383. Auktion
14.–15. & 18.–23. März 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (3340) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Luft- und Zeppelinpost – inklusive der Sammlung der Familie Sieger (569) Apply Luft- und Zeppelinpost – inklusive der Sammlung der Familie Sieger filter
- Chile – Die Colon Ausgaben (Teil II) (46) Apply Chile – Die Colon Ausgaben (Teil II) filter
- Dänisch Westindien 1806–1917 – Die Sammlung "Baghira" (204) Apply Dänisch Westindien 1806–1917 – Die Sammlung "Baghira" filter
- Dauerserie Posthorn 1951 – Eine Spezialsammlung (138) Apply Dauerserie Posthorn 1951 – Eine Spezialsammlung filter
- Departements Conquis – Die Sammlung Wilma Droemont (75) Apply Departements Conquis – Die Sammlung Wilma Droemont filter
- Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil III) (71) Apply Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil III) filter
- Deutsche Post in Marokko & Deutsche Post in der Türkei – Die Sammlung "Waldersee" (100) Apply Deutsche Post in Marokko & Deutsche Post in der Türkei – Die Sammlung "Waldersee" filter
- Deutsche Post in China und Kiautschou – Die Transsibirische Eisenbahn und Kriegspost – Die Sammlung Dr. Heinz Findeiss (125) Apply Deutsche Post in China und Kiautschou – Die Transsibirische Eisenbahn und Kriegspost – Die Sammlung Dr. Heinz Findeiss filter
- Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil II) (360) Apply Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil II) filter
- Deutsch-Südwestafrika – Stempelsammlung auf Privater- und Feldpost (94) Apply Deutsch-Südwestafrika – Stempelsammlung auf Privater- und Feldpost filter
- Deutschland 1849–2000 – Deutsche Kolonien mit Besetzungsausgaben (G.R.I. und MAFIA), Deutsche Nebengebiete, Deutschland nach 1945 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil III) (758) Apply Deutschland 1849–2000 – Deutsche Kolonien mit Besetzungsausgaben (G.R.I. und MAFIA), Deutsche Nebengebiete, Deutschland nach 1945 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil III) filter
- Großherzogtum Baden – Frankaturen und Postgeschichte – Die Sammlung Klaus Peter Geis (97) Apply Großherzogtum Baden – Frankaturen und Postgeschichte – Die Sammlung Klaus Peter Geis filter
- Helgoland – Die Sammlung Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser (Teil II) (215) Apply Helgoland – Die Sammlung Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser (Teil II) filter
- Königreich Bayern – Postgeschichte und Social Philately 1806–1875 – Die Sammlung Oliver Reifenrath (99) Apply Königreich Bayern – Postgeschichte und Social Philately 1806–1875 – Die Sammlung Oliver Reifenrath filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma (69) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma filter
- Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part III) (270) Apply Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part III) filter
- Schleswig-Holstein 1850–1867 – Die Sammlung Rolf Beyerodt (244) Apply Schleswig-Holstein 1850–1867 – Die Sammlung Rolf Beyerodt filter
- Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder (Teil II) (114) Apply Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder (Teil II) filter
- Die Sammlung ERIVAN - Altdeutsche Staaten - Auktion der verpassten Gelegenheiten (160) Apply Die Sammlung ERIVAN - Altdeutsche Staaten - Auktion der verpassten Gelegenheiten filter
- Die Lippischen Fürstentümer, Deutschland ab 1849 – Die Sammlungen Gustav Strunk (Teil II) (111) Apply Die Lippischen Fürstentümer, Deutschland ab 1849 – Die Sammlungen Gustav Strunk (Teil II) filter
- Volkswagen – ein Deutscher Mythos – Die Sammlung Dr. Edo-Meino Eden (61) Apply Volkswagen – ein Deutscher Mythos – Die Sammlung Dr. Edo-Meino Eden filter
- Alle Welt (54) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1654) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (517) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (1238) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (294) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (432) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (816) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (62) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (578) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1181) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (314) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (509) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (198) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Übersee (387) Apply Übersee filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Österreich (16) Apply Österreich filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (3) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Bulgarien (България) (1) Apply Bulgarien (България) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (1) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Frankreich (3) Apply Frankreich filter
- Algerien (1) Apply Algerien filter
- Ungarn (Magyarország) (1) Apply Ungarn (Magyarország) filter
- Italien (2) Apply Italien filter
- Kirchenstaat (1) Apply Kirchenstaat filter
- Litauen (Lietuva) (1) Apply Litauen (Lietuva) filter
