller (1992)
1863, Rouletted issue 16 sk. rose-lilac in exceptionally fresh colour and good rouletting, tied by clear numeral "1" with adjacent cds. "AALBORG 23/2" to quadruple rate lettersheet to Nibe with money order for 2 rdl. 4 sk., correctly franked with 4 skilling for money orders up to 4 rdl., 2 skilling for receipt and 2 skilling for form. 2 insignificant creases not affecting the stamp. A fine and rare cover, only 3 domestic letters with a single franking of this stamp are recorded. Certificate Moeller BPP (2002)
1858, 4 sk. orange-brown, 2 copies with ample to mostly large margins, used on lettersheet, both cancelled with ink cross with adjacent "an O. Journ. A No.49/1860" addressed to the General Customs Directorate, probably with an application for a grant or benefit payment. In order for the public not to enjoy 'free mail' through applications handed in at the local customs office, the sender was required to affix adhesives appropriate to the rate of the letter, which was then sent to Copenhagen with other documents from the local customs officer. An extremely rare letter of greatest post historical interest; one of two letters of this nature recorded in private hands
Reference: Nordisk Filatelistik Tidsskrift no. 1, Januar 1949
1851, Ferslew 2 R.B.S. blue, type 7, plate II with ample to very large margins, tied by target in the lower left corner of local lettersheet with adjacent blue foot post handstamp. The law of 1851 required the stamp to be placed in the upper right corner of the letter, but since the law did not cover the use of the 2 R.B.S. within the postal service of the foot post inside the ramparts of Copenhagen, no penalty was charged. A fine entire. Certificate Nielsen (2004) (AFA 2a)
Provenance: Peer Lorentzen (Hoiland auction, 2004)
1855, letter sheet addressed to Copenhagen, dropped in a letter box , endorsed "franko" in lower left corner, posted with Copenhagen compass mark of 24.11.1855, marked in red crayon "ubetaldt kassebrev" and charged with "8" skilling (instead of usual 3 sk. for unpaid local letter). Possibly because the letter is adressed in swedish, the postal clerk charged the 8 sk. Oresund rate; highly unusual
1860, Original printed announcement of December 21, extending the town delivered rate of 2 skilling to 17 towns with over 6000 inhabitants, as already valid in Copenhagen
2 sk. blue with good to large margins, tied by numeral "5" to cover from "AARHUUS 5 8" (1863) to Hornslet, franked at the 2 sk. letter rate. Although Hornslet is situated close to Aarhuus it did not belong to its postal district, therefore the letter was charged with "4" skilling in blue crayon, very fine and highly interesting postal history item; signed Moeller BPP with certificate (2004)
2 sk. blue with good to large margins, tied by numeral "1" to small local envelope with adjacent blue foot post marking of 15.5.1864. The letter was marked "fr." in the lower left corner, contrary to the postal regulations, therefore charged as an unpaid letter with 3 skilling, with deduction of the adhesive finally charged with "1" skilling in red crayon. The only recorded example. Certificate Nielsen (2003)
Provenance: Peer Lorentzen (Hoiland auction, 2003), Ole Steen Jacobsen (Bruun Rasmussen auction, 2014)
2 sk. blue with good to large margins, tied by numeral "1" to entire letter with adjacent "AALBORG 8/9" (1863) to Thustrup which is situated near Aalborg, but not within its postal district, thus charged with "4" skilling in red crayon (6 skilling national letter rate minus 2 skilling for the paid fee). A fine and rare letter. Certificates Nielsen (2004 and Moeller BPP (2008)
Provenance: Peer Lorentzen (Hoiland Auction, 2004)
Ferslew 4 rbs., plate 1, pos. 12, tied by target cancel to lettersheet from "KJØBENHAVN 6/7 1851" to Veile. The cover was endorsed "fr." in the lower left corner which was contrary to the regulations and normally the cover would have been charged with 2 skilling payable by the recipient. In this case the sender was contacted (either due to the name on the wax seal on the reverse or by advertising in 'Berlingske Politiske og Avertissementstidende') and the remaining "2" skilling were paid in cash at the post office. An outstanding 4 rbs. letter of great importance for Danish postal history. Certificate Nielsen (2005)
Ferslew 4 rbs. chocolate-brown, plate 1, pos. 41 with good to large margins, tied by target to small lettersheet with adjacent blue "KJØBENHAVN 7/4 1851" to Aabenraa, endorsed "frit" in the lower left corner contrary to the postal regulations. According to the circular 8/1851 the letter was advertised in the 'Berlingske Politiske og Avertissementstidende' and the letter held at the post office to give the sender the opportunity to pay the missing 2 skilling. The sender paid the amount (noted at upper left); the "24" noted on the cover in red crayon is the record number of the letter in the list advertised. This procedure was only executed for a short period in 1851 and this letter is believed to be the only surviving example of an advertised letter. An outstanding item of Danish postal history. Certificates Moeller BPP (2002) and Nielsen (2006)
Research in the Royal Copenhagen archives for issues of this official gazette showed that this list, copied from the archive, was the only such list of advertised letters published.
Ferslew plate II, 4 rbs. chocolate-brown in vertical pair, tied by target cancel to lettersheet from "KJØBENHAVN 19 6 1851" to Apenrade, endorsed "franco" in the lower left, contrary to regulations, thus the letter was regarded as unpaid and charged with addtional "4" rbs. (12 rbs double rate unpaid letter fee minus 8 rbs. value of postage stamps). Credit given for adhesives was only given for a short period from April 1st to July 24th 1851. Vertical file fold well off the franking and left side flap missing, otherwise fine and most attractive. This is the only recorded example of a double rate entire treated this way. Certificate Moeller BPP (2008)
Ferslew 4 rbs. chocolate-brown, slightly touched at upper left, otherwise good to wide margins, tied by target cancel to entire letter from "KJØBENHAVN 9/9 1851" to Schleswig, endorsed "fri" in lower left contrary to regulations with adjacent "ubetalt (unpaid),(signature)" and treated as unpaid, charged with "2" schilling courant (=6 rbs.). An interesting and scarce letter. Certificate Moeller BPP (2002)