383. Auktion
14.–15. & 18.–23. März 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (3340) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Luft- und Zeppelinpost – inklusive der Sammlung der Familie Sieger (569) Apply Luft- und Zeppelinpost – inklusive der Sammlung der Familie Sieger filter
- Chile – Die Colon Ausgaben (Teil II) (46) Apply Chile – Die Colon Ausgaben (Teil II) filter
- Dänisch Westindien 1806–1917 – Die Sammlung "Baghira" (204) Apply Dänisch Westindien 1806–1917 – Die Sammlung "Baghira" filter
- Dauerserie Posthorn 1951 – Eine Spezialsammlung (138) Apply Dauerserie Posthorn 1951 – Eine Spezialsammlung filter
- Departements Conquis – Die Sammlung Wilma Droemont (75) Apply Departements Conquis – Die Sammlung Wilma Droemont filter
- Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil III) (71) Apply Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil III) filter
- Deutsche Post in Marokko & Deutsche Post in der Türkei – Die Sammlung "Waldersee" (100) Apply Deutsche Post in Marokko & Deutsche Post in der Türkei – Die Sammlung "Waldersee" filter
- Deutsche Post in China und Kiautschou – Die Transsibirische Eisenbahn und Kriegspost – Die Sammlung Dr. Heinz Findeiss (125) Apply Deutsche Post in China und Kiautschou – Die Transsibirische Eisenbahn und Kriegspost – Die Sammlung Dr. Heinz Findeiss filter
- Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil II) (360) Apply Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil II) filter
- Deutsch-Südwestafrika – Stempelsammlung auf Privater- und Feldpost (94) Apply Deutsch-Südwestafrika – Stempelsammlung auf Privater- und Feldpost filter
- Deutschland 1849–2000 – Deutsche Kolonien mit Besetzungsausgaben (G.R.I. und MAFIA), Deutsche Nebengebiete, Deutschland nach 1945 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil III) (758) Apply Deutschland 1849–2000 – Deutsche Kolonien mit Besetzungsausgaben (G.R.I. und MAFIA), Deutsche Nebengebiete, Deutschland nach 1945 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil III) filter
- Großherzogtum Baden – Frankaturen und Postgeschichte – Die Sammlung Klaus Peter Geis (97) Apply Großherzogtum Baden – Frankaturen und Postgeschichte – Die Sammlung Klaus Peter Geis filter
- Helgoland – Die Sammlung Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser (Teil II) (215) Apply Helgoland – Die Sammlung Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser (Teil II) filter
- Königreich Bayern – Postgeschichte und Social Philately 1806–1875 – Die Sammlung Oliver Reifenrath (99) Apply Königreich Bayern – Postgeschichte und Social Philately 1806–1875 – Die Sammlung Oliver Reifenrath filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma (69) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma filter
- Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part III) (270) Apply Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part III) filter
- Schleswig-Holstein 1850–1867 – Die Sammlung Rolf Beyerodt (244) Apply Schleswig-Holstein 1850–1867 – Die Sammlung Rolf Beyerodt filter
- Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder (Teil II) (114) Apply Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder (Teil II) filter
- Die Sammlung ERIVAN - Altdeutsche Staaten - Auktion der verpassten Gelegenheiten (160) Apply Die Sammlung ERIVAN - Altdeutsche Staaten - Auktion der verpassten Gelegenheiten filter
- Die Lippischen Fürstentümer, Deutschland ab 1849 – Die Sammlungen Gustav Strunk (Teil II) (111) Apply Die Lippischen Fürstentümer, Deutschland ab 1849 – Die Sammlungen Gustav Strunk (Teil II) filter
- Volkswagen – ein Deutscher Mythos – Die Sammlung Dr. Edo-Meino Eden (61) Apply Volkswagen – ein Deutscher Mythos – Die Sammlung Dr. Edo-Meino Eden filter
- Alle Welt (54) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1654) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (517) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (1238) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (294) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (432) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (816) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (62) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (578) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1181) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (314) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (509) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (198) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Übersee (387) Apply Übersee filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Österreich (16) Apply Österreich filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (3) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Bulgarien (България) (1) Apply Bulgarien (България) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (1) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Frankreich (3) Apply Frankreich filter