- Liechtenstein (5) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Niederlande (1) Apply Niederlande filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (1) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (5) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Portugal (1) Apply Portugal filter
- Russland (Poccия) (2) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- San Marino (1) Apply San Marino filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (2) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (1) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Basel (1) Apply Basel filter
- Ukraine (Уkpaïha) (1) Apply Ukraine (Уkpaïha) filter
- Argentinien (2) Apply Argentinien filter
- Bolivien (1) Apply Bolivien filter
- China (1) Apply China filter
- Guatemala (1) Apply Guatemala filter
- Haiti (République D'Haïti) (1) Apply Haiti (République D'Haïti) filter
- Honduras (1) Apply Honduras filter
- Iran (Persien) (1) Apply Iran (Persien) filter
- Mexiko (2) Apply Mexiko filter
- Peru (2) Apply Peru filter
- Puerto Rico (1) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (1) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Australische Staaten (1) Apply Australische Staaten filter
- Bermuda (1) Apply Bermuda filter
- Britisch Guiana (1) Apply Britisch Guiana filter
- Kanada (1) Apply Kanada filter
- Portomarken (1) Apply Portomarken filter
- Indien (1) Apply Indien filter
1881: Quetzal 10 c. gray-violet and green, used on cover, from Guatemala to Amsterdam, dated 12 February 1885, cancelled in black, to reverse a double circle "New York - Paid B All" dated 5 March and a faint Amsterdam arrival both in black, a remarkably clean cover with just some minor toning to the odd perf., attractive and scarce example
1881: Quetzal 10 c. gray-violet and green, used on cover, from Zacapa to London, dated 14 April 1885, tied by blue three ring datestamp duplex, endorsed "via Livingston N. Orleans", reverse with "Correos Livingston" duplex dated 20 April 1885 in violet, "New Orleans Rec'd" dated 26 April 1885, London EC hooded circle in red dated 11 May 1885, corner fault top left, soiled and some creasing not affecting the stamps, fine
1881: Quetzal 10 c. gray-violet and green, used on cover, from Guatemala to Bordeaux, dated 12 June 1883, tied by segmented cork cancel and Guatemala datestamp alongside both in violet, stamp unusually position lower right, a Paris transit above in blue, endorsed "via Panama", with Bordeaux arrival on reverse dated 13 July 1883, filing crease clear of stamp, a fine example.
1881: Quetzal 10 c. gray-violet and green, used on cover, from Guatemala to Bordeaux, dated 27 August 1888, tied by red dumb cancel with city datestamp in violet alongside, on reverse a smudged arrival dated 28 September in black, horizontal filing crease not affecting stamp, slight soiling, a good example
1881: Quetzal 10 c. gray-violet and green, used on cover, from Zacapa to London, dated 21 April 1885, tied by blue three ring datestamp duplex, endorsed "via Livingston N. Orleans", to reverse a "Correos Livingston" duplex dated 3 May 1885 in violet, "New Orleans Rec'd" dated 9 May 1885, "New York 34" duplex 12 May 1885 and faint London hooded circle in red dated 22 May, damaged lower left corner, tear top, soiled, stamp toned perfs, nevertheless an interesting and scarce cover.
1881: Quetzal 10 c. gray-violet and green, used on cover, from Cobàn to Berlin, dated 24 May 1882, tied by the town datestamp in dark purple black, endorsed "via Panama Southampton", to reverse "Correos Guatemala" pink dated duplex 27 May 1882 and black circle 28 June, tonning in places, diagonal corner fold not affecting the stamp, addessed to 'Freiherr von Türkheim' owner of the famous Baden error of colour sold to German Reichspostmuseum which is today a key item on display in the Museum of Post and Communication in Berlin, an interesting cover
1881: Quetzal 20 c. yellow and green, used example, cancelled by the rarest of all cancellations of Guatemala, on this or any other issue, "AGENCIA POSTAL DE GUATEMALA / PANAMÁ" dated 1 May 1883 in purple and also a barred numeral "B16" arrival mark of Great Britain in black (Plymouth TPO), a great rarity, including this stamp only five recorded, two on cards and three on lose stamps
1881, Quetzal 20c. yellow/green, block of eight, fresh color and good perforation, used with grid cancel, lower right stamp with small stain spot, a very rare and attractive multiple, certificate PF (2023)
"AGENCIA POSTAL DE GUATEMALA / PANAMÁ MAY 1 1883", very clear and superb strike in purple on large part of cover front, sent from San Jose to Christianstad, Sweden, dated 22 April 1883, black "Too Late" alongside, a rarity as it has only been recorded on two cards and three lose stamps, this possibly the only recorded example on part cover.
1887, Salomon 1 c., together with later definitives 1c., 2c., 2 c. on 20 c. and Sam 20 c., all neatly tied by cds. "PORT AU PRINCE 28 JUIN 00 HAITI" to registered envelope to Germany with arrival cds., extremely fine and attractive four-issue franking
1884, envelopes 4 c. red, 5 c. blue and 10 c. black, each with colourfull additional philatelic franking of issues 1864/86 and 1893, as registered letters with red Honolulu cds. to Germany with transit and arrival marks and New York transit register lables. Few minor transportation marks.
"KOLOA JUL 20 KAUI.", superb strike of the small violet cds. on 2 c. postal stationery card to Wien, transit cds. "HONOLULU JUL 22 1894" and "SAN FRANCISCO", re-directed upon arrival in Wien, extremely fine, scarce origin and attractive usage
"JERUSALEM PALESTIN R", boxed registration postmark (Bale-Nr. RC-T6) on registered postcard to Wien, with 1892 10 p. dark green (2) and 1 pia. grey-blue tied by bilingual cds. "JERUSALEM AVR 9 98" (Bale-Nr. 774), arrival cds. "WIEN 19/4 98". A very fine, delightful and very scarce use of the registration handstamp
1948, Doar Ivri 250 - 1000 m. with ful tab from the lower right sheet corners, mint never hinged, few tiny fingerprints, 1000 m. small tear in the lower right sheet margin only, otherwise fine, rare
INVERTED OVERPRINTS: 2011, 1,70 n.- 5,90 n., eight singles, each with inverted black overprint, extremely fine and scarce
1934, 8th sample fair 10 c.-25 l. complete incl. airmail stamps, unmounted mint, slightly toned gum, otherwise fine, 5-25 l. signed Garanza with certificate (2018)
1867, First printing, wove paper: un real on grey-blue and quadrille paper 2. on pale green, tied by "CORREO GUADALAJARA ABR 12 1867" to entire letter to Zacatecas, very fine. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
1867, First printing, wove paper: un real on blue and 2 reales on green, somewhat touched, tied by wreath cancel to small piece, very fine. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
1 r. on white and 2 r. on white, both cut square with clear to good margins, tied by wreath cancel to letter sheet (one side flap missing) with adjacent oval "CORREOS GUADALAJARA 15 ENERO", to Zapotlan, fine. One of only two such frankings recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
4 reales on rose and 2 reales on green, thin laid battonne paper, each bisected horizontally, tied by double circle "FRANCO EN C.GUZMAN" to cover front to Guadalajara, paying the correct 3 reales rate. Very fine and a unique combination. Certificate MEPSI (1999)
3rd printing, wove paper, 2 r. on rose, nice margins, tied by infinity cancel to letter sheet to Guanajuato, very fine. Certificate MEPSI (2019)
Thin laid batonne paper 1 r. on green, 5 copies, all cut round, tied by oval “FRANCO TALPA” to letter sheet 1868 to Guadalajara. A fine and very rare multiple franking, the highest recorded of the entire issue. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
Thin laid batonne paper, 4 r. on blue, tied by oval “FRANQUEADO GUADALAJARA” to entire letter from Hamburg, 13.8.1868, to Tepic, transported by forwarding agent, with his cachet “THEODOR KUNHARDT/GUADALAJARA” inside one flap, with adjacent manuscript notation in spanish, reading “1 1/2 shilling payable to Mr. Nicolas Perez Gonzalez (12 reales)” and entered into the post at Guadalajara. Arrival notation of 25..9.1868. A very rare and interesting maritim usage. Certificate MEPSI (2003)
4 r. on white, nice margins and very fresh, tied by infinity cancel to over to Vera Cruz. Very fine. A great rarity; this is the only recorded used example of this stamp. Certificate MEPSI (2006)
1867, third printing, thin laid batonne paper, rouletted, Un peso on lilac, used with Guadalajara handstamp. Small faults and some missing teeth, still fine. The only recorded example of this stamp. Certificate MEPSI (1998)
Thin oblong quadrille paper, Un real on blue, horizontal pair, deep colour and clear to good margins, tied by oval "CORREOS GUADALAJARA" to letter sheet (one sideflap missing) to Zapotlan, very fine, Certificate MEPSI (2018)
1867, third printing, oblong quadrille paper, rouletted, Un real on blue, tied by “FRANQUEADO GUADALAJARA” to entire letter to Mexico City. A few short perfs, as usual, and two tiny tears, otherwise very fine and fresh. extremely rare; we have no further entires with this stamp recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2011)
2 r. on rose, nice margins and fresh colour, tied by Guadalajara cds. to cover to Tepatitlan. Very fine. A very scarce cover, just two further entires with this stamp have been recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2003)
1868, 2 r. on rose, tied by undated Guadalajara oval handstamp, to entire letter to Leon. a fine and rare entire, just three more with this stamp have been recorded.
1868, laid paper, un r. on green, serrated, two copies in different shades, one with “1863” variety, tied by “FRANQUEADO GUADALAJARA” to entire letter to Mexico City. One of the rarest entires of the provisional issue. Just one further entire with this stamp has been recorded, this is the only recorded entire with the “1863” variety on a serrate adhesive and this is also the only recorded covering two serrated stamps of the 1868 issue. Certificate MEPSI (2003)
1926, State Emblem 10 m. and 40 m., neatly tied by cyrillic cds. "ULANBATOR NONGOLIA 28 III 28" to registered envelope to Kharbin, China, taxed upon arrival with China postage dues 20 c. blue pair tied by cds. "HARBIN - 10 4 28", fine and unusual franking
1888/91, 1 a. dark blue, setting 8 on medium thick paper, block of 12 (pos. 21/40), unused, very fine
1888/91, 1 a. dark blue, setting 8 on medium thick paper, block of six (pos. 38/49), unused, very fine
1898/99, 4 a. light green (cut in at one side), together with 1 a. in vertical strip of three, tied by Birganj negative handstamp to reverse of registered envelope
1907, 2 p., 4 p. and 16 p. in imperforated blocks of 4, unused with gum, most unmounted mint, one with fold between horizontal pairs, fine and scarce
4 p. in imperforated block of 9, unmounted mint, 2 stamps with crease