- Algerien (1) Apply Algerien filter
- Ungarn (Magyarország) (1) Apply Ungarn (Magyarország) filter
- Italien (2) Apply Italien filter
- Kirchenstaat (1) Apply Kirchenstaat filter
- Litauen (Lietuva) (1) Apply Litauen (Lietuva) filter
- Liechtenstein (5) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Niederlande (1) Apply Niederlande filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (1) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (5) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Portugal (1) Apply Portugal filter
- Russland (Poccия) (2) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- San Marino (1) Apply San Marino filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (2) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (1) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Basel (1) Apply Basel filter
- Ukraine (Уkpaïha) (1) Apply Ukraine (Уkpaïha) filter
- Argentinien (2) Apply Argentinien filter
- Bolivien (1) Apply Bolivien filter
- China (1) Apply China filter
- Guatemala (1) Apply Guatemala filter
- Haiti (République D'Haïti) (1) Apply Haiti (République D'Haïti) filter
- Honduras (1) Apply Honduras filter
- Iran (Persien) (1) Apply Iran (Persien) filter
- Mexiko (2) Apply Mexiko filter
- Peru (2) Apply Peru filter
- Puerto Rico (1) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (1) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Australische Staaten (1) Apply Australische Staaten filter
- Bermuda (1) Apply Bermuda filter
- Britisch Guiana (1) Apply Britisch Guiana filter
- Kanada (1) Apply Kanada filter
- Portomarken (1) Apply Portomarken filter
- Indien (1) Apply Indien filter
8 p. in imperforated block of 25, ungummed (proof?), some light creasing
1917/18, 1 a. ultramarine, 2 copies, tied by Palpa sqare negative postmark to cover
1887/1904, postcard 2 p. , Type 12, used with Kathmandu negative cancel
1863, 1 real plata F. emerald green, good to large margins with adjoining part of neighbouring stamp at left, tied by oval `parilla´ cancel with cds. "MANILLA 20 FEB. 1869" to envelope to Madrid, endorsed "Via del Isme de Suez", reverse arrival cds. "MADRID 17 ABR. 69", fine and scarce
1923, Mount Ararat 3 k. rose, 9 k. dark blue and Revenue 250 on 1 k., all tied by cds. "SUKHUMI 21 12 23" to registered envelope, undelivered and returned to Sukhumi, where the receiver handstamp "SUKHUMI 22 3. 24" was applied. Cover opened for display, shortened at right and small fault, otherwise fine and very rare usage of a fiscal stamp added to a re-addressed mail, certificate Ceresa (2014)
1847, Washington 10 c. black, fresh colour, good to large margins all round, used with red grid cancel, very fine
1851, 3 c. brownish carmine, Type II, clear to large margins with left sheet border, neatly tied by cds. "ROXBURY AUG 31 1857 Ms." to small embossed Lady´s envelope to Sunapee, New Hampshire, 3 c. with negligible tone spot at the margin´s upper left corner, mentioned for accuracy, a very fine and attractive cover
1857, Washington 3 c. dull red, Type III, tied by four-ring cancel with adjacent cds. "RANDOLPH 13 JUN NY" to patriotic envelope to the Broadway Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio, colourfull illustration with canon, flag and slogan "If any attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot.", 3 c. a few pulled perfs, still a fine and appealing usage
3 c. ultramarine, tied to to fancy cover with print of a dove 'carrying' the address, from "POSTVILLE N.Y. DEC. 8", to West Clarksville. Very fine and most attractive.
1869, Pictorial 15 c. brown/blue, Type II, tied by mute bars circle to an envelope to France with red cds. "BOSTON 30 NOV PAID", "PD" and blue entry cds. "ET.-UNIS 13 DEC 69", one trivial toned perf., some small envelope faults due to the fragile pelure nature of the paper, still fine, sign. and certificate Bühler (1981)
1869, 90 c. carmine/black, used, fine
1870/71, 1 c. blue, tied by blue cork to postcard 1 c. brown, from "LOUISVILLE MAY 15"(1874) to Germany, early use
1861, Washington 3 c. rose and Jackson 2c. black, two singles each, on 1863 advertising cover from Philadelphia to Guatemala, dated 22 October 1863, tied by two strikes of the Philadelphia datestamp and two grid cancels in black, with part New York Packet mark dated 24 October in red, addressed to "Hon. E. O. Crosby", President Lincoln's Ambassador in Guatemala, the cover was taken on an American steamer at the letter rate of 10c per oz.; horizontal filing crease, horizontal filing crease not affecting stamps, some acid ink erosion and stained, rare cover, being the only known example franked with US 2c black Jacks to Guatemala.
1861, Jefferson 5 c. buff, fresh colours, tied by circular grid "PAID" on folded entire to Calcutta, reverse departure and London transit cds., arrival boxed "CALCUTTA STEAMLETTER 1862 JUL 28", one short perf., still a fine, attractive and scarce franking from the Goddard correspondence
1861, Jefferson 5 c. red brown, fresh colours, tied by large barred circle "PAID" to folded entire from the Goddard correspondence to Calcutta, India, reverse cds. "BOSTON JAN 21", transit and arrival cds. "CALCUTTA MA 3 1863", 5 c. one short perf at base, the fragile entire with some hinge reinforcement, otherwise a fine and very scarce single franking to India, certificate Philatelic Foundation (1973)
1893, Columbus 1 $. salmon, tied by oval cds. "NEW YORK R" on registered 5 c. postal stationery to Germany, departure, transit and arrival cds. "PYMONT 22.8.97" on reverse, fine
1893, 3 $. yellow green, used with oval cds. "NEW YORK REG", fine, signed Jakubek BPP
1926, White Plains 2 c. carmine rose, cpl. souvenir sheet tied by cds. "NEW YORK OCT 1926" to registered airmail cover to Los Angeles, reverse cds. "NEW YORK (Int"l Philatelic Exhibition Sta.) OCT 23 1926" and arrival, fine and scarce early usage during the first week of the exibition
1930, Graf Zeppelin 65c. -2,60$, tied by machine cancel to Zeppelincard resp. Zeppelincover to Wien resp. New York, some minor againg, otherwise fine
1930, Graf Zeppelin 1,30$, tied by machine cancel to Zeppelincover "Südamerikafahrt" to Lörrach, fine
1912, George Washington 2 c. and Benjamin Franklin 10 c. with oval cancellation "NEW YORK N.J." on registered cover "Ozean-Brief" with sender address cancel "Kaiser Wilhelm der Große" on reverse to San Francisco with arrival mark from 30-9.12. The envelope vertical foldet and file holes at left closed, otherwise fine
1925, Theodore Roosevelt 5 c. and Grover Cleveland 12 c. with mude cancel "NEW YORK C" on registered preprinted cover "OCEAN LETTER" of "Marconi International Marine Communication" with sender note "SS Majestic" and complete letter to Baltimore with arrival mark from 18.8.1925. The cover with a small opening defect at the top left, otherwise fine
1929, Woodrow Wilson 17 c. with oval mude mark "NEW YORK" on registered preprindet cover "RADIO BREV" with senders note "S/S Oscar II" to Broklyn with arrival mark from 26.6.1929. The cover with slight traces of transportation and slightly shortened on the left side, otherwise fine, till now only a few letters outside Denmark are known
1893, Columbian Exposition, 10 unused illustrated 1 c. postcards by Charles Goldsmith, series N°1 with designs one to ten, very fine
1851, Eagle 1 c. blue and Washington 3 c. dull red, the later cissor´s cut at bottom right and right frame touched, tied together by faint cds. "PHILADELPHIA DEC 28" to small envelope to Delafield, Winsconsin, 1 c. with typical red star cancel. A very fine and scarce usage
1939, Christmas Seal National Tuberculosos Association, complete imperforated sheet of 100 with the center 4 being special vignettes, signed by the artist "Rockwell Kent", reverse with numeral "51". One hundred imperforated sheet have been printed, two of which have been given to each state, with corresponding letter of confirmation from the Nation Tuberculosos Associates dated February 15, 1940
1913, Columbus Stationery Card 1 c. green/black, fresh colour, perforated with special two-line "SPECIMEN A.B.N.Co." together with red overprint "F6235" at top,; very fine, a very rare specialist item
1894, "COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIQUE", embossed vignette in blue & white, unmounted mint, very fine
1911, official postcard "COMITE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIQUE" written by Pierre de Coubertin with his signature "..en hate P.C.", from "GSTAAD 5.III.11" to Maurice Pottecher (competed in the 1912 games in Literature) at Paris. Very rare and most attractive.
2Katalog-Nr.1116 proof
30 Fr., epreuve d'artiste in orange-brown with artist's signature 'R. Serres', very fine
2Katalog-Nr.1116 proof
30 Fr., epreuve d'artiste in red with artist's signature 'R. Serres'
0 1 6Katalog-Nr.
Pierre de Coubertin, nice lot with epreuve de luxe, maximum cards, Haiti 1939 FDC, etc.
1896, official envelope with the return address of the Secretary-General of the Greek Olympic Committee, used locally from "ATHENS 29 MAR. 1896" (4th day of the games) with adjacent violet cachet. Little roughly opened, otherwise fine and fresh. A rare item.
1896, Greek Olympic Committee newspaper wrapper (open on three sides), used locally from "ATHENS 3 APR. 1896" (last day of the games) with adjacent red cachet. Very fine and rare.
1896, Greek Olympic Committee newspaper wrapper (open on three sides), used locally from "ATHENS 1 APR. 1896" (8th day of the games) with adjacent violet cachet. Very fine and rare.
Olympic issue 1 l. – 10 dr., unused with original gum, fine/ very fine